Last updated 2 years ago
Catalyst's quarterly project funding and reporting introduces a high administrative load on our team of domain-experts
A smart internship-program will allow us to free-up our domain-experts up from many administrative tasks
This is the total amount allocated to DLT360: Smart Internship (6 months).
A smart internship-program will allow us to free-up our domain-experts up from many administrative tasks
The DLT360 Domain Expert Team and the contributing network with many years of experience in this field.
Detailed information & links provided in 'Feasibility' section below.
This proposal is adding general capabilities to the DLT360 team. Having this internship position in place, helps us to become more effective and efficient, because our domain-experts and content-contributors can focus on doing their job (instead of running after administrative tasks).
Please note: This proposal is part of a bigger picture:
The basic setup of the DLT360 Risk & Opportunity Radar was funded in fund 6 and greatly supported by a number of projects in fund 7. Fund 8 will hopefully let us continue and finally get to the status of mature, subscription-based services. Our initial work of fund 6 will be completed by approximately end of Q1/2022 with a first 360-degree roundtrip-video and roundtrip-presentation.
Why are we doing all this?
Cardano - similar to successful professional companies - needs to continuously investigate facts, trends, risks and opportunities. In commercial companies, this is typically done by independent risk-management entities reporting directly to the C-suite. With our services, we want to support Cardano in
We are currently presenting our activities in form of single projects, hoping to overcome this stage with fund 9. At the end of 2022, we want to be a subscription-based service, also available to outside-Cardano clients worldwide (like commercial companies), becoming economically successful and independent from the initial Catalyst startup funding. Please also check and support our proposal for future subscription-based funding (Proposed F9 Challenge Setting:
This position will most likely be located in Brazil, but will act as back-office support for our worldwide DLT360 teams. The nature of this job is cross-functional and cross-location. As there is no suitable challenge setting for such an all-round service, we decided to submit this (for us very essential) proposal here in this Miscellaneous Challenge.
No specific challenges and risks, as we are handling this as part of our ongoing DLT360 journey. Main challenge comes form the need to pack our activities into single projects, but we hope to overcome this stage with Fund 9.
At the end of 2022, we want to be a subscription-based service, also available to outside-Cardano clients worldwide (like commercial companies), becoming an economically successful service-provider, independent from the initial Catalyst startup funding.
The DLT360 team is applying a Business Model Canvas (in MIRO) for continuously optimising the overall business model approach. As most of our activities are highly interlinked, we see overlapping as well as specific elements when looking at the business model canvas project-by-project. Therefore, this part contains both: Generic and specific elements:
1) Customer Segments / Target Groups (generic for DLT360)
2) Value Proposition (generic for DLT360)
Dependent of the above listed customer-segments, we see our value proposition as following (more details in MIRO):
3) Distribution Channels (generic for DLT360)
Depending on customer-segment and corresponding value-proposition, the following delivery channels will be used:
4) Customer Relationship (generic for DLT360)
After handling our startup-activities based on fund 6 and on investments from Heinz Gassner, the fund 7 and fund 8 funding allows us to deepen our content-creation and to grow our team. Based on demonstrating the value we create, we are aiming for subscription-based service agreements in the future. The relationship with outside-Catalyst clients will be based on such subscription-based services and on specific project-based agreements.
5) Revenue Streams (generic for DLT360)
During this early stage of our startup, we are fully focusing on servicing the Cardano Community. The fund 6 and fund 7 funding of our basic DLT360 Risk & Opportunity Radar will lead to delivering 2 quarterly reporting events (end of Q1 and end of Q2 2022). This specific fund 8 project will not be separately considered in terms of a revenue stream. We are applying a careful 'Lean Startup' approach during our journey for planning, checking and iteratively adjusting our Business Model according to our learnings, all documented in our MIRO environment. For the time after Q3 2022, we see the following approaches regarding securing sufficient revenue streams for maintaining and growing our services as well as the required expert team and network:
6) Key Activities, Roadmap and Deliverables (now specific to this project)
We are planning the following activities during 6 months
Based on our listed key-activities and key-resources, we plan with the following costs (please note that we are in progress of setting up a formal company body and need to calculate with taxation according to applicable law):
This specific team is composed as following:
Most of our DLT360 projects are highly interlinked and we handle the overall planning and tracking in our DLT360 - MIRO environment. Due to already running our fund 6 and fund 7 funded projects that way, we are well familiar with Catalyst Coordinator and acquainted with the relevant reporting processes. We are tracking our progress as following:
KPI Progress and Success Measurement
Our Definition of Done and our success criteria are derived from the above listed KPI measurement:
This is a new proposal.
To be completed.
The DLT360 Domain Expert Team and the contributing network with many years of experience in this field.
Detailed information & links provided in 'Feasibility' section below.