Last updated 2 years ago
NFT's into mainstream ticketing so people can feel like it's an actual identity.
NFT Event Authentication through a no connection tx. People prefer familiar. We also like events. Let's bring NFTs into mainstream ticketing
This is the total amount allocated to NFT as an event ticket.
NFT Event Authentication through a no connection tx. People prefer familiar. We also like events. Let's bring NFTs into mainstream ticketing
I'm a developer and I am building and where I plan to make reusable components for others to use.
Everyone but mostly a younger generation going out to live events. But it could be used by anyone who wants to do an NFT launch got ticketing for events. Or someone who wants to just use the auth method for events.
Lower level with public data NO HIPPA at all.
Bringing more utility to Cardano NFT's and allow people to get more familair using them. In a way they can feel like it's just buying a ticket. Possibly mainstream NFT adoption into event ticketing and entertainment partnerships.
App development bugs and getting the at event authentication correct with 3 or 4 redundancy to prevent bad customer service. Finding events and building a small team to help.
I am in talks with 2 entertainment professionals already. One in Florida and one in Dallas Texas.
I'm already working on to build it into what I'm proposing. Currently I am working on the best method to allow people to mint large NFT projects and containerizing it. If I can allow people to use that I could help fund more event promotion as well.
I would start making plans with an entertainment company last week. Then we would start on finding an artist to promote NFT's for their events.
I will be working on the wallet interface for and once I have the ticketing method work and build tests. I will then work on the authentication methods at the door for the event. Weather it be a snapshot or live backup node on location.
Also going to have to set plans for stolen tickets and selling/trading access to the event.
Next CNFT event I'd love for the tickets to be all NFT's. I think we could start going to events 1 -2 months after the project starts.
~$5,200 Weekly Development Fund expeciting 2 devs for 14 weeks or 5 months of dev funding. ~40+ a week.
$75,000 would be used in accordance with the events. From paying employees that we need to. Buying promotion materials for cardano to display.
I anticipate that we will be integrating into events, but in the case that we can't find any events. We would use those funds to throw example events. To have test cases to show actual event location owners that it should work flawlessly.
I will be consulting with and DJ Switchblade Dave from San Antonio for their event expenses averages. I'm not 100% sure on this part. I'm going to require someone in the event industry to make sure I'm being cost effective.
2-3 developers but I can do it with just me if I have to.
I also am in talks with David who owns Who is also a huge supporter of the African American Music Community
Github commits on the app development and entertainment company meetings/recruitment
1. Policy setup
2. Security whitepaper
3. Phone Ticketing Transaction Application (similar or possibly
4. Allow NFT ticket sales and create applications for event centers to verify credentials of NFT ownership based on the auth token in our policy wallet and the wallet that it claiming that they own an NFT. ( The Idea is to make the transaction on a wallet with a hardware wallet. Then you leave the NFT locked up, but you can use the auth token based on the parameters that are set)
5. Allow auto token sales for private events who want to run their own parties. Also allow NFT drops
6. Build cross chain solutions for the same thing. They get a cardano auto token but we still confirm on the chain they are using by our auth method.
7. Small local events
8. Find larger events
9. Create Smart Contract Implementation with redundnet backups for customer service
9. Focus on NFT's and Music expanding the current music NFT space
Successful ticketing sales and events happening by NFT drops. Full authentication by either a person signing key that you provide. Or you can use the 24 word seed to also use the ticket as a backup.
I want people to use cardano technology for things they can relate to. So that it's easier to get them to use it in the future. I do believe people prefer the familiar.
A real world integration using BIP39 at least.
This hasn't been funded specifically that I know about. I was just accepting into the pioneer program for PRISM. So I'm hoping to see their solution that might trump mine.
SDG goals:
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.b.1 Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added
I'm a developer and I am building and where I plan to make reusable components for others to use.