Last updated 3 years ago
Project Catalyst is currently complex, slow, not user-friendly, not optimized resources (time & talent), and inefficient assessments.
Create a platform where users have easy access and powerful tools to contribute, to be recognized and rewarded through standard assessments.
This is the total amount allocated to New Catalyst operation pattern.
Create a platform where users have easy access and powerful tools to contribute, to be recognized and rewarded through standard assessments.
An average ADA holder desires to get involved and contribute more to the Cardano ecosystem but lacks the capabilities to materialize his ideas.
Since I belong to the most in our community, I experience and understand what Catalyst might need to be more attractive.
(I will consider adding visual images if required from comments.)
My proposal is a comprehensive renovation of Project Catalyst, focusing on UI/UX design and operation.
A. UI/UX design:
Main problems:
1. Information and resources are spread, making users confused and messing around.
2. Proposal submission is spare. Catalyst provides limited tools for proposers in representing their ideas. Thus, most submitted proposals are long texts without attractive visual aids.
Build a united platform with:
1. Easy access to guidelines and documentation.
2. Useful utilities for proposal presentations: images, videos, charts, voting pools, etc.
3. Classified challenges into categories with lists of related projects. Main challenges will remain through time, while sub-challenges are regularly updated.
4. Built-in voting function.
5. Monitoring the disbursement of funds and projects progress.
B. Operation:
Main problems:
1. Project Catalyst is currently limited to those who can implement their proposals. How about fresh blood who have brilliant ideas but lack authority or capabilities to execute? And how about enthusiastic developers ready to build great Dapps but hungry for practical initiatives? We are wasting talent.
2. Each Fund lasts three months, and the process of disbursement and implementation will extend even longer. It could be considered sluggish compared to how fast this industry grows.
3. Community Advisors play a critical role, but there are doubts about their knowledge, experience, and assessment quality.
Renovate how Catalyst works:
1. Treat proposals and implementation separately, recognize and award all contributions.
2. New fund process (2 months in length)
3. Improve the quality of CAs/vCAs assessments
Build a new proposal scoring system:
Develop education courses and exams to improve and verify CAs/vCAs knowledge
How does my proposal benefit Cardano?
My proposal answer many questions in this challenge:
Because all numbers in this proposal are my examples only, the community might have a lot of sympathy for my ideas in general, but many might argue adequate figures. If approved, I suggest opening a poll so everyone can vote and decide the most appropriate numbers for execution (i.e., percentages of proposals incentive).
The authority and capabilities to deploy this proposal belong to the Project Catalyst team and IOHK. They can work independently or make this a challenge for Fund 9, and then independent developers can jump in.
In the first case, we can expect a new platform launched from Fund 10. In the second one, it might take longer.
This proposal implementation budget depends on Project Catalyst and the community.
About my requested fund amount ($9,999), please take it as an example of how the new pattern works only.
By the way, there are two reasons I submitted it as a proposal under this Fund 8 challenge. First, I realized that most proposals in "Project Catalyst Problem Sensing" usually fall into oblivion. And second, I believe my many hours of hard work deserve something. However, as long as my work contributes to developing a more efficient Catalyst platform, I will be happy even when it is unapproved.
My possible collaboration is offering discussions. Decisions are on Project Catalyst.
Survey and vote on the new UX/UI design, incentive pools distribution, timeline, etc.
Regularly update on progress, invite users to experience, and give feedback.
Initial achievements after two funds:
New proposal.
An average ADA holder desires to get involved and contribute more to the Cardano ecosystem but lacks the capabilities to materialize his ideas.
Since I belong to the most in our community, I experience and understand what Catalyst might need to be more attractive.