Last updated 3 years ago
The Medie Community don’t have a convenient place to study after school hours.
The people also have no idea about cardano blockchain .
The community needs a well-resourced library .
Need for education on cardano blockchain.
cardano blockchain learning materials needed.
This is the total amount allocated to A LIBRARY FACILITY AT MEDIE.
The community needs a well-resourced library .
Need for education on cardano blockchain.
cardano blockchain learning materials needed.
I'm an Internal Auditor with 10years experience and also an agent of fan milk Ghana ltd .
The people in the community will have a convenient place for learning which will go a long way to improve their learning capabilities.
The people in the community will also be encouraged to develop the habit of visiting the library regularly to study.
The provision of a Library will give school children a convenient place to learn after school hours.
Communication will be done by visiting house to house in the locality to inform parents and contacting school authorities of the existence of a library.
The proposed library may therefore require more space to accommodate larger number of users.
First Month.
• Creating awareness of the existences of library in the community
• Visiting house to house in the community to inform parents of the existence of a library and educate them on the need to allow their children to visit the library
• Visiting Schools in the locality to communicate to them of the existence of a library facility.
• Registration of people for the use of the library
Second to Twelfth Month.
• The library shall be opened for public use
• Educational forums will be organized where important personalities would be invited to give lectures in some critical lessons / topics of national concern.
• The library would be opened from 8:00am to 5:00pm each day from Monday – Friday and Saturday days 9:00am -3:00pm
The breakdown of the budget is as follows:
1. Hiring of library space for 12 months’ period.
2. Purchase of tables and chairs for the library (20 sets)
**3.**Hiring of Two(2no.) staff for every month for 12 months
4. Professional fees to invite personalities for a week long program for every quarter in the 12 months’ period.
5. Monthly payment of Electricity and water bill
6. Projector for a week Long program for every quarter in the 12 months’ 500.00
7. Desktop Computers (2) for the library
8. Laptop (1) 1200.00
9. Internet usage charge for every month.
10. Purchase of selected books for the library to be used for references
11. Covid-19 logistics for the library usage
12. Miscellaneous provisions.
1. Mr. John Kwame Afrane (an Internal Auditor with 10years experience and also an agent of fan milk Ghana ltd .)
2. Mr. Issifu Suraju Awidana ( a Hospital Administrator but has three years teaching experience)
Keeping daily attendance records of users.
Supervisor of the library to prepare monthly reports on the operational activities of the library.
Taking Feedback for users of the library facility through suggestion boxes .
Community inhabitants would develop the habit of going to the library to study as compared the previous times .
It is expected that the performance of students at schools within the communities would be improved over the period as compared to the previous times when there was no access to the library facility.
Entirely new.
I'm an Internal Auditor with 10years experience and also an agent of fan milk Ghana ltd .