Last updated 2 years ago
Currently Cardano does not have a strong foundation to make any change in any country as the freedom of speech does not exist universally.
Change can only come with the free expression of ideas. in order to promote this, we must change the way in which "Logic" is interpreted.
This is the total amount allocated to Proof of Article (BIG ASK).
Change can only come with the free expression of ideas. in order to promote this, we must change the way in which "Logic" is interpreted.
Team of 25 with 50+ years of experience in journalism/editing/media.
2 Team members with extensive experience in ADA
1 Front end developer
2 Marketing experts.
*Proof of Article Concept (SECTION 1)*
Proof of Work/Stake/Authority Reimagined:
Imagine that instead of every node being selected based on PoS, a node is selected based off of the quality of an article submitted. The article would be voted on by users and its approval rating would then give it a chance to create a block. Keep everything the same about PoS on ADA as it is, but change this one thing. If say for example the article has a 70% approval rating after x votes, then it has a .7/(Total Articles Eligible) chance of adding to the blockchain (category dependent). As a result, the journalist would be eligible to generate a block and receive a reward.
So for example, a journalist writes an article with a .70 approval rating and nine other journalists write articles with a .84, .93, .60, .55, .95, .68, . 71, .54, and .99 approval rating. Then our journalist has a .70/6.79 chance or 10.3% chance out of the ten journalists of being selected to add to the block-chain.
Of course their would be restrictions such as making an article with a less than 50% approval rating after x amount of votes and dependent on region ineligible for rewards. After all an article with less than 50% approval probably hurt more than helped people, but anyone hosting a node could submit an article for that day and try again tomorrow or next epoch.
Multiple Articles
Multiple articles can be published by the same node/journalist(s) and may work together to compliment or detract from each other. For example, an article rated 72% and an article rated 30% may be averaged to give a node a 51% chance of generating a block. In journalism, you can't always tell which articles will thrive and which ones will die so you may publish multiple in a news cycle.
How It Starts: Dynamic Articles
It would be too easy to blindly publish articles and score a 90%+ approval rating each time if an echo chamber were to form around the articles being posted. Therefore, criticism must be easy to create and view with each article.
Let's say a journalists writes an article, publishes it, and people see it. Maybe people share it around the internet and discuss it. Well that would be the legacy system of news interpretation. Proof of article would be different from that as it would allow for the creation of Dynamic Articles.
A Dynamic Article is an article generated by any user for a small token/coin fee. This fee would be used to duplicate the article of an author when published and would be tracked in the blockchain. From there, the creator of the Dynamic Article can add their criticism to the article and share it around the internet. The reason you want this is to form stronger logical arguments against or for a journalists work and any position held within it. Simply commenting on work as legacy media systems at most allow, does not generate thought and does not convince anyone of anything. This also enforces objective journalism as a user will have the power to criticize a journalist for writing with a slant. Effectively peer reviewing the original article.
The Dynamic Article can then be republished in a 'comment-like section' within the bottom of the Article as a criticism/peer review or as a footnote/highlight if criticizing a specific section. User's can then view the criticism and vote on whether it is a good criticism or not in order to show where in the “comment-like section” the article belongs as a formal criticism. User's must be connected to the blockchain to vote and in in the specific region the Article is published.
Possible Voting Process:
The Dynamic Article is a necessary feature as a comment is simply not enough to criticize a work nowadays and learning is not promoted. The original article must be highlighted, cross referenced, and compared to other forms of data. This is the only way Proof of Article will be able to thrive without simple ignorant and fallacious "This article sucks" or "This article is biased" arguments.
***Orcafax We would like to give users the ability to use Orcfax's archives when fact checking or article duplicating to criticize. A project funded in Fund 6.
We would also like support from ADAO. We thank them for their support so far.
***Innovatio Community
We would also like support from Innovatio Community. We thank them for their support so far.
Know your voter will be essential in order to maintain voting integrity. For example, if an article is only Kenyan news, then only Kenyan’s should be able to vote on it but if it is African news, then anyone in Africa should be able to vote on it. As a result, a legal registry of ones address must be accompanied with ones account to vote.
