Last updated 2 years ago
Divide between funded proposal, and output of team. In 7 funds with 575 projects funded only 43 have submitted a Catalyst closing report.
We have created a quick process to do this for the community, where it is fast and less time-consuming for the project creators.
This is the total amount allocated to Project Catalyst Closing Made Easy.
We have created a quick process to do this for the community, where it is fast and less time-consuming for the project creators.
Videography, filming, editing.
Platforms: Final Cut Pro, Davinci resolve 17, Adobe Products, Google Products.
Closing Report Cardano AIM: the end-of-project reporting easy for proposers who are interested in getting a video made for them so they can work on the project they have at hand.
Finalize Project Catalyst Report:
This is so important because it will allow the community to properly audit the success of Project Catalyst proposals. Currently, only 50 of the 1000+ projects funded through project Catalyst have properly closed out their project. This causes a great disparity where the community doesn’t know how the project was carried out or if they had finished on that proposed deadline. So there is no way to show accountability, and we want to improve this for the value of the community and people who support these projects.
Our process will not completely fix this issue but will help add a greater quantity of proposals to the officially finalized stack which in turn provides the community with more transparency of if their votes were used properly or not.
How it works:
Proposal team submits a form to get an official closing report made
A. Create a presentation with this format “---”
B. Add logo + “Clean slides”, make sure to record clean and smooth audio, “no background sound” where possible.
C. Do you have a ‘how to…’ video? If not, screen record an example of what you built, or with a camera take a video of your physical product.
D. Hop on zoom, share the screen and record yourself speaking through the slides.
E. Add your logos, Add your description of project, Add project name, add socials to form
We then make the process easy for the proposer. We will email it to the IOHK Team with all the relevant info. Plus cc you for a confirmation email from IOHK that they have received it. Including the added data to our Gitbook, helping keep track and document our process transparently.
Why is it important?
It's important that the funded proposals are evaluated to see if they are delivering what was established in their mission and vision, and to see if they were on track.
What does success look like?
Several projects evaluating funded proposals, providing reports, articles and metrics on the development and implementation of the projects.
Key Metrics to measure:
Road Map:
Phase 1: Build resources, and develop a process for quick and easy project closing
Time - (2 weeks to a month)
This phase includes:
Phase 2: Allow current non-closed projects to fill out our form and inquiry to have their project closing report done for them.
(Allow only first 50 projects) Time - (2-3 weeks)
This phase includes:
Phase 3: Add all of our close-outs to a git book including the entire process. So we can make this a resource that can be repeated by any community members who have a little bit of videography skills.
(As projects are closed we will submit a closing report to the Catalyst team, and add them onto a Gitbook (open-source document) showing they have been completed.)
Time - (2 months)
This phase includes:
Video creation:
50 videos/powerpoints/submitted closing report = $15,000 @ $300x50
Total budget for proposal: $15,000
The total pot is 200,000 USD so we are asking for 7.5% of the pot, with a ROI that can have a far larger positive multiplier effect. An approximate of 300 USD per closing report and plan to have 50 within 3 months.
Team members include:
Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA & Catalyst School Core Member
UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner
A social entrepreneur. In the last five years, Yoram is focuing on combining impact and business. A mentor with international board, operations, and startup experience. Yoram is an active catalyst member, CA, and part of the Cardano4Climate community. In Addition, active in promoting the Catalyst and Cardano community to impact companies and networks to connect them to the ecosystem (i.e.
More on Sustainable ADA:
The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
Sustainable ADA has experience and backgrounds in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
Sustainable ADA Platform:
Recent long term partnership with and members of Cardashift,, Wada, Cardano AIM, and Cardano 4 Climate, Loxe inc.
**Check out our video:**
Sustainable ADA Vision & Mission -
Sustainable ADA is a platform that promotes education, inspiration, and sustainable development.
Sustainable ADA is helping connect the dots between Blockchain, Cardano, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and action on the ground by showcasing case studies of positive progress and potentially valuable opportunities to be unlocked.
On our platform we plan to share with the world sustainability media, content, and stories from the Cardano ecosystem! Acting as a bridge for the Cardano community, bridging people into a world where they are welcomed on their lifelong learning journey & invited into the Cardano community, ultimately enabling and empowering visitors to discover, acquire and nurture an appreciation of what blockchain is, its limitations, and its possibilities.
There will be an actively updated summary, which is accessible for all, explaining the work done, our deliverables, and KPIs achieved. Our project will be open source and shared with the community through a Gitbook. We will publish each closing report here, and also have documents explaining how we created this mechanism and how one shall follow along to properly repeat the process.
KPI will help us achieve success:
Reaching the KPIs will be a key success indicator. In addition, a key element of success will be the Gitbook helping share our open-sourced process. It will be an important use case for the future success of closing reports in Catalyst. We aim to learn during and from the process, and start developing it into a replicable model that could be self-sustained and adapted accordingly depending on the context.
This is a new proposal. However, the proposing team have a track record of proposing proposals that connect with impact, education and sustainability.
Examples of previously funded proposals are:
Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM, F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Global Sustainable Stories/Usecases F6: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
SDG Goals
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG Subgoals
16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Videography, filming, editing.
Platforms: Final Cut Pro, Davinci resolve 17, Adobe Products, Google Products.
Closing Report Cardano AIM: