WadaDex: a fiat and mobile money accessible platform that simplifies crypto market participation and facilitates capital access for projects
Wada is a Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals with 20+ funded proposals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. SCI develops financial and blockchain applications with an emphasis on Trusts, Risk Management, and Financial Engineering.
Our solution, WadaDex, is a Two-Tier Liquidity Maximizing Exchange for Simplifying Participation and Facilitating Project Capital Access via a Frictionless Micro-Capital Market. WadaDex is designed to achieve two objectives:
- To simplify participation in the crypto-currency ecosystem
- Facilitate access to capital for projects that otherwise would remain unfunded due to the triumvirate of inflation, high interest rates, and foreign exchange volatility induced risk.
The main process flow of the WadaDex platform is described here:
Please view the attached WadaDex White Paper version 1
I am the proposal writer and I have extensive experience doing business in Africa - specifically Ghana West Africa. This proposal is being submitted from an airport as I am in transit from Ghana for a research and discovery trip for WadaDex. The proposal is informed based on local real interactions and years of exposure to the political, social, and economic realities of the market. This is not a solution that is being parachuted in - it is designed with consideration from the ground up.
WadaDex High-Level Process Flow:
WadaDex as a platform is expressly designed to do the following in order of process flow:
- allow the average person in an emerging economy the opportunity to use their most economically liquid and crucial tool, the mobile phone, to simply and easily be on-boarded to the world of crypto currency; this on-ramping is a critical step towards simplifying participation and accelerating adoption
- once onboarded via fiat or mobile money, the user will have the ability to maintain their funds, transfer funds to 3rd parties, or transfer funds to our separate approach of establishing stability between our prospective WDX token and the more stable reserve international currencies
- the focus of the underlying platform is capital accrual and token value reasonable growth or stability - the reason why this is crucial is that for many participants from emerging markets the core issue is inflationary destruction of capital. Through tokens and cryptocurrency, we can mitigate against this in a frictionless manner
- once capital is parked in the platform, essentially providing a liquidity base, the next step has a two fold benefit of enabling individuals to participate in projects that may provide them a return in a frictionless manner; and by corollary to enable projects to list on the WadaDex in the quest of raising capital at a more manageable risk free rate
The financial underpinnings of the WadaDex will be built on traditional financial and risk management tooling in order to be able to easily and readily explain to third parties and regulators alike, the valuations, liquidity profiles, and risk metrics of the platform and the projects listed within.
The approach WadaDex will employ is to simplify participation in and accelerate adoption of cryptocurrency and decentralized ledger technologies; and facilitate capital access within a continent populated by developing and emerging economies with a wide range of currencies, risk profiles, interest rates, and primary GDP drivers. This is novel.
The mechanism Wada proposes is one Wada is uniquely positioned to build, deploy, and operate. The core of the Wada offering is the development and administration of a two-tier decentralized highly liquid platform that provides readily accessible fiat to cryptocurrency interchange and serves as both an on-ramp and parking place for capital within the platform. Accrued capital can then be deployed in a low friction, low transaction cost decentralized micro-capital market: WadaDex.
The WadaDex team is in the lucky position to have been able to put the principles of WadaDex into action with contracted Project Finance capital raising engagements taking place in African emerging economies. This brought even more clarity to the platform objectives, functionalities, and goals.
Alignment with Challenge KPI
This project perfectly aligns with the Challenge KPIs - in particular the core principle of the challenge that "for poor nations with no basic foundations, Nation Building Dapp solutions will be the building blocks enabling sustainable prosperity". This proposal goes to the heart of:
- halting the erosion of wealth;
- enabling savings and passive accrual of wealth;
- enabling participation in wealth creating ventures; and
- reducing the cost of capital of projects through a mechanism that enables them to raise capital via the broader community, the Cardano community, and through the use of blockchain technology
In terms of the functional challenge KPI, alignment remains synchronized:
- Diversity of Dapp's use cases: as WadaDex is a platform, that is unique on the African continent, it is open to businesses and projects alike for the raising of capital and enables project owners and their community to define their own unique repayment, participation, or reward terms
- Proposers commercial approach and negotiation strategy with different Governments: we have an integrated approach that includes discussions with government officials - in many instances at the highest level. We are mindful of the regulatory concerns but are insistent that WadaDex not be financed with traditional financing sources originating from within the targeted emerging economies.
- Participation of Cardano's Local Community Centers (Wada hubs): this project is closely tied to Wada, which is one of the most sought after Catalyst proposal partners and has a trusted reputation within the Catalyst community. WadaDex key executives are amongst the most active Wada participants.
- Participation and/or partnerships with other international organizations: WadaDex already has associations in a private advisory capacity with prominent Development Finance Institutions in the US and Africa.
- Number of countries covered, contracts signed: as this proposal is being written, SCI, a main WadaDex partner has no fewer than three pending Project Finance Agreements that are serving as actual use cases for the platform and its technological and strategic underpinnings.