SPO’s (Stake Pool Operators)
Currently SPO’s create pools in which anyone can delegate to. The Role of an SPO in Proof of Article is to do more than this and act as an Editor. This is not to say an SPO has to edit. An SPO can simply republish information if they would like to. However, when journalists send their articles to an SPO they should be able to receive at least some sort of feedback whether it is the rejection of the Article by the SPO or the acceptance. Other than that, SPO’s should be able to edit articles for a cut of the tokens generated.
SPO's can act as editors in the sense that they host and edit the articles being submitted to them. They can do work through editing while the main chain is processing Proof of Article. This could be distributing ad revenue, locking and unlocking article rewards that have been challenged through article duplication, tallying votes, and fact checking through orcafx. All this may require Peer to Peer technology though (P2P).
Coins, Tokens, and Ad Revenue
In theory, there will be one Coin that will communicate with the DJED stable coin and the ADA coin. This will be jornlrmedia coin (But we can rename it). jornlrmedia coin will encompass worldwide news and run on a 7 day news cycle or Epoch like how ADA runs on EPOCH's. EPOCH time may be adjusted as the blockchain grows. Within jornlrmedia will be 7 Regional coins. One for Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica. Antarctica may be scrapped but it could act as a stable coin for the regions. Within each Regional coin will be country coins, and within each country if necessary provinces/states/territories/counties. These can all run on faster EPOCH’s and do a lot of off chain computation. All this may require Peer to Peer technology though.
Each coin will go online when a certain population total to population proportion of journalists are met. For example, if there are 3.08 Million people in Nevada, then there would have to be 1000 journalists located in the region for the Nevada coin to go online. This is to model roughly 1 journalist for every 3000 people in Nevada. If 1000 people can not be met, then journalists in Nevada would have to participate in the next region up. This is similar to how coins plug into existing para-chains on Polkadot. That next level up being the Federal District 9 region.
Each will be independently ran by the journalists within those places and changes will be voted on between the participating members. Advertisers will need to buy coins from the region to advertise there. Users can only vote within each subsection of their regions. For example a user could vote:
Globally>North American>America>Federal District 9>Nevada>Reno but not
Globally>North American>America>Federal District 9>California>Reno if they did not live in California.
if they lived in that area, they would have to move to California and hold a California IP for x amount of Epoch's before they were allowed by the Californian journalists to vote there.
You may have also noticed Federal District 9 is in the tree described above. This is because California and Nevada can be separated from the United States due to their legal jurisdiction. This would be important if a journalist is being sued in federal court and rewards need to be locked temporarily.
Audience, Time, Categories and Requirements to Add to the Block-chain Considerations
Currently, in the realm of journalism there are 3 things journalists care about. Time a story lasts, Audience, and Categories. As shown above, the structure of the Coin/Token is based around Audience and their location. However, some people only care about news that has to do with Politics, or Sports or Gardening. Or what if something becomes old news really quickly or changes really quickly? This is where Proof of Article may use categories to place stories on a more level playing field with other stories. For example, lets say gardening news only gets on average 1000 views per article while Sports gets 10000 yet are both given a 70% approval score. The chance for a gardening story to add to the blockchain must therefore be lesser as the sports story is more valuable. Therefore, the need to average tons of data will be necessary. A baseline for this would probably be political stories as they are very popular. This project will require a lot of balancing per category and averaging. It will be essential that a story will be published in a category and viewership must be tracked.
Some stories popularity will only allow a temporary window to add to the block-chain before it falls out of favor with the audience. Some stories lifespans will need to be extended and others cut short during epochs in order to give a proportional chance to add to the block-chain. In the case of the gardening vs sports story, the sports story should have about 10 chances per every 1 chance the gardening story has at a 70% chance to be selected due to number of views on average. The sports story will also last a lot longer so it will have more time to be selected during the epoch on average.
