Last updated 3 years ago
Solve the waste management problem by combining an ecofriendly/opensource technology with a decentralized NFT fundraising solution on ADA
EcoLaundryCentre is an innovative waste disposal system where people "pay" the laundry service just by bringing with them separate wastes
This is the total amount allocated to Washing Machines powered by Wastes.
EcoLaundryCentre is an innovative waste disposal system where people "pay" the laundry service just by bringing with them separate wastes
the initiative starts from people with Master degree in Environmental engineering, architecture, sociology. I personally have also several years of experience in designing waste management systems in Europe and in other countries. We are passionate about crypto and blockchain
Eco Laundry Centre (EcoLC) is an innovative decentralized system for waste disposal. It is a laundry centre where customers "pay" the laundry service just by bringing their waste with them. Organic wastes are used to power the washing machines, through a biogas installation. Water is 100% recycled thanks to the constructed wetland system organized as a lush garden all around the laundry centre.
Waste disposal is a huge problem, especially in certain developing countries where there is a lack of adequate and ecological waste disposal infrastructures.
With an EcoLC people will not have to wait for their institutions to fix the waste disposal problem, they can start their own profitable waste disposal activity with their own initiative.
The EcolC is funded with an NFT system. People who decide to buy EcoLC NFTs will receive annual airdrops with carbon credits certification. People can decide to support the creation of an EcoLC everywhere in the world, for example, a person from NY can support an EcoLC in Ethiopia, but at the same time, people of a certain community can support and fund their own project in their own neighborhood.
The EcoLC owner, power the plant with organic wastes, resell plastic, metal and compost, meanwhile, he attracts people to parallel activities such as shops, hairdressers, restaurants, etc..
It directly involves the community: people will be encouraged to adopt the separate waste collection, getting back a tangible return. With an EcoLC, wastes become a resource. If someone do not want to bring wastes can still pay with fiat, or with crypto.
EcoLC reduces our carbon footprint, reduces CO2 emissions and it is also a nice place where people can meet and relax because it looks like a garden.
EcoLC offers free services, so people will automatically be attracted. All they will have to do is to bring their waste (already separate) with them.
The community can decide to fund the EcoLC by themselves just by emitting an NFT collection. but everybody in the world can decide to fund an EcoLC somewhere else, a person in NY can fund an EcoLC in India or in Ethiopia or in Indonesia and by owning the NFT will be a supporter of the initiative. Then the NFT can be resold anytime they want.
EcoLC actually helps to reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere, and this will be certified with carbon credits. The NFT owners will receive an annual airdrop with carbon credit certification. Carbon credits prices will certainly rise in the years, so also the NFT value will.
The main challange now is to promote the project and create a community around us.
The second challange marketing of our NFT campaign
the third challange is to create a good self-assessment tool on our website, so that everybody interested in EcoLC will be able to make a first self-assessment by their own and see if it is actually feasible in their community. And they can also understand the real advantages of the system.
Fourth challange is to involve the Ada community and create a real interaction between people who need the EcoLC, Ada community, EcoLC staff and everybody together will work on the best solution.
even if it is based on blockchain and NFTs, EcoLC belongs to the physical world. It is easy to be built but it is less scalable than an app, because it takes a few days to be built, and it is not just like downloading an app. but NFTs can be bought instantly
- Create a NFT crowdfunding campaign and promote it properly;
- create a self-assessment platform in order to allow everybody to submit proposals for the creation of an EcoLC for their community;
- promote our initiative and create a supportive community around us, We would like to involve the ADA community, if possible;
- we would like to allow the ADA community to promote, suggest, implement our idea. We plan to create the EcoLC almost as an open-source design where everybody can suggest and "work on it" in order to "make it better". we have an idea that works, but with the help of the community, it can be implemented every time with new suggestions.
We want to create the first EcoLC installation as a no-profit activity. We are already planning to make the first installation in Ivory coast, but we are open to discussing other destinations. It will be the first demonstrative plan that combines four different technologies.
The solution offered is a system that combines four different technologies already well known: small Biogas installation with small co-generator, constructed wetlands for water recycling, waste compactor, NFTs. all these four technologies are well known, it is just a matter to combine them together. I have been dealing with each of these technologies in the past.
the next step will be to promote the initiative and create a platform based on Cardano, where everyone can create a NFT crowdfunding campaign to promote the construction of an EcoLC for its own community or everywhere in the world.
With the Cardano IdeaScale we would like to raise the following amount of money:
- 2000$ to create and promote our first NFT campaign for our first plant;
- 4000$ to create a platform integrated into our website, capable to allow everybody to create its own nft crowdfunding campaign, in order to raise funds for the EcoLC. It is like a self-assessment tool where everybody can understand if EcoLC is feasible or not in their neighborhood. after this first self-assessment, a second preliminary assessment will be made by our team. After this second assessment, it will be possible to start with the crowdfunding campaign.
- 2000$ to start promoting our initiative, implementing our marketing tools, creating a community around us;
- 2000$ to involve the ADA Cardano community allowing them to suggest, promote, vote, EcoLC projects in certain specific areas.
The EcoLC complete installation cost around 100,000$ which is less than the cost of a single garbage collector truck. It can solve the waste management problem for a community of more than a thousand people, for years. This money can come from public institutions or from the initiative of the community and private citizens. The money is fundraised with the NFTs campaign, every EcoLC will have its own NFT series.
An EcoLC is composed of many different parts and instruments. some can be found locally (for example gravel for the constructed wetland), others must be imported (engine, specific pipes, etc..), so costs may vary according to the place where the installation will be made.
We can provide a detailed file with each component, but it is a huge file.
Marcello Ambrosio: master in Landscape architecture at Polytechnic of Turin, Bachelor in AgroEngineer at the University of Turin, and SLU in Sweden. Years of experience in the biogas and constructed wetland sector in Europe and different parts of Africa, India, and South America. I do not have linked in, I am planning to make Twitter. I can send my CV if required. Here is an article about me
Missa Ndry: Actor from Ivory Coast, social involved in different social projects community-based, in Ivory Coast and Spain, social impact.
Giulia Ambrosio: master degree in architecture and design, several years of experience in Amsterdam and Milan as a designer
Andrea d'Agostino: master degree in sociology, insurer, entrepreneur, crypto enthusiast.
Start the first NFT collection on cardano and then raise funds for the first demonstrative EcoLC plant
Build the first plant
Start new crowdfunding campaigns for other demonstrative plants
Create a platform connected directly to our website, where everybody (after an adequate assessment from our team) can start their own campaign and raise funds for building an EcoLC for their community.
Success means to have the first demonstrative plant running as soon as possible and then start several different campaigns in order to crowdfund other projects.
The real success will arrive when we will have the first initiative started by its own, by someone who heard about EcoLC and decide to create a NFT crowdfund initiative on the platform.
It is a new proposal
the initiative starts from people with Master degree in Environmental engineering, architecture, sociology. I personally have also several years of experience in designing waste management systems in Europe and in other countries. We are passionate about crypto and blockchain