Last updated a year ago
Cardano Lacks Simple Multi-Signature Wallet Applications.
Thanks to the Cardano community’s collaborative efforts, ADAO has developed an easy-to-use, completely open-source multi-sig wallet.
This is the total amount allocated to ADAO-Multi-sig Wallet Web Interface.
Thanks to the Cardano community’s collaborative efforts, ADAO has developed an easy-to-use, completely open-source multi-sig wallet.
ADAO consists of an ever evolving group of active and core contributors from within the Cardano community. ADAO is broken down into multiple autonomous "working groups". WGs have been actively developing on Cardano in a collaborative, decentralized, and community focused way.
Thanks to the Cardano community’s collaborative effort, ADAO has developed a solution. Easy to use, the wallet is completely open source.
ADAO intends to maintain, promote refinement and testing of this application, and integrate with other community DAO management software and platforms like "Done Collectively"
There is still a need for a decentralized coordination server solution for Cardano Multi-sig.
A sub development group from within ADAO lead by DZcodes (ADAO Frontend and App Dev. WG) has already developed a working MVP and has been preforming tests and reviews internally. ADAO plans to publish a user guide and proper documentation to allow for easier contribution to our open source Repository and easy adoption by Cardano community projects and organizations. ADAO also plans to help projects "decentralize" through use of tools, hands on learning, and greater education.
5,000 Research and development
4,000 Hosting and server costs
1,000 User guides and documentation and Beta Testing with Cardano community organizations.
Core members of ADAO have been working closely and collaborating with various Cardano community organizations such as, Staking DAO, SCAT DAO, Liqwid Labs, MetaDEX, and others to develop best practices, streamline design, and to ensure longevity and feasibility of our approach.
AdaMinnow (aka TCT) is an entrepreneur and business founder owner/operator. He is a member of multiple DAOs on other blockchains including Ethereum and Harmony and has been one of the foremost community organizers bringing people together to form ₳DAO.
Adam Rusch holds a PhD from the University of Illinois in Education Policy where he works as a Lecturer in Information Sciences and eLearning Specialist. He is the founder of the Immutable Research Institute and organizer of the Champaign Blockchain meetup group with a passion for cryptocurrency education and public policy.
dzCodes is a professional problem solver who started as a potential web designer/frontend developer around seven years ago but quickly moved through the frontend to the backend. He is currently contributing full time to ADAO and other open-source and blockchain projects.
Nicolas Cerny (Lovecoach) is currently working as Business Analyst focused on requirements engineering and project management. His aim is to establish proper workflows and organizational structure for ADAO. He is passionate about decentralized governance and all things crypto.
Riley attended the University of Washington for Computer Science and Mathematics with a strong interest in applied mathematics, blockchains, and AI. He left his job writing software used by over 75% of Fortune 500 companies and working hard to shift away from a 9-5 career. He is now an active contributor to various open source repositories maintained by organizations such as ADAO, Mlabs, and Liqwid Labs.
All code can be found in the ADAOcommunity GitHub.
Success for this project would be multiple DAOs and community organizations using this application in place of a single signer address as a more robust and secure way to store group funds.
Frist time submitting this proposal
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
ADAO consists of an ever evolving group of active and core contributors from within the Cardano community. ADAO is broken down into multiple autonomous "working groups". WGs have been actively developing on Cardano in a collaborative, decentralized, and community focused way.