Last updated 3 years ago
We need easy way to put legal documents, and basic smart contracts on Cardano with no code.
We want to upload conventional documents on Cardano and attach basic smart contracts to them.
This way we have a notarized signatures.
This is the total amount allocated to AdaSign.
We want to upload conventional documents on Cardano and attach basic smart contracts to them.
This way we have a notarized signatures.
Our team consists of 3 developers, and 4 expert reviewers in the domain of document mgmt, law, programming languages, and blockchain.
Basic idea is to upload legal document (if necessary), and allow for simplified description of smart contracts that can later be read by conventional contract analyst in English.
That means that our basic "code templates" will be used to generate English text that describes contract behaviour and provides transparency.
In order to provide a conventional record, we would also include PDF of intended contract, if there is a conventional legal contract with "terms of use".
Together with payments in ADA and clear descriptions, such smart contracts would allow to move bureaucracy entire onto ADA blockchain, together with document flows.
It would also let users analyze smart contracts behind each document by using English description of the policy.
We request a see funding for developing a compiler that provides both English and Plutus description of each contract, and an MVP interface that allows to manage smart contract together with filled PDF forms with data.
Future user experience will be that of uploading a conventional Word document, choosing smart contract template, and deploying a smart contract application on Cardano from SaaS application.
This would allow an easy migration of national bureaucracies to digital domain, along with smart contract that prescribe their application.
We will allow transformation of national bureaucracy into blockchain applications with notarization and cloud storage of the signed documents. This would radically simplify the bureaucracy.
While software part is straightforward, we left a significant adoption and transformation budget in order to publicize the solution and acquire customers. This acquisition of customers will be the longest part of the project.
1. Basic uploading of the documents and signing them by multiple parties in parallel.
- IPFS storage of the signed documents
2. Attaching template smart contracts:
- flow of multiple signatures
- filling additional smart contract parameters
- cancellation
4. Multistage confirmations and negotiations over documents:
- attachment of payments and tokens in-contract
- voting of signers for organizational decisions
3. Community support:
- Tutorials based on existing contract library with common documents: employment contract, formal request, affidavit
- establish community support forum
- automated status page for testing availability of the end-user functionality
- automated status page for testing performance of signing
* Environment for uploading and signing documents on Cardano - 20k$
* Smart contract generator based on information attached to document - 15k$
* IPFS server for holding the attachment data - 3k$ (AWS cost)
* tutorial: two phase commit (Escrow) for two-party contract - 3k$
* tutorial: atomic swap for multi-party contract - 3k$
* tutorial: submitter-reviewer-approver - 3k$
* tutorial: paid application for the government service - 3k$
* tutorial: delivery of the NFT - 3k$
* tutorial: refinanced purchase of tokens - 3k$
* user forum - 3k$
* status page: 6k$
* advertising among: 13k$
* hosting of the service for 12 months: 6k$
* [Michał]( is a professional software developer with a background in functional programming, logic, data analytics, and agile software development. Within the past five years, he presented at events associated with ICFP, SkillsExchange, LambdaDays, Haskell.Love, XP Agile Programming Conference, Data Science Europe, EACSL, CCC, LAP. He is interested in software technology, constructive logic, data analytics, and epistemology.
* Julian Ospald is an experienced Cardano developer with many contributions to open source in Haskell ecosystem.
* []( will provide resources for the work, including high quality code reviews.
Our advisors:
* James Haver is the original and primary developer of the Dexter decentralized exchange.
* Szymon Zioło is experienced business analysts, who worked on numerous public contracts for various aspects of software design, specification, and planning.
Our KPIs will be:
1. automated tests of the SaaS functionality displayed as a status page
2. Number of customers and smart contracts signed and displayed on the front page of the project.
People will sign the documents using the AdaSign.
At least one big organization will use AdaSign instead of bespoke bureaucracy solution due to notarization capabilities.
This is a new proposal.
SaaS will:
* decrease resource consumption per Cardano dApps
* decrease inequality between developers by decreasing threshold on entry
* promote innovation and growth of number of dApps within Cardano community
SDG goals:
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG subgoals:
10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard
7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.4 Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10‑Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, with developed countries taking the lead
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
7.3.1 Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy used by hosted dApps as compared with independent dApps
8.2.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person by estimating a GDP per dApp developer using SaaS
8.4.1 Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP, by estimating material used by hosted dApps as compared with independent dApps
Our team consists of 3 developers, and 4 expert reviewers in the domain of document mgmt, law, programming languages, and blockchain.