Last updated 2 years ago
New users in Cardano have trouble knowing what to learn and where to get help. Resource development and availability tend to be random.
Poll groups and individuals to establish a list of things a person needs to know to function in various roles in the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano learning needs assessment.
Poll groups and individuals to establish a list of things a person needs to know to function in various roles in the Cardano ecosystem.
Collaborated on survey that went out to 1000+ health care professionals in Canada, created final version in SurveyMonkey. Experienced in project teams creating online courses and digital resources for post-secondary. Experience with DACUM, task analysis. Design thinking.
General idea
General plan
The list is NOT meant to
-Be required in any way
-Give information on how to do the task; it will only identify the tasks and categories of tasks.
More details
Many groups in the Cardano community will find this list useful.
A learner will be able to work through this list. Knowing “what” to learn will help that person find resources on “how” to do the task.
People wishing to develop resources will have very granular/specific things to focus their content on. This is necessary since many tutorials e.g. on YouTube cover the same generic topics, leaving other topics uncovered.
A second question one could ask the community might be, what would you like to learn?
The resulting list will be released under the auspices of the Cardano Foundation and/or under non-commercial CC license.
This list will
Proposed Production Cycle
The list in a publicly available and updated format; information about how to participate in ongoing updates.
$980. Details in attached.
Michael Cenkner - Collaborated on survey that went out to 1000+ health care professionals in Canada, created final version in SurveyMonkey. Experienced in project teams creating online courses and digital resources for post-secondary. Experience with DACUM, task analysis. Training and experience in instructional design.
Paul Erikson - has extensive web development experience as a marketing consultant since 2013. His work introduced him to business automation using complex user input interfaces (web-based forms, prompts, etc) to provide automated actions.
For the past 15 years, he has studied law as a hobby, focusing on the common law and contract law and how it relates to self-governance.
Today, he teaches communities these principles to help them establish a model of decentralization in every aspect of their lives.
-100 page views, 10 likes, 3 comments on published list page after six months
-25 comments referring to the list in existing channels (Discord, IdeaScale, Reddit, etc.)
-6+ Discord servers contacted and provided with the list (ADAO; Fill and Media; CNFT; Gimbalabs; Cardano Project Catalyst)
A subsequent project could assess a reduction of entry-level questions in existing channels (Discord, IdeaScale, Reddit, etc.), but this is not a metric we'll pursue in this project.
Anyone in a new role in the Cardano ecosystem will be able to see a list of what they'll need to know (how to do) in that role, and compare their current ability with the needed ability. This will empower each person to seek out the learning resources they need in a very intentional and focused way.
People creating content for "learning in Cardano" will be able to see a list of the competencies they could/should be addressing in their content.
Over time, the amount of generic, overly-long, redundant learning material will be reduced, and better and more focused material will replace it.
Ultimately the list could be included in the Orientation for new members at every level and in every role in the Cardano ecosystem.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Collaborated on survey that went out to 1000+ health care professionals in Canada, created final version in SurveyMonkey. Experienced in project teams creating online courses and digital resources for post-secondary. Experience with DACUM, task analysis. Design thinking.