Last updated a year ago
Lacking a place to gather skilled people able to supply support services for unskilled proposers and CAs with a reasonable cost.
We propose the creation of a Service Marketplace to connect people with good skills, provide support services for proposers, CAs.
This is the total amount allocated to Service Marketplace.
We propose the creation of a Service Marketplace to connect people with good skills, provide support services for proposers, CAs.
Our team has experience in corporate governance, website administration, and blockchain knowledge, specializing in technology, programming, extensive experience in marketing, create and operate Marketplace.
Other skills, if necessary, we will call for support from the community.
Service Marketplace is the place to bring together all Catalyst related services.
Each Marketplace participant will be entitled to register for 2 types of accounts:
Ser vice provider accounts and customer accounts.
For service provider accounts: have the right to post Catalyst related services that his/her individual/organization can provide. Suppliers must ensure the quality of service they provide to improve their reputation and increase service orders.
For customer accounts: there are features of service ordering, service evaluation, supplier evaluation, payment, refund request....
Marketplace will deduct a connection service fee from the Service Provider's revenue. This revenue is used by Marketplace to operate the platform and market to customers in need.
Service packages will be set at prices from 5USD-100USD (+ service fees incurred (if any)).
The purpose is to provide Proposer support services, CAs can perform their tasks more conveniently at a more favorable cost.
Services provided in Marketplace:
For example: (service packages will be provided by service providers based on their skills, experience, and abilities)
Services for Proposer
Services for CA
Logistics services for funded project
Other services
This proposal helps to connect skilled people with proposers, CAs who lack skills and experience.
This helps to increase the quality of Proposal, the quality of CA's assessment.
New members who want to become Proposer, CA will also join more boldly by using support services from Proposers, CAs, and experts with good skills on Marketplace.
It may be difficult to manage the quality of the service that the provider provides in the beginning.
However, we will apply reputation scoring, service quality score for customers (proposer, CA...) to evaluate after using the service. Suppliers who are underestimated (1 star, 2 stars) will be reminded, and must have solutions to improve their service quality. If the rating continues to be low, Marketplace will restrict the display of that provider's services.
We will create policies and regulations on service provision and customer complaint handling to ensure good quality.
It takes us 3 months to create Marketplace and build a community of suppliers and customers.
First month
Build Marketplace website.
Programming features: multi vendor, order, payment, refund, service evaluation.....
Design the theme.
2nd month
Create a Marketplace intro video.
Create a video that guides the steps from registering and posting the provided service to completing and receiving payment for service and skill providers.
Create a video to guide Proposer, CA, customers to search, schedule to use services, skills of service providers.
Implement Marketplace advertising campaigns to the Cardano, Catalyst, blockchain communities.
*The purpose is to attract service providers to post their services on Marketplace, and those who intend to become CAs, Proposers, and other related people into Markert place to place orders.
3rd month
Test run Marketplace, test, edit features (if necessary).
Implement marketing campaigns to increase interaction and connection between people looking for services and service providers. (eg minigame, voucher, coupon....)
Officially operating Marketplace.
Continuing activities to build supplier community, customer community (Proposer, CA)
Total 7,400USD
Marketplace Administration Team
1.Mr.Jimmy Le: Marketplace Admin Team Leader
2.Ms.Ha Nguyen: Vice President of Marketplace Administration
An experienced businessman in e-commerce business, exchanging goods and services on Marketplaces.
Team Marketing
3.Mr.Sang Nguyen: marketing specialist, building community.
4.Mr.Giao: marketing specialist, building community.
especially about the Cardano blockchain ecosystem
5.Mr.Gia Hy: marketing specialist, building community.
6.Mr.Quang: Marketing specialist and English interpreter.
Technical Team:
7.Mr.Tony Nguyen: Programming and information technology specialist
8.Mr. Vu Do: Programmer, information technology specialist
especially about blockchain ecosystem, Cardano.
We are qualified to create and operate Marketplace.
Other skills and experiences, if necessary, we will call for support from the community.
We will periodically report with actual transaction data on the website and marketing channels.
Everyone can check progress and results according to the KPIs below.
1st month
Complete Marketplace website including Multi vendor feature and interface.
2nd month
Complete 3 videos: (Marketplace introduction, vendor guide, customer guide (proposer, CA))
Implement 4 advertising programs to attract suppliers and customers.
Get over 100 vendors to post their services on Marketplace.
Attracted more than 3,000 customers to visit the Marketplace website.
3rd month
There are 50 customers ordering services on Marketplace.
There are 20 suppliers with revenue from customers ordering services.
Implemented more than 2 marketing campaigns to attract and expand the community.
Marketplace visitors increased by 150% month-over-month.
The number of new registrations increased by 200% compared to the previous month.
From the 4th month
The community of suppliers and customers increased by 150% compared to the previous month.
There are over 100 customers/month ordering services on Marketplace.
There are more than 50 suppliers/month with revenue from customers ordering services.
The number of customers accessing Marketplace increased by 150% compared to the previous month.
The number of new registrations increased by 200% compared to the previous month.
This is a brand new proposal
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our team has experience in corporate governance, website administration, and blockchain knowledge, specializing in technology, programming, extensive experience in marketing, create and operate Marketplace.
Other skills, if necessary, we will call for support from the community.