Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano TVL hasn't catch up with Cardano's position by market cap.
Milkomeda Hackathon will help with the deployments of projects that and boost adoption in Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Milkomeda Hackathon.
Milkomeda Hackathon will help with the deployments of projects that and boost adoption in Cardano.
The team behind dcSpark has worked organizing hackathons (AngelHack) and also acceleration programs. Also previously, one of the team members was leading blockchain investments at Emurgo.
Milkomeda Hackathon is an online event where projects will have to develop solutions on top of Milkomeda. Projects will be coached by an independent committee and also supported by members of the Milkomeda team.
Milkomeda Hackathon will increase the adoption of Cardano and improve its TVL.
- Not enough projects participate in the hackathon or enough good quality projects. To manage this risk we will collaborate with Milkomeda investors to help promote the hackathon through their networks.
- 1 month to plan and create a website
- 1 month to promote
- Hackathon event
The money will be used as prices for the top projects. No money will be kept by dcSpark.
The dcSpark team.
- By number of projects applying
- By number of projects deploying a solution / prototype by the end of the hackathon
At least 20 projects apply and at least 10 deploy their solutions.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The team behind dcSpark has worked organizing hackathons (AngelHack) and also acceleration programs. Also previously, one of the team members was leading blockchain investments at Emurgo.