Last updated 2 years ago
Forming trusted mentorship relationships is important for transferring knowledge, but creating them over a large network is challenging
Incentivizing mentors with native tokens and NFTs and gaining credibility for delivering extraordinary mentorship experience-Mentorship DAO.
This is the total amount allocated to Mentorship Incentivization DAO.
Incentivizing mentors with native tokens and NFTs and gaining credibility for delivering extraordinary mentorship experience-Mentorship DAO.
Founders of an existing global mentorship program with an AI matchmaking engine that is already delivering predictions of the "perfect match". In discussion with university researcher and blockchain architect to join the team.
Build a protocol to incentivize mentorship, reward mentors, and build value within a network through a Mentorship DAO.
OneUpOneDown is an existing mentorship application that plans to develop this DAO.
The first step is scoping the viability of building a mentorship DAO on Cardano and presenting a white paper.
The existing infrastructure we are considering building upon includes:
Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity - OneUpOneDown is a mentorship platform with a specific framework design and AI mentor matching engine. Over 90% of our users have joined through a reference from a friend who has already experienced the program. By analyzing our data, we have seen that removing the stress of selecting a mentor is a crucial part. This also removes the errors that we as humans could make when selecting a mentor. A Zero-Knowledge methodology will allow us to prove the credibility of a mentor but to keep the identity private until permission is given.
Identity Solution - ATALA Prism implementation - All digital ID data can be securely stored and encrypted on a user's device, using Cardano 's decentralized public key infrastructure. Each individual can allow Authority access as permissioned by the user; With this integration, we can better guarantee that the correct person is sharing information and is receiving incentives.
AI Mentor matching - SingularityNET - Currently, OneUpOneDown has developed a machine algorithm that is looking for the perfect match. In our years of experience, there are settings that has been built in the algorithm and give us a huge advantage compared to our competitors. Working in collaboration with people from the SingularityNET team would allow us to improve the algorithm. (Already in discussion with team members of SingularityNET)
Tokenization - incentivizing mentors for providing an extraordinary mentorship experience is how individuals will be reimbursed. A mentor-mentee match will be presented as a block with its own NFTs and both, the mentor and mentee will have a fraction of this NFT. Reputation will be gained through extraordinary mentorship experience and stored on the blockchain.
The proposed decentralized mentorship infrastructure requires research that will scope the project and validate the proposed solution. A white paper and continued development of the Mentorship DAO and reimbursement model will provide dramatic improvements in both the quality and quantity of Open-Source projects by building a culture of trust in our community ecosystem, growth, and the development of collaborative projects expertise.
Why on top of Cardano?
Mentoring relationships assist individuals within a network in building mutual learning relationships that become powerful vehicles for passing on knowledge, technique, and principles.
We can deploy a powerful tool for creating trusted and collaborative relationships by incentivising value add participation from mentors and removing the bottlenecks caused by mentor matching challenges.
Once the mentorship DAO has been developed, it can be replicated to facilitate mentorship relationships within any given network or niche.
In future funding rounds, we aim to continue the development of a decentralized mentorship platform:
To understand these risks we are preparing the white paper. To mange them, we will ensure we have the right people involved preparation of the white paper and the project.
3 - 6 months
6 Months
12 Months
In order to evolve this Mentorship DAO and to maximize its utility, we also plan to propose in Catalyst Fund9, Fund10, and Fund11.
Via this submission, we are requesting funding to write a white paper discussing:
White paper preparation: 3 - 6 months
Total: $8,500
We are already in discussions with a blockchain architect from IOHK and a university researcher who are happy to contribute to the project.
Following the completion of key results, the final step would be paying out the vested benefits to shareholders. Assuming the KPI was successfully met, options would be “over the money” - meaning that redeeming these would result in a profit for option holders.
To go one step further, payouts using the DAO’s native token represent increased benefits. By rewarding the most productive members of the community directly with increased ownership of the DAO, we instigate a natural shift of management and execution responsibilities to the most qualified and dedicated individuals of the community.
A complete whitepaper document proving the concept of decentralized mentorship infrastructure with incentivizing the NFT business model.
Here are two examples of white papers for solutions built on Cardano and we use them as a reference for the success of this project.
Our vision is to encourage more people to adopt the Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity and to contribute to the benefits of mentorship. This will not only bring personal value to the mentor and the mentee but will help Cardano blockchain scale.
A blockchain using zk-PoI with strong identities from trusted public certificates (e.g., national identity cards and/or ePassports) is the perfect candidate to achieve a fully decentralized blockchain.
A recent publication proves that it’s impossible for blockchains to be fully decentralized without real identity management (e.g., PoW, PoS and DPoS) because they cannot have a positive Sybil cost, defined as the additional cost that a player should pay to run multiple time nodes compared to the total cost of when those nodes are run by different players.
Read more:
As an additional step prior writing a white paper, we have been actively taking part in many Catalyst initiatives and this proposal is connected to "AI Mentor matching software " proposal:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Founders of an existing global mentorship program with an AI matchmaking engine that is already delivering predictions of the "perfect match". In discussion with university researcher and blockchain architect to join the team.