However, it is important the article is only changed based on time popular or category as the audience must always have the final say on things. The algorithm can not change to reward an article the audience does not like or likes too much. If the average article in politics gets a 60% approval rating and one gets 80%,10000 views and is relevant for 8 hours on average, it can not be given more than the 10 opportunities and the 8 hour window to generate blocks that it normally would be given simply because it is liked more than other articles. It has not earned more opportunities and more window time unless it can prove it is earning more.
The Article/Node can prove it deserves more time and more opportunities to generate blocks by gaining a steady amount of viewers and more time to generate blocks by staying relevant in SEO data.
Getting Deeper into the Process:
Now let's say someone wanted to Fact Check a journalist? Well, they should be able to do that too. Let's say a journalist has an article/node which someone spends token on to fact check. The user would be able to highlight the fact check in question and submit it to a vote. The community would vote on it and if 2/3 people believe the fact is wrong, then the journalist would experiences a penalty where a % of their tokens generated will be burnt and a correction must be issued on the Article to right the wrong. If not righted, the article/node will lose eligibility to produce a block or experience more fees.
What about if someone plagiarized? Same thing. A user can spend token to call an author out on plagiarism or a lack of sources and users can vote on it after the author has had 1 hour to respond. Then the response is put to a vote with a 2/3rds necessity for the author to be convicted.
What is a journalist is sued for writing their piece? Well, then the tokens must be locked until the legal injunction is over. If the author is found guilty, the tokens may be given to the plaintiff or burnt. If not, then they will go to the Author.
Rewarding the Users
As of now only coins go to journalists and that is correct. Instead, what will go to users is ad revenue. For participating on the website, users will receive ad revenue. However, ads can only be purchased using tokens which the journalists create. This will cause a 3 way cycle where ad revenue is given to the users, users vote independently on journalists as their ad revenue simply comes from participation, journalists receive coin by creating good articles, journalists sell the coin to advertisement agencies, and advertisement agencies give money to users in the form of ads. Users can elect to have their ad revenue in the form of token if they choose to though.
What about Bots and Algorithmic Manipulation?
There will be no vote manipulation in many regions as each user will be earning ad revenue from the website and will be subject to tax at least in the United States. Like many crypto trading apps, they will have to provide a unique ID and enter in their residency. Therefore, they will be locked to their region for voting. A proof of residency or proof of phone number system may also fix this. Other than that, anti-bot software may be necessary to develop
Other Benefits to Consider
Given the structure of Proof of Article, in times of war a countries currency is often times devalued. However, if that were the case then the journalist can provide food for himself by writing for a higher tier of Proof of Article. Let's say war breaks out in South Africa. Then the journalist can still get their message out by publishing their article to Africa rather than South Africa and still make money.
Proof of Article will allow people in tyrannical governments to break away from tyrannical government by allowing people to publish their truths anonymously and without government interference.
This Proof of Article technology will be able to give voices to women/LGBTQ+/Persecuted Peoples in countries who will write anonymously.
Currently, what people can do with ETF's is not much. Right now, you can only really trade ETF's and use them as placeholders. On and one would be able to use an ETF as a custom flare for a forum, a reaction such as on facebook or any modern site, or for a stream emote. Much like how has emotes and donation animations.
Will reduce FUD surrounding crypto news by providing accurate Crypto news. Will improve everyone's wallet overall.
In order to get Articles trending, one can make a liquidity pool in which Crypto is drawn from and drained per share. This concept is still being worked on.
A ranking system for all journalists, editors, and auditors should be created in order to provide clarity to whom is creating quality content.
Tripple Threat Media Platforms (SECTION 2)
THE STRUCTURE OF jornlrmedia.COM: (Introducing
Links that will be referenced in this proposal: (Main Website) (Handle of the Trident) (News Website) ( Main Prong of the Trident)
1.Google News Archive: (Social Media Website) (Side Prong of the Trident) (Video Platform) (WebApp on Google Play) (Side Prong of the Trident) App:
The Reason for this social media/news/video structure is at the end of this paper which is important as the literal structure of the site is important to understand.
