Last updated a year ago
There are limited standards and tools for catalyst communities to operate and coordinate
A purpose driven community to build common standards, processes, and tools to increase synergies across projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Community collaboration standards .
A purpose driven community to build common standards, processes, and tools to increase synergies across projects.
Cardano4Climate is a community driven project which emerged itself through engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem and provide constant services to our Community. We are discovering best practices for community-building.
Proposal for this challenge:
Introduce common standards and processes that will incentivize project collaboration and sharing.
As the community grows, we find greater need to develop processes and standards that will facilitate efficient information sharing, effective tools and systems development, and inclusive collaboration to attract new members and projects to drive greater engagement and results.
This community work can be divided into the following key areas that we will be looking into improving and developing new processes around:
As you can see, there are many frameworks needed to be developed. For this proposal we will cover most areas if not all. We will develop the frameworks and check then in practice through the ongoing community activities.
Some examples of initial form:
Comments for fund 7 proposals:
Fund 8 Impact proposals form
Meeting scheduling:
Agenda template core team
Agenda template community weekly meetings
Weekly PPT Template
Fund 7 assessment form
Fund 7 impact proposals joint docs
Challenge question: Can we build an Open Ecosystem to drive growth, give equal opportunities to all, and increase the synergies across Cardano projects?
Cardano4Climate already proved in the past 6 months that it could achieve the challenge question and become one of the most active and engaging communities on Catalyst. This proposal aims to focus on the process and standards to continue and grow the community and impact on the catalyst projects.
Guiding questions:
If you have been in key community meetings, you probably saw the Cardano4Climate logo. We have build an identity that attracts individuals and projects - and we need to continue and grow it
This is a key element to work on. We started to do it already through connecting internally as well external collaboration with like minded companies (,, and more), and we need to further develop it
A key focus of our work and working on the collaboration framework
A key focus of our work and working on the collaboration framework
A key focus of our work and working on the collaboration framework
This proposal covers some key directions mentioned in the challenge:
Risk: Too much specialization on the core team can lead to issues when a key member leaves the team or is unavailable for extended periods of time.
Mitigation: We will ensure that there are at least two people who are able to perform any key role or function (this is an example of a best practice that we will be sharing as part of this proposal).
Risk:There is not enough time to uncover meaningful mechanisms and best practices in three months.
Mitigation: C4C has been experimenting for the past 6 months, so we have a significant amount of lived experience to draw from in community building and knowledge sharing. We will also operate on a principle of rapid experimentation, to try new things, reflect on how they worked, and iterate. This will allow us to evolve and grow our body of best practices and successful mechanisms much faster.
Deliverables and KPIs (in addition to the
Budget for initial 3 months
Budget for second 3 months
Admin and Other USD 2000
Total budget USD 35000
The core team members is very active with the community and in addition to their rules being active as challenge setting members, impact activities, other communities and in the overall spread of the Catalyst and the Cardano community
We are a global community of over 200 members, grown in 6 months around communication channels, meetings & a shared vision. 8 active core team members.
Since mid October, we have hosted weekly 90 minute zoom calls. We moderate a Telegram channel & Discord server with more than 200 members as well as maintain a YouTube channel & website. In the past 3 months we have hosted several Project Catalyst after town hall breakout rooms.
We have partnered with other Catalyst communities to collaborate such as Climate Neutral Cradano SPO group, DLT360, WADA, SWARM, Catalyst school, SustainableADA and more.
We have become a point of reference to connect community activities with ecosystem players such as Cardano Foundation, IOG, Cardashift, and Empowa all becomes activate members in the community
We have co-created a safe environment conducive to engagement
We organized, hosted, & recorded three "Catalyst Sustainability Goals" events in the last 4 months:
Clearly have demonstrated the ability to grow the number of members and create a platform for collaboration and interaction as well to develop an initial collaboration platform. As we continue to grow it is key to give focus for the development of the process and standards.
In collaboration with Catalyst and Cardano communities such as WADA (, SustainableADA (, and Climate Neutral Cardano (, Cardano Foundation and IOG impact teams.
More activities:
We are committed to improving the transparency of our process & decisions with increased accessibility of this information to all of our stakeholders. We have initiated a public GitHub repository where all ongoing tasks and actions will be tracked regularly. During the next fund, we will hold and record weekly planning meetings and record issues and resolutions on GitHub.
Join us Cardano4Climate:
On Telegram:
On Discord:
On Twitter:
On YouTube:
As part of the evaluation process of this proposal we invite CAs to join our social channels and weekly meetup Wednesday 3PM UTC, so they can evaluate the community activities. well-oiled open innovation platform where people fulfill roles that are meaningful for them and that contribute to shared success.
Being able to demonstrate a clear model, framework, tools needed for an active catalyst community to function and continue to grow and support projects and the overall catalyst community. Having stronger engagements by community members and between communities and having other communities adopting relevant frameworks.
Related to our core work at
Cardano4Climate Community Events (
SDG goals:
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
17.16 Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts
17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano4Climate is a community driven project which emerged itself through engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem and provide constant services to our Community. We are discovering best practices for community-building.