Last updated 3 years ago
The world needs help. Non profits could benefit from using blockchain tech in so many ways, not just for accepting crypto.
Charity DAO with snap in systems for non-profits, that's also a place for the community to donate and suggest/vote for new recipients.
This is the total amount allocated to Charity DAO.
Charity DAO with snap in systems for non-profits, that's also a place for the community to donate and suggest/vote for new recipients.
Cardano Community Charity Coin was founded to help spread the use of Cardano to make the world better. Our roadmap contains steps to fully decentralize and be autonomous. We are building a team to carry Cardano to the charities of the world.
We need PEOPLE! People who can work in off time or full time to build something to make corruption in charities a thing of the past and streamline non-profits to be more effective and transparent by adopting easy to integrate crypto payment processing, supply chain verification, and any other beneficial blockchain service they can use. Once these systems are developed and built, the Charity DAO can include free information to all non-profits who receive donations through the DAO.
Not only will it work to provide services for charitable projects, but also function as a place where community members vote on what charities they want to support with funds raised. The DAO will easily integrate with any giving organization to send funds and assist charities.
It must be a model of what non-profits should look like. this means no one person in charge but a completely decentralized autonomous organization in its final form. An app for members to cast their votes, give to the charity fund, and submit ideas is how everything is decided.
To develop something like this will take hard work and our team needs to grow. We will need to hire brilliant developers to help build this and hopefully get a little help from IOHK and others to build some snap in apps for non-profits so they can easily switch to superior Cardano blockchain tech.
Cardano's unique capabilities such as DIDs and low energy consumption provide a real advantage for the future of giving.
With the DAO working, charities will be able to use crypto not just for payments which is HUGE by itself, but enhance their effectiveness via new web 3.0 tech. The growth in transparent practices by non-profits will considerably cut down on bad behavior by so called charitable organizations like the Clinton Foundation. We can insure that money is getting to where it's needed, not into the pockets of the greedy. In doing so, we can help streamline activities for non-profits and make giving more accessible for everyone. Cardano can lead the way in improving the world for all.
We need talented people to build the software. We need talented people to work PR with charities to get them on board. We need talented, driven people to do all of this and more. Until volunteers fill many of the roles, we will need to hire professionals to securely develop the project.
Roadmap available on our site.
estimated earliest time of possible readiness - 1 yr
estimated latest time - 5 yr
We are only seeking 50k to help with initial development of phase 1 and 2. We want to have the DAO voting platform and crypto donation onramp ready for deployment.
Most of these funds will go into hiring DEVs for initial framework. Our estimated initial costs are listed below. These costs
Full time Devs - 60k
pay by project dev - 1k-30k depending on project
Non-Profit outreach team 20k -40k per member
PR manager 40k
Hardware costs 10k
expected other costs 50k
With the right volunteers and a little help from big companies like IOHK (wink wink) we could get this done for next to nothing and save more money for giving.
Once development is complete, it should be a self sustaining system with overhead costs cut substantially and covered by governance token trading.
Plutus SC engineer
Marketing manager with social media and real world experience
Dapp developers with experience in android/apple/microsoft/linux development.
Deployment specialists with people skills to help integrate developed technology to non-profits/ or educate about
There are more roles than these needed as well. As the project community grows, we hope to grow our team.
Github commits, updates via website and social media will be used to show progress.
All wallet info will be public and verifiable records of transactions will be made available. Once we complete the snap in transparency software for non-profit use, we will be using it ourselves to ensure accountability and show off how it works.
Every new goal met will shared with the community.
Success is a fully decentralized community led organization that accommodates charity donations by anyone for any charity.
Success means no more room for corruption for organizations in our community. Non-profits using our model of transparency and efficiency through blockchain technology becoming the standard occurrence is the goal. The Cardano community will be associated with trusted charity around the world.
This is a new proposal. Feel free to reach out to get involved!
Cardano Community Charity Coin was founded to help spread the use of Cardano to make the world better. Our roadmap contains steps to fully decentralize and be autonomous. We are building a team to carry Cardano to the charities of the world.