** jornlrmedia is not necessarily the final name of this coin or project. It is simply something we made 3 years ago when this project started* can best be described as a thought experiment that has manifested itself into a media trident. The site is held together by its base landing page and metaphorical/literal handle The site then splits off into three prongs meant to attack establishment media. The main prong of this metaphorical trident is the news page ( which Proof of Article will be first deployed on before modified for and possibly The support prongs and are meant to be powerful, supporting, and alternatives to news but complimentary. Live is a social media site and tv is a video site. With over 2000 stories covered on the news website, a social media platform, and a video platform, it is off to a good start but seeks to grow even larger. The reason it is built in such a way is to combat regulation. Specifically section 230 of the communications and decency act found here:
The reason Section 230 is so important is because Section 230 states "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider" (47 U.S.C. § 230). which is essential in defining what a publisher vs a social media site is. is broken into 3 sections so it can be USC Compliant and a social media and news website at the same time by being separated into differing subdomains.
Along with the Proof of Article process described above, there are many features that create a simple and easy user experience for avid news readers. Take for example, the News Map located on the homepage of the website. This news map is an experimental and ideal way for people to receive news by country. A concept that has yet to be explored by any mainstream outlet.
But that is not all has to offer. On each article you can see a poll. There is an interesting little poll box on the side of each article that asks readers to vote whether the article is left or right leaning. This is to ultimately create the least biased news experience through Proof of Article and reward journalists for remaining objective. Polls will be added in the future as the requirements for Proof of Article scale and increase.
Along with the news side of the website, jornlrmedia is host to a TV platform for video journalism and commentary.
YouTube and its parent company Google clearly do not want political speech on their website. Frankly, I do not blame them for banning people given the pressure from advertising agencies. However there should be a good alternative for people that respects political opinions. If YouTube wants to simply be entertainment television and not news and politics, we can fill that void. That's why unlike YouTube, is strictly for those who need a place to express free speech in the realm of political commentary and news. By only allowing political opinions, we guarantee the safety of political opinions. The website can be expanded to encompass more things in the future but that needs to be voted on and be carefully implemented
Lastly, what completes is the third sub-domain, This is a simple and easy to use social media site, structured a lot like Facebook but with added features such as forums. In order to compete with other social media sites, it will be important people are able to discuss things within forums. However, we are still connected to a news website so we don't want to become completely commercialized like Facebook. will also have the ability for users to spend crypto to boost their posts in differing subsections. Much like how journalists compete in differing subsections (Global>Continental>Country>Regional>State>County)
So for example, a user can only boost their post in California if they live in California or the United States if they live in the United States.
Some things to know before using the website. If you make an account on, you can use the same username and password for! They are automatically linked. We would like this to be a feature for all subdomains but tv is coded in larval vs the WordPress sites.
Social Media Links:
YouTube Cardano does not have a strong foundation to make any change in any country as the freedom of expression/speech/press does not exist in those countries. Progress, freedom, liberty, and change can only come at the free expression of ideas which Cardano has done little to promote. This is because Cardano has not changed the way in which "Logic".
Furthermore, slanderous lies about blockchain technology plague the media and threaten the Cardano ecosystem. Projects that guarantee freedom of speech but not freedom from consequence in the case of slander, libel, and other fallacies, will ensure Cardano has a future and developing nations have a future too. Crypto has already experienced threats of censorship, crackdowns, and in many countries outright bans. The FatF has already made Crypto recommendations, and blockchain technology may be stifled before it even has the ability to grow if we do not create favorable media coverage.
The Ethereum foundation, for example, realizes this and is merging with Reddit to create a friendlier media crypto relation and Ethereum based social media tools. Even to remain competitive we must begin to investigate building a crypto news/social/and video site.
The Crypto world has metaphorically put the cart before the horse or the chain before the block. This is in no way a statement of blame but simply a statement from a differing perspective. The reason for this is because we have cut corners despite trying to move as slowly as possible. In the hurry to create all these great projects to better the world, we have not thought about the first tool used to create these projects. That tool being logic.
