Last updated 2 years ago
There are 570 million Farms globally. Many are too small to be awarded carbon credits. How can Cardano blockchain help global warming?
PDF will create Proud Dirt Farmer NFTs, a DAO and a Governance Token on Cardano to reward & incentivize family farms for carbon reduction.
This is the total amount allocated to PDF - Proud Dirt Farmers - a DAO.
PDF will create Proud Dirt Farmer NFTs, a DAO and a Governance Token on Cardano to reward & incentivize family farms for carbon reduction.
We are a team with over 100 years joint experience as Entrepreneurs, Farmers, Environmental Science, Graphic/NFT Art and Coding experience. We also know how to build a collaborative team. We seek to build a nice community to help family farmers globally in reducing carbon output.
The team will build a Foundation -PDF.Foundation to administer the Treasury and organize the DAO until full decentralization is accomplished.
Initially, a series of Proud Dirt Farmer NFTs will be created and marketed to fund the operations and Foundation.
A Roadmap, Whitepaper and Tokenomics study will be undertaken along with legal guidance to safely establish the path to take and establish Governance.
Once the above stages are accomplished and the Dao finalized, PDF will begin a reward system for farmers worldwide to assist in carbon footprint reduction, Regen efforts and other initiatives to assist small farmers. The reward Carbon credit system will utilize SSI via Atala on Cardano for registering farmers, creating a self certifying carbon base and, establishing a SSI “ carbon credit bond” for public sale.
PDF will reach out to farm based not-for-profits worldwide such as Farm Aid, Kiva and others for collaborative efforts.
The challenge is submitted in the Miscellaneous Fund because of the different moving parts: Startup, DAO, NFT, and carbon reduction credit rewards for small farmers do not quite fit in any other category. A conversation with the Challenge Team Coordinators at F8 Challenge Fest convinced the team that submitting it to the Miscellaneous Challenge was correct.
The solutions proposed will address the challenge by accomplishing the following and in meeting certain KPIs:
1.Formation of the Foundation, and securing socials,
2.Creation of Roadmap and Whitepaper
3.Tokenomics study and Treasury Development. Potential Stake Pool establishment.
4.Legal review of entities, regulatory challenges and member liabilities
5.Artist engagement in high end NFT originals in themepaks for initial treasury funding.
6.DAO lift off on Cardano ecosystem.
7.Engagement with Farmer organizations worldwide.
8.Development of a farmer based pay-to-play game using developed token.
The above is the beginning of the Roadmap for Proud Dirt Farmers. Along the road we plan on building an involved community that understands food security, the importance of farm based carbon sequestration and, most importantly the reasons to assist proud and independent family farms.
This community will be part of our outreach program and communication network. We will work within current socials to booster our communication and marketing e.g. Telgram, Reddit, Discord, Twitter, Instagram and the Global Farm organizations we partner with.
Legal and regulatory issues worldwide with DAOs.
Carbon credit certification for small farms.
Attracting the best technology and marketing talent as collaborators.
Utilizing Atala for SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) and getting acceptance for it in regards to farmer onboarding and Carbon credit ‘bonds’ or ‘ecobaskets’ for resale.
The detailed timeline for delivering the solution segment described above are:
1.Q1 ~ Foundation formation and social acquisition
2.Q2 ~ Roadmap and Whitepaper issuance
3.Q2~Tokenomics study and Treasury development
6.Q1 ~ Artist solicitation and engagement. One of our founders will be our Creative Director and our first artist. First limited edition Proud Dirt Farmer NFTs ready for marketing.
7.Q4~ Subject to the Roadmap - DAO liftoff
8.Q2- engagement with farmer organization and blockchain SSI carbon credit system complete.
9.Q3 through completion will be the development of a farmer based pay to play/ reward game which will provide more utility to the PDF native token.
$52,000 USD requested. Basis:
20,000 Legal review, compliance and Foundation setup. Outsourced retainer and fee based estimates.
15,000 Tokenomics study, roadmap development and Whitepaper creation. Outsourced pricing model
4,000 Artist fees for initial NFT design work, logo design and social graphics. Two weeks / 80 hours at 50.00 hour.
2,000 Acquistion of Socials and initial web design.
11,000 for infrastructure expenses for initial team compensation and Stake Pool infrastructure Team compensation will be at 35/ hour with an estimation of four weeks at 30 hours/ week= 4,200. Balance is towards stake pool setup.
Lead proposer and Team Organizer
Tom Frey has been an Entrepreneur from age 11 when he started as a paper delivery boy in Manhasset, LI. Seeing the local shop owners had to take time to purchase their papers at a store he recognized a need. He created an early, before school shopkeepers route, in addition to his after school residential route. The extra funds and getting to know the business people launched his investing career at 15.
He achieved a College undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and Biology. Later obtained a Masters Degree in Professional Studies. He spent 25 years in finance, insurance and risk management with offices in NYC, Queens and LI. He sold his companies: Landmark Planning Group and Risk & Safety Managment in 2004. In 2005 Tom founded Elfs Farm ( title Headelf) in way upstate NY growing a new “cold climate” grape developed by U of Minnesota. He now makes wine and hard cider in a small family farm setting and serves on the Board of the local County NY Farm Bureau. The family also operates a seasonal Farm to Fork cafe. During the winter he and his bride of 40+ years stay in Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
Currently, enrolled in Atala Prisim Pioneer class.
