Last updated 2 years ago
PRISM verifiable credential (VCs) is a plain unstructured JSON - unstandardised and hard to use for building trust networks
Create standard representation of PRISM schema and VC definition w/ open-source tools to verify standard & define how to store in blockchain
This is the total amount allocated to PRISM VC Schema/Cred Definition.
Create standard representation of PRISM schema and VC definition w/ open-source tools to verify standard & define how to store in blockchain
Senior engineering team with cumulative 80+ yrs full stack dev and distributed systems research.
The role and importance of credential schemas is well captured in W3C documentation, for example:
A schema is a template for a verifiable credential. A schema is often written by a governance authority, so that it becomes the standard for all the organizations that “defer” to that authority, and can be published for public use (any issuer can discover the schema and issue credentials on it) or private use (only the author can use it).
A schema tells the issuer, holder and verifier what information must be included for a credential to be valid, e.g. a certificate of employment must be contain Employee Name, Employee Passport Number, Employee Position, Employment Start Date, Employment End Date, Employer Name, Employer Registration Number.
The output will be a standard representation of PRISM credential schema and credential definition with a set of open-source tools for verifying this standard and defining a way to store a schema in Cardano blockchain.
The impact will be:
1. Open source docs and tools for implementing a critical piece of the SSI infrastructure for Atala PRISM
2. Opening the possibility of trust networks (and the positive secondary impacts therein) to the Cardano community
3. Greater efficiency in the creation of credential workflows for Cardano community
The proposed solution addresses the challenge in the following ways:
The overall question to be addressed by the challenge is: “Can we build an Open Ecosystem to drive growth, give equal opportunities to all, and increase the synergies across Cardano projects?”
Two of the areas of focus of the challenge are: increase commercial adoption and provide needed infrastructures.
Tasks, Milestones & Deliverables
Our estimate for the research and implementation budget for this project is estimated at $27,685. Please note the caveat to this budget is that the research may reveal different specifications to what we have estimated and may cause a change in the implementation budget.
Our budgets are calculated based on the cost of deliverables using the following format:
Schema Definition, Additional verification requirements (Such as pointing to centralised or decentralised Trust Registry), Extensability directions.
Plutus API for onchain verification of comfortance of credential into Schema.
DSL for Schema Definition. Prototype DSL-Language
Description of partial mapping into W3C verfication credential data model and Indy-based credential
Set of test cases
Viktor Radchenko - CTO and mobile dev for ProofSpace. 20-year R&D track record. Skilled in project and product management, solution architecture, science consulting, blockchain, mobile, web, game, and embedded development. 6 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Ruslan Shevchenko, PhD - Solution Architect and BE for ProofSpace. Skilled architect and scientific researcher with 30-years’ experience across blockchain, telecom, advertising and financial services. Researcher in the Institute of Software Systems and Founder of several successful ventures including NBI (an Internet Provider), GradSoft (a software development firm) and UA Scala user group. 10 publications in peer-reviewed journals, co-authored book entitled “Methods of Algebraic Programming” and is an active columnist for the Ukrainian developers' community portal.
Alexey Hodkov - FE/BE for ProofSpace. Talented web backend and frontend solution architect and developer with 17-years’ experience. Team leader, tech mentor and CTO in complex projects for various companies like Yandex LLC and Megogo.
Viacheslav Zhelobkov - Senior Mobile Dev for ProofSpace. Enthusiast software developer with 20 years experience in wide variety of IT areas including embedded, mobile, web, backend, etc. in roles from solo founder to Solution Architect and CTO.We will measure the project’s success according to the following criteria being met during and after the project’s completion:
Nick Mason - CEO for ProofSpace. Experienced social entrepreneur and venture analyst with a proven track record of social venture funding and of starting and growing ventures in Europe and Africa. Background as Consultant venture analyst at Toniic, Head of Portfolio and Operations at BeyondMe, UK Director for Sierra Leone based education charity and Trustee for Street Child. Co-Founded ProofSpace (formerly ZAKA in 2019).
Project progression will be measured by openly reporting on the state of deliverables (see below) in the monthly Catalyst reporting form and end of project reports. We will be collaborating closely with IOG PRISM core team to mitigate the risk of duplicated effort, which will provide an additional layer of accountability in progression tracking. We may also present progress at townhall and other community meetings on ad hoc basis.
We will measure the project’s success according to the following criteria being met during and after the project’s completion:
This proposal builds on an F7 proposal entitled “No-Code SSI SaaS for Mass Adoption” (see The availability of credentials schemas for PRISM will enhance ProofSpace ability to grow usage of PRISM credentials.
SDG Goals
SDG Subgoals
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Senior engineering team with cumulative 80+ yrs full stack dev and distributed systems research.