Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of ‘blockchain4good’ guiding principles to guide a global movement + Cardano in achieving positive social and environmental impact.
Cardano stakeholders involved as core co-designers of an unprecedented open access, blockchain agnostic, Blockchain for Good Principles
This is the total amount allocated to Codesign blockchain4good Principles.
Cardano stakeholders involved as core co-designers of an unprecedented open access, blockchain agnostic, Blockchain for Good Principles
200+ active Cardano community members inc. Sustainable ADA, Positiveblockchain, Cardano4Climate who all already are working in the blockchain for good ecosystem, setting up and facilitating the gathering and codesign of the Blockchain for Good Principles.
Many communities and organizations explore applications of blockchain, DLTs, Web3, NFTs.. for sustainable development or so-called "blockchain for good", including the Cardano community with its Foundation be also SustainableADA, the Climate Change community, many projects active in this space, etc..
Blockchain for good is sometimes hard to define. We need stronger definitions, principles, design and ethical guidelines which fit the Cardano values and mission and help people speak the same language and defend the same values.
A recent movement to set principles has already been initiated by The goal is to gather as many organizations as possible behind these principles.
This is a great opportunity for Cardano to join this movement and be a strong leader in co-designing and supporting these principles.
Cardano will be a strong co-designer of the Blockchain for good Principles
The Principles in Blockchain for sustainable development are aiming at setting a new standard for not just the whole of Cardano’s ecosystem and communities, but also the whole blockchain/web3 ecosystems as well as all organizations seeking to leverage these technologies for their work in social or environmental impact.
Having Cardano as a strong supporter and co-designer of these principles will ensure Cardano continue to be a trendsetter in global standards for a better and more responsible adoption of blockchain technology.
Low engagement -> we have involved key people in various Cardano community meetups (Cardano 4 Climate, Sustainable ADA), leveraged influencers in the blockchain community, used the resources and leadership of the Cardano Foundation who have already expressed they are interested to support.
Collecting + drafting principles: April-June
We have already commenced initial steps of our roadmap in early March and received positive feedback from within the Cardano community, and the broader Blockchain for Good ecosystem:
Our Google Survey sign up form:
We have also acquired adahandles to support with the programme and Cardano's position in the space in the longterm:
Finalization and publication: June-July
2500 USD for the time spent by different contributors:
10 hours per contributor = 50 hours at 50$/hour
Cole Bartlett
UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for Positiveblockchain, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner.
Razali Samsudin
Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for Positiveblockchain & Catalyst School Core Member.
Lucas Zaehringer
Tech & blockchain enthusiast, founder of, involved as product owner of the platform and directory. Lead Europe at Verity Tracking a blockchain based traceability solution for sustainability and carbon markets.
Maciej Bulanda
Board member at Positiveblockchain. Tech and impact enthusiast. Chief program officer at Emerging Impact working on blockchain solutions for financial inclusion and aid. Former Oxfam consultant. Studied international relations and public policy. Blockchain tribe lead at Impact Hub Berlin.
Jessica Salama
Contributor at Positiveblockchain. Working on Goodollar, global universal income solution using DeFi. Specialized in communication, marketing, community engagement. Studied communication, public health.
Supported by the broader Blockchain for Good community, members of the Cardano Foundation, the Cardano Collective for Impact Network, Cardano 4 Climate and Sustainable ADA.
Progress reports and reviews will be made publicly accessible in a Google folder.
All workshops and written documentation, throughout the design process, will be made accessible in a publicly shared Google folder.
The Principles will be made open access upon publication and we will consider using resources such as gitbook.
We have co-designed as a globally decentralized blockchain for good community, a set of guiding Blockchain for Good principles that all blockchains and communities can refer to, and seek inspiration from.
This will be a result of workshops and iterations, ready for global open access benefit by July 2022.
This is a new proposal. The team are behind several other positive social and environmentally focused initiatives, and proposals that are aligned with SDGs and impact:
Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM, F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
Global Sustainable Stories/Usecases F6: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
SDG 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
200+ active Cardano community members inc. Sustainable ADA, Positiveblockchain, Cardano4Climate who all already are working in the blockchain for good ecosystem, setting up and facilitating the gathering and codesign of the Blockchain for Good Principles.