Last updated 2 years ago
Most of blockchain certification and traceability solutions are private, permissioned, expansive resulting in low adoption,interoperability.
Developp a free certification and traceability system based on CNFT without third party, build on Cardano, opensource and entreprise grade.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Certification and Traceability.
Developp a free certification and traceability system based on CNFT without third party, build on Cardano, opensource and entreprise grade.
Jules Repuseau: Blockchain researcher, Web developper, Emurgo student (Haskell)
P.C : Website and Mobile app developper
General concept
The general solution is composed of 4 steps going from A) the token minting that represent the product/ production site or certification with a lock policy ID B) the token minting of the product itself that will refer to the certificate minting transaction C) several transaction between Intermediaries until the reseller and end user, new information will be added in the metadata transaction. This model will work in many sectors including food product, pharma supply chain, car industry and real estate. This model will lower the cost to include IoT data, collaborate with insurance and regulator and build new model of governance based on NFTs.
NFTs will contain a metadata field "lock" policy only known by the Producer then the Producer will be able to use the policy to create the Product securely. The Product created will refer to the NFT Certification by its first transaction that contain token minting end user will be able to verify the product certification and traceability .
This solution lower the barrier for usage of Cardano for certification and traceability, lower the cost, remove the middle man and create a decentralized system. Moreover this system support adding IoT data in the metadata transaction, develop digital product identity and advertisement (post NFT on twitter or Instagram soon) and the development of self sovereign governance and alignment of producer and consumer.
Thus we are working on several model aim to target several industries in Africa and deliver low cost, secure traceability solution:
($2000) Drugs traceability opensource solution
($2000 funded, ongoing) Smallholders farm and food traceability opensource solution
Drugs traceability
From all the fake drugs reported by the who between 2013 and 2017 42% of fake drugs came from Africa. Fake drugs for pneumonia and malaria may killing around 250000 children's for a lucrative turnover of 200 billion each year.
Many permissioned blockchain offer to tackle the pharma supply-chain counterfeit issue however most of them are not open source and too expensive for low and middle income countries.
We are working on an opensource pharma supply-chain traceability solution composed of a web app and mobil app that will allow stakeholders to track and trace drugs. Decentralized and permission-less this system will allow regulators and buyers to query claims of the seller.
Stakeholder can secure the information and keep privacy while storing hash in metadata transaction but also make certification public for every consumer to verify information.
This system will decrease the cost of blockchain inclusion in the pharma supply chain and help low and medium income countries to adopt a secure blockchain backbone at a lowercost.
Smallholders farm and food traceability
Blockchain adoption is raising in the food supply chain including IBM Food Trust with Walmart and Carrefour. Many actor offer solution Many actors offer solution in this segment including Origin Trail, AgriChain, AgriDIgital, Agrolot, Greenfence, Mixing Bowl, Ripe, TE-FOOD. However most solution solution are expensive, permissioned and doesn't offer open source development or educational purpose reducing the blockchain use main advantages for consumer and producer.
Application for the Tea industry
We deliver the full documentation about the Tea production use case and are building a web-mobil dApp to connect consumer directly with organic and provenance certification of tea leaves.
Once this project completed we will apply this open source certification and traceability for Cocoa, coffee and cotton and are granting $50 worth of ADA for smallholders working with us to develop our pilot.
Our solution are open source then can help any business with medium to low budget that want to address a more global market to have inexpensive certification and traceability tool secured by Cardano blockchain. It will help for the development of NFT standards and to provide solution in different sector. Moreover it help for regulator of the supplychain to build a more sustainable and operational supply chain.
We are working to establish a realistic model and NFT use case based on research conduct on site and communicate with pharmaceutical company based in Africa to discuss about open source traceability solution based on the blockchain.
The main risk is the low adoption of our system. Our goal is to create a solid community and user that will prevent this low adoption and help to develop the solution
The second risk is the enterprise grade application. Our model and app are prototype that need to be elaborated and tested by several stakeholders in different situation. We are currently working on it to improve our solution.
The third risk is the price of our solution: Every token transaction will cost 1.4ADA to perform that can be rapidly costly for a smallholders farmers. More however a lot of education needs to be done to help considering this type of solution.
For the next 6months aim to work with researcher and developer to build an interactive website and our inhouse tool to develop this platform.
We aim to develop partnerships with industry in different sectors and build several uses cases with the goal to improve the supply chain sustainability.
Our budget is separated in
$200 to set the scope of the project and work on the specification
$600 to work on the webapp aim for the industrial, regulator
$600 to set the prototype mobil app
$100 for testing
$500 set a Website and communication content
$200 to find industrial partnership and research scholar
We will look at the following metric:
The success is an adoption for the supply chain in several different sector with several certification in multiple domain
This proposition is a more broader when from the previous proposition
Education , infrastructure development,sustainability
Jules Repuseau: Blockchain researcher, Web developper, Emurgo student (Haskell)
P.C : Website and Mobile app developper