Last updated 2 years ago
There are a lot of DAOs and Dapps being built or planned for Cardano without much understanding of how to build the tools
We have built DAO tools for our platform and will use this to provide tools & docs to overcome challenges building trust-less & secure DAOs
This is the total amount allocated to StakingDAO: DAO Tools & Scripts.
We have built DAO tools for our platform and will use this to provide tools & docs to overcome challenges building trust-less & secure DAOs
A small team consisting of SPOs, Plutus Pioneers, Software developers, UI & UX and lots of education and coaching experience
A lot of projects are currently beginning their DAO journey aiming to build a platform for a community-driven autonomous organization, But there is a lack of documentation and tooling for DAOs.
Our DAO platform has a lot of complex Plutus scripts communicating with each other to enable certain functionality to happen in a trust-less and automated way.
In the StakingDAO development process we have come up with some very creative solutions to solve challenges faced with implementing DAOs with automated tools and scripts. We want to use what we have learned and built to make the process a lot simpler and faster for other communities and teams to realize their own projects.
DAO Tools & Scripts
We will create documentation and plug-and-play contracts, scripts and other tools to help other projects build their DAO easily, with a few simple instructions to make the necessary adjustments for their needs.
We will include front-end templates and API documentation so other devs can properly implement the scripts and tools in their own projects, without the need for all of the testing and iterations we went through when creating our DAO tools.
Provably Audited & Secure Tools
As we will be getting our DAO audited, we can ensure the greatest standard of tooling available for others because we will have spent the time and money getting our DAO audited for bugs and security issues.
We will use this experience to create better tools for the community and will enable a stronger and secure DAO & Dapp ecosystem as a result.
Our documentation will include videos explaining the mechanisms and tools we have built and how someone would go about adjusting them to suit the person's project as well as step-by-step instruction for deploying and testing scripts and other tools.
What Will We Build?
Our proposal will provide open source DAO tooling with detailed instructions on how the tools work and how the scripts communicate with each other, enabling a greater open sourced and collaborative community for the future of Cardano
The difficulty we will face is showing the different use cases for various tools and scripts in our documentation. Creating different implementations for tools to address other variables in any given DAO mechanism will be tough but it will enable us to build better tooling than anything else available.
We will overcome this with simple emulator documentation to enable users to test and track contracts in the REPL rather than needing to deploy them to the testnet every iteration.
Phase 1 - 3 Months
3 months - Create documentation on DAO tools to set the stage for the open source scripts
Phase 2 - 3 Months
6 months - Release our audited scripts, tools & contracts with documentation on our platform
Phase 3 - 3 Months
9 months - Create multiple versions and variations of DAO tools and script bundles to serve different purposes and use cases
10K for Web design and building the platform (2-3 months)
30K for 9 months of documentation and tooling releases (3 people)
10K for Updates, continued development and iteration over another 3 month period
Rhys - SPO, Plutus Pioneer, Ux Ui
Edi - SPO, Software Developer, Plutus Pioneer
Anthony - Web Developer, App Developer, Ux Ui
Kanban board and our github / gitbook documentation for the project will be available publicly
We will measure development by creating weekly sprints which we will use to build out certain parts of the documentation
Simple KPI's and targets will enable us to track our progress and report back to the community
Success for this project is an open source DAO Tooling doc site with examples, use cases and step by step guides for implementing a DAO based on the scripts and tools we have built
Other projects built off our designs, templates and architecture and deployed for the community
This proposal is connected to the StakingDAO proposal from Fund 7, it is for documentation and tooling to be built from our previous work on the DAO to make it easy for other projects to build DAOs.
We have a different proposal for the DAO Platform for Fund 8 which is separate to this project
A small team consisting of SPOs, Plutus Pioneers, Software developers, UI & UX and lots of education and coaching experience