Logic has evolved to the point it is; to many in this block-chain business simply code or ways that machines communicate with each other. However, this is only a version of what logic could be much like the form of logic I will present to you today.
The lens this essay is written from is through an Aristotelian way of thinking about logic. Logic being the way we reason correctly. This essay is less about blockchain technology, but an end goal of reasoning the data we humans are fed through news, social media and video. No cryptocurrency has sought to redefine the way in which we come to logical conclusions. As a result, we are simply creating a Frankenstein like creature with a new body on a dead head. If we were to attach the decentralized financial system to the rest of the world today, we would simply be putting an organ into a body that would reject it. In fact, we can see its rejection whenever we hear about FUD. This is where proof of Article would come into play.
Proof of Article calls for a new form of information interpretation and logical conclusion through decentralized input and output. It is an attempt to be the new printing press. With the rise of the internet, news can now be criticized, interpreted, and communicated by many. As a result, this has led to what many people call 'Fake News' or 'Misinformation'. However, what if a system existed in which different nodes could verify the quality of an Article?
Risk: Not attracting enough developers or skilled developers.
Risk: Lack of funding.
Risk: Lack of collaboration amongst other projects in project catalyst.
1st 6 months, find technology already built on ADA and implement it into the project
A. Have the main Layer 1 Technology complete (6 Months)
1. This means having research done 3 Months in
2. Have the system implemented at 6 months.
ISO for Jornlr Coin / Main Coin
6 Months in, develop all needed technology
A. Have the first Layer 2 continent level tokenomics complete using L2 ZK
1. This means having region based journalism research complete in 6 Months
2. Have The system implemented in another 6 months.
3. Develop fact checking mechanisms in 3 months (Only research for 1 month)
4. Implement fact checking mechanisms in 3 months.
Be done 2 years in
3rd year, bring it all together.
A. Have 100 Journalists/Editors on the network.
80% research and development (160,000 ADA)
15% to create Proof of Article (Substitute POS for POA)
7.5% of budget to research, 7.5% to implementation
15% to create Region based System that works with POA
7.5% of budget to research, 7.5% to implementation
++15% Fact Checking/++Plagiarism/Legal injunction Mechanisms
7.5% of budget to research, 7.5% to implementation
15% SPO's as editors development
7.5% of budget to research, 7.5% to implementation
20% Advertising Agency System that encompasses all
5% Education (10,000 ADA)
Educating journalists/editors on how to use the system
5% Supplies (10,000 ADA)
9% Miscellanious/Unforseen events (18,000 ADA)
1% Marketing Budget - (2000 ADA) (We would rather have natural growth)
1,000,000,000 Coins Total
Must submit an article to participate.
500,000,000 for public
100,000,000 for the team
400,000,000 to sustain more development
10 Developers
5 Managers/Project Leads (Could be developers)
5 Social media/Marketing management
100 Journalists/Editors/SPOS
1 IOHK Member to provide oversight and as a contact.
DAO Support?
(Meet the Goals outlined in Timeline)
1st 6 months, find technology already built on ADA and implement it into the project
A. Have the main Layer 1 Technology complete (6 Months)
1. This means having research done 3 Months in
2. Have the system implemented at 6 months.
ISO for Jornlr Coin / Main Coin
6 Months in, develop all needed technology
A. Have the first Layer 2 continent level tokenomics complete using L2 ZK
1. This means having region based journalism research complete in 6 Months
2. Have The system implemented in another 6 months.
3. Develop fact checking mechanisms in 3 months (Only research for 1 month)
4. Implement fact checking mechanisms in 3 months.
Be done 2 years in
3rd year, bring it all together.
A. Have 100 Journalists/Editors on the network.
The ability for anyone in any country to be rewarded by blockchain technology for providing useful information through news media.
Not a continuation.
SDG goals:
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
16.6.2 Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services
Team of 25 with 50+ years of experience in journalism/editing/media.
2 Team members with extensive experience in ADA
1 Front end developer
2 Marketing experts.