Last updated 2 years ago
Every nation needs a free and relevant education system - class and geopolitical circumstance define the type of education accessible
Checkpoint provides free digital learning materials online - using analogue education methods to teach digital literacy for a digital world.
This is the total amount allocated to Liberated Global Education.
Checkpoint provides free digital learning materials online - using analogue education methods to teach digital literacy for a digital world.
I've been a journalist for over 20 years and have come from a BBC and Guardian background - broadcast journalist (award winning). I have been in the games industry for over 15 years working and launchings some of the most recognisable gaming sites specialising in audiences.
Checkpoint is a multi-faceted, digitally-interactive media brand that covers videogames and their influence on society, culture, education and politics.
Using this cultural capital, we are able to engage with audiences in a completely different way, especially children through education.
You will find attached two examples of the work we already provide for schools and home learners.
We try to give back where we can, and we think education is key. By using the cultural capital of videogames, we're able to use children, teenagers and adults' experiences and knowledge to place bigger ideas within context. Whether that's through our learning materials, our videos, audio documentaries or our long form features, we hope they give a perspective otherwise missed.
Checkpoint’s mission is to continue to explore the impact videogames have on the evolution of society, politics, culture and education.
All Checkpoint’s content is free for everyone.
Checkpoint encourages the audience to become active participants by offering multiple ways in which to engage with the brand.
Checkpoint intends to commission more research into the impact of gaming and how we can better utilise the cultural capital associated with videogames.
Checkpoint is evidence based, and will continue to grow with evidence-based research playing a key role in informing our educational content.
We want to show the value of gaming in helping to prepare the future generations for jobs that don’t yet exist by nurturing their intrapersonal skills and developing resilience, fact checking and more.
To be at the cutting edge of evolving technology, delivering interactive content on the next iteration of the internet: Web 3.0
We don’t have any real risk in as far as creating and providing content as we already do this. Our main risk or edge is the fact we’ve identified a way to provide a real change in the wy people engage with content with our engage to earn model. In order for this to work, we need to be ubiquitous, with access to our content accessible to all no matter what device they’re on. The only main challenge is to get there first and own that space.
In 2022 we will:
Make multiverse content ubiquitous and accessible across all devices.
Release our first sets of NFT cards
Unveil our plans (and already completed development) for the expansion of the Bedtime Stories and their integration into Checkpoint Kids and Learning
Become more engaged with schools to deliver meaningful lesson plans focused using videogames as a vehicle for learning
Distribute the Governance Token
Announce major partnerships
Checkpoint is unique in the fact that it's able to generate income from revenue streams that are not dependent on the blockchain or crypto. Because Checkpoint is an editorial site first, which serves its dedicated audience, Checkpoint has real-world advertising opportunities, as well as new technology opportunities within the brand. We can sell advertising in the magazine and multiverse, sponsorship or advertising across our websites or podcasts, as well as video pre-rolls on our video content.
It is important to note that we will NEVER sell advertising in any of the Kids properties or platforms - we have a number of other ways of generating revenue for children (such as Corporate Social Responsibility, Outreach with industry and much more).
Education is for everyone, and we focus on bringing the most informed articles, audio and videos for your reference. Adults and kids alike.
Lesson plan database update - $25,000 USD
Equipment - $10,000 USD
Team - $15,000 USD
Marketing - $5,000 USD
Contingency - $5,000 USD
Editor of the Checkpoint Kids brand is Chris Winson Longley; Chris has over 25 years’ experience as an English teacher, has developed initiatives with the CfBT and BFI. Helped develop whole school initiatives including Literacy and Opening Minds.
Now editor of Checkpoint Kids Magazine and continues to put the individual child at the heart of the learning experience in fully resourced, cutting-edge school and home learning activities.
Tamer Asfahani: Award-winning journalist and producer for over 15 years, trained in the arts of broadcasting at the BBC.
An all-round, multi-skilled broadcast journalist specialising in audience identification and a pioneer in technology to find new ways to engage with an ever-growing global audience.
The founder of the Checkpoint brand and a champion of education through games.
The more schools we engage globally will be one of the many measures of progress, as well as the number of submissions the Kids magazine gets (we encourage the kids to fill the magazine with their content - a magazine for kids by kids), as well as developing and consulting on digital literacy globally.
In addition, we'll see this manifest in our multiverse.
As previously stated, success looks like people consuming our content across the brand and sharing their creations (kids) in the magazine and in the multiverse.
This is an entirely new project.
I've been a journalist for over 20 years and have come from a BBC and Guardian background - broadcast journalist (award winning). I have been in the games industry for over 15 years working and launchings some of the most recognisable gaming sites specialising in audiences.