Last updated 11 months ago
NFT artists & their customers are hungry for a blockchain driven Metaverse platform that supports truly interactive, animated, 3D NFTs
NFT3D Live brings to Cardano live NFT auctions that are set in a 3D virtual world with integrated video conferencing
This is the total amount allocated to NFT3D Live 3D Interactive Metaverse.
NFT3D Live brings to Cardano live NFT auctions that are set in a 3D virtual world with integrated video conferencing
Experienced Full Stack Dev, Natural Language Processing & Speech Recognition developer, Robotics, and more
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What is NFT3D Live?
NFT3D Live is the first Metaverse marketplace for hyper-interactive 3D NFTs. It protects the rights of both NFT artists and their fans. The artists create exciting, interactive content exclusive to each NFT that their fans buy in real-time NFT auctions held in NFT3D Live.
NOTE: This proposal is in the Miscellaneous Challenge because there is no specific challenge for either Metaverse or NFT proposals.
How does it work?
The artists and their fans mingle in NFT Showcase worlds that integrate high quality video conferencing, resulting in a rich, lifelike environment where everyone can see each other's actual faces instead of cartoon characters that don't capture the full joy of human interaction like NFT3D Live does. Live auctions are held in these showcase rooms with human auctioneers, creating a fun, safe, exciting meeting place where an NFT artist can entertain their fans while enticing them in real-time to buy their latest works.
On the flips ide the NFT Viewer worlds act as custom "viewing rooms" that ensure that only the NFT owner gets to experience the custom content the NFT artist embedded in their purchase. However the NFT owner can also grant viewing rights to any friends or family members they choose. NFT3D Live uses advanced security features to ensure that only those people whose public addresses are whitelisted for access, can view the custom NFT content. Finally the NFT3D Live smart contract supports derivative commissions, so fans can earn profits when they sell an artist's NFTs, if the artist grants them that right.
(Please see the white paper and pitch deck in the Resources section for further details including technical details on the technology involved.)
Neo3D Live was a winner in the SocialFi (social finance) category of the recent Metathon Hackathon held by the Metaverse Alliance. Please visit their web site to see the impressive list of blockchain investment groups and cryptocurrency companies that sponsored the hackathon.
Metathon results page (look for Neo3D Live in the SocialFi track):
It is also a two-time winner in the recently concluded Hack the Inevitable contest:
This contest was put on by Rich Kopcho's group as a way to encourage people to enter proposals into F8.
NOTE: Remember, Neo3D Live will become NFT3D Live when it is migrated to Cardano!
Neo3D Live (live dApp)
(Contact the proposal author for access)
GitHub repository
Metathon winner announcement (see the SocialFi track)
LinkedIn Page for Robert Oschler
Risks and Challenges
Here is a list of potential pitfalls and possible solutions that might affect the project:
Scalability: The DolbyIO video conferencing service supports up to 25 people per conference. Obviously there will be many virtual worlds. Every NFT artist can have their own, or several of their own. But if people want to have giant NFT showcases, then significant additional work will have to be done to either restrict the number of people that can broadcast video (show their camera), or other measures to mitigate that desire. This proposal does not cover the expense of that additional work and resources.
Plutus Developer: It may be hard to find an available Plutus developer given the small size of the available developer pool when weighed against the sizable needs of the Cardano ecosystem. However, this is not a fatal issue. I have already begun initial learning of Haskell and Plutus and if need be, I will do the migration of the NEO smart contracts to Cardano myself. However, that might introduce a delay into the delivery schedule.
Roadmap and Milestones
Q3 2022
Upgrade the infrastructure and video conferencing code to support reliably more than a handful of people in an instance of the virtual world
Begin work with NFT artist(s) that have animation skills to create the first set of NFTs, which will be used for testing the NFT marketplace and for building excitement in the Cardano community for the project
Upgrade the video conferencing code to support DolbyIO's Spatial Audio API, which provides true 3D audio for conference (Metaverse) members
Find a Plutus developer and secure an arrangement for part-time work from them to migrate to Cardano the NFT smart contracts currently on NEO that manage the NFT marketplace
Q2 2022
First set of NFTs ready for use in the NFT Showcase
Complete work on the custom NFT viewer that supports 3D animated hyper interactive NFTs
Complete migration of the NFT smart contracts on NEO to the Cardano main network.
Full round trip testing and finalization of the NFT Showcase and Viewer worlds
Full stack developer (part time): $2000/ month / dev (1 total)
Plutus developer (part time): $1200/ month / dev (1 total)
NFT artists (part time): $400 / month / designer (1 total)
3D graphics designer: $400 / month (1 total)
Web hosting & DolbyIO video conferencing API: $170
Total for 6 months: $25,000
The Team
Robert Oschler: Full stack developer with ThreeJS graphics library experience, professional natural language processing experience in the medical industry, voice recognition and video conferencing app development experience. Languages: Javascript, C#, C++, C, Basic, Pascal, Prolog, Python, Java. Frameworks: Node.js and .NET. Cardano ecosystem member: veteran CA.
NOTE: There are several people I have on tap for NFT design/creation and other animation or 3D work that I will hire as needed. I have worked with them in the past on previous projects
Timeline & Milestones
After 3 months: Integrated video conferencing support of up to 25 people with true 3D spatial audio. First set of NFTs for use in testing.
After 6 months: First working version live on Cardano main network with an initial set of HyperNFTs ready for sale
Number of HyperNFTs created that work properly in the NFT Showcase and Viewer worlds
Number of HyperNFT Live Auctions successfully completed (i.e. - number of NFTs sold)
Number of Cardano members attending HyperNFT Art Shows and Auctions
The project will be considered successful if after 9 months from the date the project is funded at least 500 successful live auctions have been completed and at least 100 NFT artists have signed on to the platform to sell their wares.
This project has never been funded by or proposed to the Catalyst funding system.
It is a self-funded project that it is well past the wireframe or proof of concept stage. It is an award winning project (see the Awards section) that has already received substantial blockchain industry recognition for its first prototype. This prototype is live right now. Please contact the proposal author if you would like to try it out. The web site is publicly available, but the URL is not being published to make sure the server it is not under heavy load when visited by investors, hackathon judges, and of course members of the Cardano community.
This proposal is a hybrid request to facilitate the further development of the existing code and to integrate it with the Cardano blockchain by porting the NFT related smart contract code to Cardano and adapting the client side code to work with Cardano wallets and platform RPC servers (JSON-RPC).
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Experienced Full Stack Dev, Natural Language Processing & Speech Recognition developer, Robotics, and more
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