Creative Director
Gustavo A. Oduber Jr
Northeastern University, 1982 BSBAInternationalMarketing
Over 35 years of diverse experience including Account Executive, Certified Financial Advisor,Insurance Agent/Consultant, Certified Bitcoin/ICO/Blockchain Investor, Professional Chef, Accomplished Artist, and Art Promoterand various entrepreneurial ventures.
● 1982-1985: Assistant Marketing Manager, B. Fernandez y Co Food Distribution, Puerto RicoManaged major brands including Progresso,Kellogg Clorox, and Hormel.
● 1983: Represented the Wholesale Chamber Association of PR at the Caribbean Basin conference held in Montreal, Canada.
● 1986-1991: Founder and CEO, Unicom Plus Inc.,Miami, Fl
Office product sales and leasing company for various office equipment products and services formajor brands including Sanyo and Panasonic.
● 1992-1996: Agent, MetLife Insurance Company,Miami, FL
Agent, advisor, and consultant to individuals and small businesses specializing in Mutual Funds aswell as disability and life insurance products;Ranked at top 1 percentile in sales.
● 1987-2001: Accomplished Artist (mediums: Acrylic,Pen & Ink, and Sharpie)
Owner/Manager Astoria Fine Art gallery in Coral Gables, FL, better known to art connoisseurs as thecenter for Latin American and International art. Promoted new upcoming artists through variousmedia including gallery weekend in Coral Gables, Miami. Commencing in 2019, merged into producing images on fashion and accessories items which inturn allows for total control over his artistic talents.
● 1996-1998: Johnson & Wales University CulinarySchool; Graduated with honors.
● 1999-2009: Professional Chef for ChilangosMexican Restaurant Coconut Grove Miami, line cook for various high-end restaurants including legendarySouth Beach restaurant China Grille
● 2009-2015: Series 7 Accredited Broker-Dealer,Miami, FL
Designed and developed wealth-building strategiesfor companies and accredited individual investors.
● 2017-Present: Certified Bitcoin/ICO/Blockchain Investor. Transitioned to the cryptocurrency spacebelieving it represents a paradigm shift and one of those critical junctures in human history. Determined to do ongoing research and investments since then in Bitcoin, ICOs, and obtaining Bitcoin, ICO, andBlockchain certification, four in all so far. (Seeinformation below).
● Reads and writes English, Spanish, Dutch, Papiamento (Dutch Antilles local language) andunderstands Portuguese perfectly.
> Bitcoin – Blockchain Certificates and courses: “Blockchain Bitcoin Fundamentals”, “How to Investin Cryptocurrencies”
> Series 6 - Investment Company Products/VariableContracts Representative Exam Sep 28, 1993
> Series 63 - Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination Apr 3, 1995
> Series 7 - General Securities RepresentativeExamination Nov 11, 2009
Director of Communication and Tech Talk
Theresa Frey
Plymouth State University 2001
B.S. Information technology
Minor in philosophy took the Boston Carpenter’s Union online system from a laptop based server system to a RAID 5 system which is still in place today.
Audit Certificate from Coursera in Natural Language Processing 2019.
Director of Sales and Marketing
Kevin Burke
Experienced Account Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry, financial analytics and provider of document business solutions.
• Skilled in complex negotiations, budgeting, coaching and sales presentations.
• Recipient of The Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.
• Accomplished sales professional with a B.A., focused in Business from Marist College.
• Education: Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
• Employment: Xerox Corporation, Pitney Bowes and Credit Risk Monitor.
• Awards: Multiple Xerox’s President Club, Xerox Corporation and Sales Excellent Club with Pitney Bowes Corporation.
• Interest: American History and Culinary Cooking
• Association’s: Dutchess County Tourism Board, Marist College Mid-Hudson Alumni Association.
Audit-ability is tricky for this project due to the many moving parts, the collaborative requirements and the current regulatory and legal issues with DAOs.
In Risk Management the principles are distilled to four letters: I.S.I.M.
1.Identify - we have done so above in the Challenge Question
2.Select - this is achieved in the solution to the question
3.Implement - this step will require seed funding, though we have already started moving forward: We have our initial team; We have acquired the foundation URL and the initial URL as a precursor to the DAO.
4.Monitor - the most difficult principle and where most organizations fail.
That is how I see the audibility & monitoring of this proposal. Initially straight forward -binary- we either do and accomplish what we stated or we do not because of some regulatory or compliance issue. It will unfold. The farm gaming piece will be done or not. The Audibility is pretty straightforward.
The true audit needs and monitoring importance is in Phase 2, when the organization is funded, is selling NFTs, has a Treasury, DAO is initiated and we pivot towards the real mission - helping family farms, globally to sequester carbon, to help Mother Earth.
How do we audit this? At this time anything we write will just be questionable pap. We are aware of the issue, we recognize it will need to be addressed, but at this time we are not close enough to have a solution. As Dor said, the solution will unfold itself in time!
Success for the Proud Dirt Farmer DAO is a self sufficient treasury with inflation provisions that is capable of rewarding farmers worldwide for sustainability and carbon reduction.
having a market place of stunning NFTs with Proud family farms as the muse for our artists.
Atala based SSI for a) farmer onboarding,b) farm carbon credit certification, c) ecobasket/ecobond to sell to market to fund farmer carbon credits.
SDG goals:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
2.3.1 Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming/pastoral/forestry enterprise size
2.3.2 Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status
We are a team with over 100 years joint experience as Entrepreneurs, Farmers, Environmental Science, Graphic/NFT Art and Coding experience. We also know how to build a collaborative team. We seek to build a nice community to help family farmers globally in reducing carbon output.