Last updated a year ago
Without oversight we risk stagnation and we lack accountability in our governance.
Provide community oversight of Catalyst governance processes.
This is the total amount allocated to Community Governance Oversight.
Provide community oversight of Catalyst governance processes.
A wide range of experienced participants from the Catalyst community with backgrounds in finance, academic research, accountancy, project management, entrepreneurship, community outreach, facilitation and development.
See details of team members below
As Project Catalyst evolves through rapidly scaling funds, improvements to and innovations in Catalyst Governance processes need oversight and assessment from the community.
To address this need in November 2021 a Community Governance Oversight proposal was submitted in the Fund 7 Improve & Grow Auditability Challenge. This was successfully voted for & funded in February 2022. The first biweekly meeting of the Oversight group was on Thursday, 10th March 2022 recorded here.
The Oversight group keeps alive interest & engagement in Catalyst governance processes, and observes & documents the collaborative relationship between the community & IOG.
Community Governance Oversight Proposal Intent
This proposal's intent is to provide community oversight of improvements to and innovations in Catalyst Governance (incl. the Catalyst Parameters Pilot below) by collecting feedback and providing tracking, documentation, research and analysis of any proposed changes.
A complementary "Catalyst Audit Circle" ( ) provides oversight on the auditability of funded proposals and acts as a Catalyst Auditing working group.
In each Catalyst Fund new governance processes are introduced. Recent examples of governance processes initiated by IOG & the community include :
The Community Governance Oversight Group will provide oversight on such processes.
Governance Oversight addresses the Auditability Challenge by providing much needed transparency of the use of Cardano's treasury resources.
Governance processes, innovations and experiments directly impact how funded proposals are assessed, voted on & executed. For example Catalyst parameter changes such as the amount of rewards paid out for voting, the amount of time proposers have to submit proposals would directly impact the outcomes for those proposals.
The Oversight group will allow the Cardano community to have more information at a high level on the effectiveness of the proposal process & the Catalyst innovation fund in general. This group plays a critical role in the evolving decentralized Catalyst governance process, and will serve as an important area to test experiments that will flow into the Voltaire processes.
Risk: Lack of liaison with IOG
Mitigation: The Community Governance Oversight has liaised with the IOG Catalyst team since the submission of its Fund 7 proposal in November 2021. Regular contact is maintained with Daniel Ribar, Harris Warren, Kriss Baird & Dor Garbash.
Risk: Lack of community awareness & engagement
Mitigation: Biweekly slides are presented at Catalyst Town Halls to update the community on progress and provide a platform to engage people in oversight activities.
The Community Governance Oversight Process
The Community Governance Oversight Group (hereafter, "the Oversight group") in its biweekly meetings, discusses, assesses and decides what methods are most effective and appropriate to oversee a Governance process.
The pre-planning meeting of 3rd March 2022 for the Fund 7 Community Governance Oversight & Audit Circle proposals is provided here as a YouTube link, and gives context to how these groups are organized. Methods
These methods will include :
Prior to F8 vote
Present - February 2022 to April 2022
Subsequent to F8 vote (if funded)
May 2022 to August 2022
A) Meetings :
Remuneration for members of the Oversight group : $1000 per person (up to 8 members) for a total of 12 hours' work per person : comprises meetings (1 hour twice a month - approx 6 meetings over 3 months) and preparation (communications, working sessions, etc. : 1 hour twice a month).
Subtotal : $8000
B) Fixed Costs :
Internal/external communication and organisation tools: ($1000)
Subtotal : $1000
C) Deliverables / Outputs :
Note : Provision is made for a range of approaches and the budget may be reallocated to adapt to changing circumstances that novel governance processes present. This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to creating, disseminating and analyzing a survey, presenting it at After Town Hall and facilitating discussion.
1 Surveys
For each survey :
Survey design, review by group, implementation, execution, data collection, interpretation and presentation.
Up to 6 surveys (3 internal & 3 external) over 3 months -
$ 4800 for 6 surveys or $800 per survey
2 Facilitation of internal retrospectives
For each retrospective :
This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to the retrospective including interpretation, synthesis and identifying improvement recommendations.
Facilitation of up to 3 internal retrospectives over 3 months -
$ 2400 for 3 retrospectives or $ 800 per retrospective.
3 Production of reports
Production of up to 3 final reports, one on each area of governance (e.g. Challenge Setting, Catalyst Circle Problem Sensing & governance parameters setting) at the end of 3 months. This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to the report writing, including checking whether actions to resolve or improve have been executed, and recommending further improvements.
$ 2400 for 3 reports or $ 800 per report.
4 Research
The Oversight group will facilitate literature reviews and meta-analysis of decentralized governance methods and practices. This research will be used to facilitate informed feedback on design proposals regarding delegated representatives and Catalyst parameter changes.
$ 10,000 for 4 months' research work ($ 2,500 per month)
5 Preparation for a Fund 9 proposal
Preparation to support the submission of a Fund 9 proposal to resource its ongoing activities in proportion to the scope of Catalyst governance changes in Summer 2022.
$ 500
Subtotal : $ 20,100
D - Project Management & Administration
A project management & administration resource will :
Subtotal : $ 2,000 for 4 months ($ 500 per month)
E - Treasury
Andre Diamond & Miroslav Rajh of Treasury Guild will set up the wallet for Community Governance Oversight, arrange ADA payments to members, and maintain budget records.
5 hours/week for 4 months = 80 hours = $40/hour for 80 hours
Subtotal: $3,200
Total : $34, 300
Community Governance Oversight Group : From the Catalyst Community (up to 8 paid members) including :
Treasury Guild : offers a 1 to 1 accounting and treasury service to projects within the Catalyst ecosystem. Setting up and managing Project Wallets and the distribution of funds. Keeping track of all budget items and the exchange rate at which the funds were released to ensure that the budget is spent correctly. Including metadata in the transactions enabling future dapps to pull data and create dynamic tailor made dashboards & templates.
The Oversight Group maintains a record of its progress in a project GitBook at
If this proposal is voted for and funded, its progress will be tracked and documented in a similar fashion to its preceding Fund 7 proposal here :
This will include documentation of :
At the end of this project's 3 month timeline a Project Close Report will provide an overview of progress & lessons learnt.
Community Governance Oversight Objectives - what does success look like ?
The Oversight group will seek to ensure that :
This is a continuation of the Fund 7 Community Governance Oversight proposal -
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A wide range of experienced participants from the Catalyst community with backgrounds in finance, academic research, accountancy, project management, entrepreneurship, community outreach, facilitation and development.
See details of team members below