Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano needs to onboard new users to the platform. The best way to achieve this is through a Giant CNFT giveaway bonanza. its Free CNFTs!
This proposal will distribute free CNFTz using a variety of distribution methods, creating excitement to onboard new users to Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Free CNFT Giveaway Bonanza - Get In.
This proposal will distribute free CNFTz using a variety of distribution methods, creating excitement to onboard new users to Cardano.
I understand what needs to be done. Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador, active Cardano community member, Catalyst community advisor, 2500 club member.
Cardano needs to onboard new users to the platform. The best way to achieve this is through a Giant CNFT giveaway bonanza. its Free CNFTs! The plan is to give away 2500 CNFTz to new users over a span of 4 months. Team members and I will systematically hunt down new users and onboard them by offering free CNFT. there will be many different NFTz available.
2000 CNFT will be made by Fractal Fuzion -sample of work here:
500 CNFTz will be purchased from primary and secondary markets as randomized rewards.
Distribution will be delegated to several prominent community members as well done by Fractal Fuzion.
people love free nft's and will definitely open a wallet if offered free stuff. This is the best way to onboard new members into the Cardano community. They will have a incentive to get a wallet and learn how Cardano works.
This addresses the challenge by bringing already popular, successful content to a much broader audience. This is really needed to spread awareness about the Cardano blockchain worldwide. This proposal bridges cultures and countries together in common spirit.
This is a good idea and is likely to succeed. I Work with a group of very determined Cardano trailblazers! nothing can stop us from achieving our goals. Together we are strong!
Create 2000 Fractal Fuzion CNFTz for distribution
Purchase/acquire popular Cardano CNFTz from community artists
Week 2 -16
x20 per day = 2,500 new Cardano users
Give away 2,500 NFTz over period of 4 months
$3750 = 2500 UTXO's @ 1.5 ada each any extra will be used for acquiring the initial 2500 NFTz.
will be sent to the newly onboarded Cardano Users.
$3750 = Purchase highly desirable popular Cardano NFTs to include in Giveaway.
$1000 = to make and acquire additional CNFT's to be distributed in the initial 2500.
$1000= 40 hours @$25 per hour to proposer for time needed to distribute CNFT's.
$500 - Misc. expenses. to make sure can complete the project, unspent funds from this category will supplement buying more CNFTz.
Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador, active Cardano community member, catalyst community advisor, 2500 club member
Also have many talented artist friends in the Cardano community who I would rely on for help and creative input.
I can have a dedicated wallet that will track how many CNFTz have been given away. Another method would be to track the specific Fractal Fuzion policy ID associated with mint to see how many exist and also how many wallets they are split between.
The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency.
Getting 2500 new users to the Cardano ecosystem is a win! Success for this project would have major impact on the reach of Cardano's message by making more materials open to the world. The more people involved on the ecosystem the better.
This is a brand new proposal from an experienced Cardano user and Community member.
I understand what needs to be done. Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador, active Cardano community member, Catalyst community advisor, 2500 club member.