- Dapps impact on social/financial inclusion: the impact on financial inclusion will be catalysmic within the region if successful. At minimum the visibility WadaDex will provide to projects and the capacity for WadaDex to serve as a Catalyst Secondary market will boost the likelihood of success of many projects. This does not take into account the multiplier effect from having a platform that assists to quickly and inexpensively capitalize projects - capitalized projects create employment and opportunity
- Dapps impact on economic development: the impact on economic development will be significant - the function of WadaDex is to effectively reduce the cost of capital and allow projects to define the nature of their project's return in a flexible manner that is enforced not by leans and bank guarantees, but by the power of smart contract, Oracles, and community due diligence.
Project Outcome Communication Strategy:
- African Development Bank and other Development Finance Institutions will be key in communicating the existence and utility of the project
- Wada's comprehensive network of partners and projects within Africa
- Local street preaching pastors in markets like Ghana
- The newly developed BlockchaininBusiness.io Cross-Chain Connector Search Engine which is submitted as a Cross-Chain Collaboration challenge project here: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/401951/
- The Catalyst Community will be key because one of the main reasons WadaDex was created was to create a secondary market for Catalyst projects that have received one funding round of capital but cannot rely on a capricious competition process for future funding rounds
The main challenges and risks are as follows:
- Regulatory Risk: we are relying on an approach that minimizes the risk of regulatory exposure, however as with all things blockchain and cryptocurrency, this is a fast moving space
- Slow Adoption: this is a paradigm shift twice over. WadaDex is making it easy for people to be onboarded to crypto and then in a further step, it is providing a new paradigm of raising money. In my practical experience in promoting this approach a significant educational component is required and project owners spend considerable time in trying to understand the limitations, scope and drawback
- Inadequate Project Capitalization: whilst the WadaDex as a platform itself can be built efficiently, the projects that list on the platform must have access to capital in order for the platform to be successful. This is a different type of liquidity risk that will need to be closely monitored
- Feature Phone Integration: smart phone wallets and management of crypto is relatively straightforward. Whilst we have had discussions with Joget and are confident of success, the feature phone operations of our platform are both important and represent a risk of failure - should the feature phone operations not work, the platform would still be robust and fully functional
Total Project Duration 12 Months
1 Month Post Funding (Planning, Outreach, Technical Specification Design)
- detailed project technology specification
- detailed project architecture with data privacy and National ID requirements
- establish secondary and tertiary chain partnerships (Hedera and Holochain)
- establish DFI (Development Finance Institution) ties, opinions, and areas of participation
- community awareness testing
- finalize leadership team and ramp up on the ground network to begin to identify onboarding partners, project due diligence partners, and project payout invigilation partners
- finalize advisory team members
- refine proposed business model incorporating affiliates and transaction fees and treasury involvement
- define roadmap for WDX token launch along with capital requirements
4 Months (Technology Implementation)
- build Token and NFT Minting and Management module
- build KYC module
- build WadaDex Wallet
- build Onboarding platform and partner interface
- build Project Finance market explorer
- build treasury management functionalities including Hybrid Stable Coin operations
- build Reporting Modules
4 Months. (Testing, Use, Promotion, Scaling)
- Accra, Kumasi, Tamale, London, DC, Malaga, Switzerland, Calgary transaction testing platform
- focus on transmitting tokens from developed economies to emerging economies and extracting fiat
- focus on technology refinement for feature phones, smart phones, and mobile devices
- focus on ensuring usability for illiterate and low literacy segments of the population
- promotion of project management for low capital strict repayment short duration projects
- Cardano network transaction load testing
- ease of use testing; ease of use testing; ease of use testing
- process flow speed and simplicity as a key focus
3 Months. (Training, Refinement)
- testing revenue models and volume with Onboarding Partners
- needs assessments for education, outreach, and training
- useability testing
- refining stakeholder revenue model
- assessing liquidity needs and project finance bottlenecks
- refine and implement due diligence requirements
- refine and implement payout and redemption protocols including KYC on redemption
- integration with BlockchaininBusiness.io for project listing and promotion
Budget: 80 000 USD
40 000 USD: Build - Design, Technical Implementation, Deployment
10 000 USD Launch Pad Tools - KYC and Token & NFT Minting and Administration
- 7 500 USD - Token and NFT Minting and Management
- 2 500 USD - KYC / AML / CTF Tooling
10 000 USD Access Tools - Crypto On-Boarding and Wallet
- 5 000 USD - Crypto Onboarding to WadaDex Wallet
- 5 000 USD - Smart Contract Templates and Administration for Project Finance
20 000 USD Financial Modeling, Quantitative Analytics, Risk Management and Design
- 10 000 USD - Network Transactional Model Design and Implementation
- 5 000 USD - Network Revenue Model Design and Implementation
- 5 000 USD - Risk Management, Credit Risk Management Models and Implementation
40 000 USD: Deploy - Populating, Outreach & Awareness, Sustainability
20 000 USD Onboarding Partnership Development
- establish key Momo Mobile money partnerships in Ghana and Nigeria
- establish key Forex partnerships in Ghana and Nigeria
- define partner needs and business models
- define security and risk management to ensure financial and stakeholder physical safety
- define network limits
- define educational needs
- define and minimize government involvement and regulatory requirements if any
5 000 USD International Corporate, Trust, and Estate Planning Structure
- define and establish escrow vehicles
- define and establish operating entities
- define and establish trust structures for projects and fiat currencies
10 000 Project Finance
- establish risk profiles, project profiles define end user interface
- define and created audited financial services smart contracts
- establish project due diligence framework
- establish project finance payment / payout procedures for fiat and for crypto
- establish project reward, participant and repayment structures and procedures
5 000 USD Education, Training, and Outreach
- create simple asynchronous courses and video explainers to highlight components of WadaDex
- design certification programmes for trainers and partners
- needs assessment for educational requirements for Project and Onboarding partner participants
- Josh Fielding - Global Lead @Wada. Has a combined 10+ years’ experience in fintech and startups, focused on banking, payments and lending across Europe, APAC and African continents. He brings his years of project management and team leadership experience, running teams for Start Up Bootcamp and as an organizer for a Danish enterprise accelerator. His time in Canary Wharf working for the major banking and professional services firms has provided him with an insight into corporate partnerships and venture capital. https://linkedin.com/in/joshfielding
- Mercy - Coordination Lead @ Wada. Has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (West Africa, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project. Mercy is responsible for WADA coordination, and building partnerships. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mercy-tachie-menson-77b10931/
- Andrew Forson - Technology Lead @ SCI. Has significant experience in the blockchain application space with past and/or present Cardano related roles with Emurgo, Joget, IAMX, Empowa, and more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/paforson/
- Raveesh Dewan - CEO @ Joget. Leading and transforming Joget into the next generation's application building and digital transformation platform. https://www.linkedin.com/in/raveeshdewan/
- Justin Wee - Technical Consultant @ Joget. Lead technical consultant in various blockchain integrations with Joget. https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinwee95/
- Joget: https://www.joget.com/cardano-blockchain.html
- Wada network and advisors: https://www.wada.org/about-us/
Operational Measures of Progress:
- number of individuals with WadaDex wallets
- total value of WadaDex holdings
- number of WDX token holders and total value of WDX token
- number of Forex and MoMo (mobile money) entry point dealers
- number of project listings
- number of DFI (Development Finance Institution) participants
- total value of DFI funds allocated to Treasury Special Purpose Vehicle for guided investment
- number of countries with projects
- number of countries with onboarding (MoMo and Forex) agents
- number of eLearning course participants
- number of Catalyst funded projects that seek secondary and tertiary funding via WadaDex
- number of platform transactions
- number of successfully funded projects
- number of unsuccessfully funded projects
Strategic Measures of Progress:
- number of government contracted parties using WadaDex as a primary raising platform
- number of governments that seek a direct partnership with WadaDex for the funding or participation in funding of Public Private Partnerships
- number of first time proposers who raise required project funds
- number of dapps birthed through WadaDex platform funding
- number of projects that dual list on Catalyst and WadaDex
- number of projects listed by country and region
- average annualized return by WDX token holders
- speed of entry to and exit from the WadaDex platform
- Project closed on time and within budget
Technological Success:
This project is considered successfully "built" when the following criteria are met:
- Onboarding of average citizens is possible via mobile device with funding conducted via fiat onboarding partners to WDX WadaDex token or stable Fiat account managed from within WadaDex
- mechanism for managing wallet, accrual of capital, and movement within and exiting from the platform via token or fiat is smooth, fast, and inexpensive
- projects can be listed simply with a range of due diligence options and project participant reward or repayment options
- project participants have the ability to exit from their position with ease
- all public facing elements are available via fully responsive mobile friendly web interface
- integration with feature phones is a strong bonus but not a requisite of the project being successful and "done"
Operational Success:
- average user within Ghana can, via user testing, locate a kiosk, onboard their choice of funds to the platform, transfer funds to a 3rd party, and the 3rd party can extract a portion of their funds from a separate location in local currency in the same day.
- average user lists their project and is able to start receiving commitments of funding based on their project profile within 1 day
This project is made possible through our linkages with Joget. In Fund 7 under Nation Buildings Dapps Challenge the team of Joget, SCI, and Wada proposed the development of a plugin to facilitated building enterprise applications on Cardano.
We have a strategic and technological advantage because thanks to the success of that proposal and the Catalyst community which voted to fund it, we are able to focus on solving the business problems inherent to our implementation whilst the back-end Cardano network programming issues will remain in the back-end where they belong.
The project referred to is "Accelerating Enterprise Adoption" of Cardano with Joget and here are the relevant links:
WadaDex and projects listed on it will be listed in the BusinessinBlockchain.io Cross-Chain Connector Search Engine ( https://blockchaininbusiness.io/ ) that is currently in development as proposed here in the Fund 8 Cross-Chain Collaboration challenge:
This collaboration ensures multiple venues of visibility for WadaDex and WadaDex listed projects.
SDG Rating
SDG goals:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.3 Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.a.1 Total official international support (official development assistance plus other official flows) to infrastructure
9.3.1 Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added
9.5.1 Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
9.5.2 Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
9.3.2 Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit