Last updated 2 years ago
Designing a sustainable play-to-earn model that is supported with research is very expensive and best-practices are not yet established.
Develop of a set of foundational math/economic models that are open-source and that can be used to design tokens for new games using CNFTs.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Source Play-To-Earn - Revelar.
Develop of a set of foundational math/economic models that are open-source and that can be used to design tokens for new games using CNFTs.
Benjamin Beer - Formal engineering education in Computer, Electronic and Industrial Engineering with focus on mathematical and algorithmic decision support systems.
Jason Toevs - Formal education in Mathematics with a focus on Set Theory and 10+ years as a CTO/Technical Founder
NFT games present a new way by which players can earn value out of time and resource investment into a game. The usage of game tokens allows for a game to have its own system of value that rewards existing players and makes it affordable for new players to be on-boarded.
In addition to the conventional one token idea, two-token systems can also be used to provide players with value, driven by their involvement in the game and a say in the governance of the game whilst still allowing for inflationary movement. One of these tokens can also be exchanged bidirectionally for in-game assets. Governance say can be distributed according to value involvement in the game. This bi-directional exchange allows for a true play-to-earn model that is community oriented and creates an ecosystem of value where the community owns the value. The token should also be engineered to allow for a value withdrawal method. This means that value generated in-game can be withdrawn as real rewards without opening the system to exploitation and liquidity rugging.
These tokens should also be engineered to prioritize rewards for active involvement within the game's ecosystem. However, there should also be opportunity for passive value generation given historic activity to allow for long-term value investment. All of these threads should be captured within a framework that also provides some consideration for the free-market decisions made by players.
Within the academic fields of game theory, stochastic modelling and economics design, tools do exist by which these tokens can be represented and their design enhanced. We therefore propose the creation of a framework for token design that pulls in tools from these fields and creates a baseline for token engineering within the NFT gaming ecosystem. The creation of a such a framework would provide game creators with valuable insight into:
The mathematical nature of the framework would also open the door for more technical tools such as sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis and Monte Carlo simulation all of which provide valuable insights for technical design.
Play-to-earn is here to stay and could greatly benefit from some dedicated research. We also recognize that there are others within this ecosystem that could make valuable contributions so our goal is to establish the seed framework to which community experts could contribute and drive subsequent research.
By establishing a seed framework, we create a standing invitation to academics in the fields of mathematics, game theory and economics to focus their research attention towards cutting edge technology that is accessible to everyone. By creating this seed framework as an open source framework also gives anyone in the community the opportunity to continue and add value.
This proposal is inherently academic in nature and so many of the risks associated with academic research are also relevant here.
The week estimates are derived by taking risk seeking (25% shorter) and risk averse (50% longer) estimates given a moderate allocation of 20 hours per week. Research is difficult to predict accurately hence some contingency for being under and over the initial allocated time is factored into the planning.
Min / Max
Milestone 1 (5-9 Weeks): Literature and state-of-the-art review.
Milestone 2 (6-12 Weeks) : Development of the math modelling framework
Milestone 3 (3-6 Weeks) : Creation of a long-run simulation mechanism
Milestone 3 (2-3 Weeks): Testing of the model and simulation framework using a use-case
Milestone 3 (3-6 Weeks): Compiling the complete model and results into a document for open-source publication
The requested funding amount for $85,000 will be allocated as follows.
$15,000 : Literature Review and State-of-the-art Evaluation
$42,500 : Model framework development
$20,000 : Simulation framework development
$4,500 : Use case testing and analytics
$3,500 : Compilation of final publication
The cost estimation is obtained using an average hourly rate of approximately $35/hour utilizing both Jason & Benjamin will act as Lead Researchers along side 1-2 graduate assistants from Wichita State University (our local alma-matter)
Jason Toevs - CEO / Founder
Jason’s formal education is in Mathematics with a focus on Set Theory. With 10+ years as a full stack developer and technical founder, he has experience building business systems and scaling software products and teams. His most recent experience has been focused on systems architecture design and leading an engineering team for global enterprise SaaS product used in Fortune 50 companies and in 127 countries with 99.95% uptime. Plutus Pioneer Cohort #2, Atala PRISM Cohort #2
Twitter: @JasonToevs
Discord: ₳ussieGingersnap | DUO#1037
Benjamin Beer – CTO
Ben’s formal education is in Computer and Electronic Engineering with a focus on both hardware and software based programming and system design. His Masters degree specialty focus is on the creation of decision support systems. He was on the NWU Solar Car racing team in South Africa as an engineer to create a web-based Race Strategy Optimization System that provides near real-time feedback in a race scenario by collating and processing large amounts of telemetric data. As part of his post-graduate thesis he focused on the incorporation of blockchains, specifically smart contracts, into the supply chain. This research involved significant work on Ethereum with Solidity, before being introduced to Cardano. Plutus Pioneer Cohort #3, Atala Prism Cohort #2
Twitter: @bigbenbeer
Discord: KarooSeun | DUO#2202
Success of an academic research project is difficult to pin down to a particular metric.
Short term success: A model that performs comparatively well against a known use-case plus at least 5 forks
Long term success: 10 Citations on the published paper (Puts the paper in the top 25% approximately)
Upon publication we will also seek to present the paper at a conference. The exact conference will be determined at the time of publication.
This is a revised & improved version of a proposal from Fund 7 that was approved but not funded.
Benjamin Beer - Formal engineering education in Computer, Electronic and Industrial Engineering with focus on mathematical and algorithmic decision support systems.
Jason Toevs - Formal education in Mathematics with a focus on Set Theory and 10+ years as a CTO/Technical Founder