Last updated 2 years ago
Clean water is hard to get, we propose a way to help and educate about Cardano and cryptocurrencies, replicable around the world.
Clean water, increasing the health and creating the awareness of the Cardano project by educating through advertisement in these locations
This is the total amount allocated to Clean Water helping, carbon neutral.
Clean water, increasing the health and creating the awareness of the Cardano project by educating through advertisement in these locations
The company has several years in the water and wastewater treatment industry, we have installed several of solar panels for home and business and we have already started with this project delivering in this date more than 26,000 liters with little funding and the pool AGUA.
The way we are addressing the problem of lack of education and misinformation about cryptocurrencies in some rural areas in the Mexico Yucatan Peninsula, is by giving clean water to the people, when they come to fill the water bottles an explanation video will be display with educational/advertisement content about cardano and crypto in general. We estimate to spread this educational content for to more than 25k people while installing and operate this modules. eventually all the town around Yucatan will ear it and it will be a success.
By installing these clean water delivering machines, we are improving health and education by the motivation for water we are creating a window of 1 minute of peoples time to help them learn about this important topics, generalizing the knowledge of cardano amongst town people
The main challenge in this proposal is the current increase in price of the modules, solar panels and inverters, when the modules where installed the maintenance cost will probably increase over time, if the rewards for running the pool AGUA doesn’t get the required delegation, we will need to switch to advertisement of local business to get the necessary funds to continue.
Municipality Río Lagartos: On the east coast of the state, 222 km. from the city of Mérida, and 165 km. east of Progreso, with a poverty percentage of 24.1% representing almost 1,000 people who do not see their basic needs covered. installing water purification system with capacity for deliver 1,500 liters per day with the current inflation and price increased we estimated the total value for installation be $ $11,107.00
Municipality of Tekax: Municipality located right in the southern cone of the State 115km from the capital and one of the most important at an economic level, which has approximately 23,512 people living in poverty, installing water purification system with capacity for deliver 2,500 liters per day with installation cost $15,737.00
Dzemul Municipality (In the Yucatec Maya Language: “ravaged mound” is one of the 106 municipalities in the Mexican state of Yucatán containing 123.91 square kilometers of land and located roughly 47 kilometers (29 mi) northeast of the city of Merida, which has 4,000 people. installing water purification system with capacity for deliver 1,500 liters per day with the current inflation and price increased we estimated the total value for installation be $ $11,107.00
description quantity price sum
1500 liters per daywater
tanks 750l 1 $115.00 $115.00
solar panel 400w 6 $220.00 $1,320.00
solar inverter 3600 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00
supportings 6 $135.00 $810.00
cable 1 $100.00 $100.00
stainless steel frame and body 1 $400.00 $400.00
water softener fleck 5600 2cf 13x54" 1 $816.00 $816.00
bag salt 20kg 50 $25.00 $1,250.00
R.O system 1.2gpm 1 $2,047.00 $2,047.00
activaded carbon 10*54 1 $759.00 $759.00
tubing 1 $254.00 $254.00
water window 1 $500.00 $500.00
labor 1 $1,236.00 $1,236.001
total cost of system $11,107.00
2 $22,214.00
2500 liters per daywater
tanks 750l 2 $115.00 $230.00
solar panel 400w 8 $220.00 $1,760.00
solar inverter 3600 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00
supportings 8 $135.00 $1,080.00
cable 1 $100.00 $100.00
stainless steel frame and body 1 $680.00 $680.00
water softener fleck 5600 3cf 14x65" 1 $997.00 $997.00
bag salt 20kg 100 $25.00 $2,500.00
R.O system 2.4gpm 1 $3,983.00 $3,983.00
activaded carbon 13*54 3cf 1 $917.00 $917.00
tubing 1 $254.00 $254.00
water window 1 $500.00 $500.00
labor 1 $1,236.00 $1,236.00
total cost of system 2 $15,737.00
TINSON a formal business is providing the personnel and logistics to achieve this project.
The project deadline is 3 months after receiving the funding, it could be completed sooner, but since the supply chain is struggling we don't want to push it earlier.
3 systems installed, and people and families using it, improving the health and economy of all the people in the town.
this project is a continuation of the original plan in this fund7
since we don't get the funds we are willing to try once more, thank you.
The company has several years in the water and wastewater treatment industry, we have installed several of solar panels for home and business and we have already started with this project delivering in this date more than 26,000 liters with little funding and the pool AGUA.