Last updated 2 years ago
Businesses look to be onboarded to the blockchain with sustainable practices however, there is not an avenue to reach Cardano’s potential.
Creating a space for impact-focused businesses to join Cardano, and help these people acquire resources to undergo project implementation.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboard Impact Driven Businesses.
Creating a space for impact-focused businesses to join Cardano, and help these people acquire resources to undergo project implementation.
Sustainable ADA, and Cardano4Climate, +200 members. With marketing, partnerships, research, and event planning expertise.
Cardano and impact
Impact is a key element of the Cardano philosophy. The first sentence at is “making the world better for all” and you can see this line in practically every video of Mr. Charles Hoskinson as well as many of the Cardano ecosystem activities.
Following our successful fund 6 proposals, we have conducted research matching Fund 6 Catalyst proposals with SDGs and the results were very promising. 27.4% of the funded proposals directly intended to impact the SDGs and 68.5% indirectly impacted the SDGs. This is not a surprise as blockchain technology has the potential to have an impact on financial inclusion, governance, education, and other areas which align with SDGs objectives. We have also developed the SDG Proposer Tool which is now embedded in the proposal form processes to further highlight the ongoing alignment between Catalyst and the SDGs.
Sustainable ADA, and the Cardano4Climate team plan to onboard new impact focused businesses into the ecosystem. Currently, it’s hard for these businesses to navigate the community and jump right into Cardano, and Catalyst.
We plan to create a collaboration space for all the new businesses wanting to join the Cardano community and have a focus on impact. This will allow these new businesses to have less of a lag effect when trying to join the community. Also to help teams connect to resources or collaborate with others from within. By creating this new way of onboarding business we will be able to minimize the issues of how to learn these important skills. Ultimately leapfrogging the social, environmental, and economic-driven projects that are helping work towards our goal for a sustainable, and equitable world for all.
Our efforts will allow us to create an open source document with all the impact-related groups, and ways to get involved more within our Sustainable ADA/Cardano4Climate community. Also focused on all the external groups we are connected with and how they could have an impact on the success of one’s projects.
We will be onboarding new businesses also onto the positive blockchain database which will ultimately help with cross-collaboration of Positive block with Cardano.
What does success look like?
Our well-oiled open innovation platform to onboard impact related business will help new and existing teams fulfill roles that are meaningful for their direct success and help contribute to the shared success of the Cardano, and Catalyst community. We will be helping teams collaborate on proposals rather than have a flood of similar ones to create greater value within Catalyst. Focusing on also helping generate more 4-5 star proposals.
We will be able to track these metrics by collecting information for the teams we communicate with.
Our success with the proposals will be shown by collecting data on:
When onboarding these teams we plan to connect them with the current groups:
Companies might be suspicious. As we are focusing on impact-related collaboration, it might be easier and faster to build trust and collaboration.
Our community becomes too saturated and businesses get lost or confused.
Road Map:
Phase 1: 4 weeks:
Will promote the current Catalyst & Cardano community activities. Campaigns to the community to look for opportunities for businesses to collaborate around impact for example similar impact research, support within catalyst, and access to our current channels.
This phase includes:
Phase 2, week 5 to week 16:
Weekly meetups start. Large community onboarding workshop. Representing community members, initial discussion with current projects, and cross-business team collaboration with the Cardano ecosystem.
This phase includes:
Phase 3, week 15-17:
This phase includes:
The deliverable and KPIs will be:
We will be developing the resources:
Budget: $10,000
Content creation:
$2,000 USD Creating all the content and documenting the process on gitbook.
Weekly meetups:
$3000 USD. For an estimated 12 group meetings, the community member running the meeting will receive $250 USD per meeting.
$5000 USD Meetings with businesses to onboard (2 members present) 2 x $50 x 50 meetings
The total pot is 200,000 USD so we are asking for 5% of the pot, with a ROI that can have a far larger positive multiplier effect.
The team is collaborating together on various projects and community activities for the last 6 months and more intensively for the last 3 months. This gives high confidence on the collaboration of the team also for this proposal.
Team members includes:
Nori Nishigaya, Tech lesd
Founder of the Salmon Nation Decentralized Alliance (SANADA), Bridge Builders, and SAMON pool. Member of the Catalyst Circle Admin Team, Cardano4Climate, and Rapid Funding Challenge Team. Cardano Ambassador, CA, and Funded proposer. Passionate about radical inclusivity and community, and devoted to making Cardano the best community on the planet. Nori brings over 30 years of experience in software development, agile methodologies, leadership and managing teams, and founding and running technology startups.
Melanie Russo, community lead Cardano4Climate facilitator
Melanie is a mother, tree-hugger, and connector. Melanie is one of the co-facilitators of the decentralized action group Cardano4Climate. This work has made her a respected leader in the Cardano community. Melanie will be applying her empathetic relation-building skills to connect with compatible stakeholders and projects.
Razali Samusudin, research lead
Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA & Catalyst School Core Member
Cole Bartlett, youth lead,
UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner
Yoram Ben-Zvi, partnership lead
A social entrepreneur. In the last five years, Yoram is focuing on combining impact and business. A mentor with international board, operations, and startup experience. Yoram is an active catalyst member, CA, and part of the Cardano4Climate community. In Addition, active in promoting the Catalyst and Cardano community to impact companies and networks to connect them to the ecosystem (i.e. (C4C) community includes overs 200 members and growing. C4C is organising weekly meetups and monthly events and collaborating with multiple impact communities (i.e., companies (i.e. veritree, cardashift) and the Cardano companies (IOG, Emurgo, Cardano foundation) team is focusing on research and communication of impact projects on the Cardano blockchain spreading the word of the work and impact of the Cardano ecosystem
More on Sustainable ADA:
The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
Sustainable ADA has experience and backgrounds in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
Sustainable ADA Platform:
Recent long term partnership with and members of Cardashift,, Wada, Cardano AIM, and Cardano 4 Climate, Loxe inc.
**Check out our video:**
Sustainable ADA Vision & Mission -
Sustainable ADA is a platform that promotes education, inspiration, and sustainable development.
Sustainable ADA is helping connect the dots between Blockchain, Cardano, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and action on the ground by showcasing case studies of positive progress and potentially valuable opportunities to be unlocked.
On our platform we plan to share with the world sustainability media, content, and stories from the Cardano ecosystem! Acting as a bridge for the Cardano community, bridging people into a world where they are welcomed on their lifelong learning journey & invited into the Cardano community, ultimately enabling and empowering visitors to discover, acquire and nurture an appreciation of what blockchain is, its limitations, and its possibilities.
We will be using a GitHub/Gitbook to show all the content we create for these new impact driven businesses. Also, we will be sharing the new businesses and partnerships along the way we create from running this proposal's initiative. We will make it so that anyone could repeat or duplicate the process so that it can lead to greater success in different realms of Catalyst, and even other community ecosystems.
Reaching the KPIs will be a key success indicator. In addition, a key element of success will be the number of community members catalyzing and cultivating collaboration. It will be an important use case for collaborative efforts for success. We aim to learn during and from the process, and start developing it into a replicable model that could be self-sustained and adapted accordingly depending on the context.
Reaching the KPIs will be a key success indicator.
This is a new proposal. However, the proposer had many proposals related to impact and sustainability. Here are couple of examples:
Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM, F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
SDG Goals
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG Subgoals
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
Sustainable ADA, and Cardano4Climate, +200 members. With marketing, partnerships, research, and event planning expertise.