Last updated 2 years ago
The job market is shrinking and being automated. Hispanics will account for 20% of workforce by 2030 yet currently hold 3% of tech jobs.
A bilingual Web3 Tech + Arts Space is needed to train the next developers, coders, artists on the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Bilingual Web3 Tech + Arts Space.
A bilingual Web3 Tech + Arts Space is needed to train the next developers, coders, artists on the Cardano blockchain.
#!: 20 years of experience in IT, currently IT Director and former BFA major at FIU.
#2: Co-founder holds an AS in Video Production, a BA in Psychology, with 15+ years of experience in sales, media, and writing.
#3: 30+ year educator advising on curriculum and budget.
We would like to create a Bilingual Web 3 Tech + Arts space where we can educate the next generation of tech workers–developers, coders, artists and onboard them onto the Cardano ecosystem.
By 2030, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects Hispanics will account for 1 out of every 5 workers in the labor force, at 21.2%. And yet Hispanics fill just 3 percent of tech jobs, are grossly underrepresented in tech jobs across the country, comprising only about 8 percent of the STEM workforce despite being 18 percent of the aggregate workforce, according to the PEW Center.
The local community we would like to deploy this program in is in Hialeah – 2nd most popuous city in Miami-Dade County and demographically has an ethnic makeup of 95% Hispanic according to the 2020 Census with a median household income (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 of $35,068 with 69.7% high school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2015-2019 and 15.7% going on to pursue a bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2015-2019.
A program like this will be essential in training more Hispanics/Latino's in the tech space and into the Cardano ecosystem, preparing them for a future in an industry where coding, programming, developing, and content creation will continue to be in high demand.
By bringing a program of this kind, which we would like to offer free of charge to students, we eliminate the barrier to entry, we train and onboard more Hispanic/Latino's s into tech and the blockchain, increasing our representation and ensuring that diversity and inclusivity are an integral part of the tech space and the Cardano ecosystem.
The main challenge will be having access to funding to be able to carry out our plans and finding skilled professionals to teach students in a relatively quick turn around time.
Month 1 - register to form non-profit, secure office space, put down deposits, order furniture and equipment, pay all occupational licenses, run ads to hire educators, start social media marketing campaign, and order software and office supplies. Create a fundraiing campaign.
Month 2 - Start training, enrolling students, maintenance and organization, order shirts, stock office with equipment, supplies, and refreshments. Apply for gants.
Month 3 - Throw a launch party and begin classes. Continue our marketing efforts. Hire community manager.
Rent - Sample: Studio A is 1,200 SF and rents for $2,590 plus tax = $2750 @ month x 12 months = $33,000 a year
Furniture - $7000
Computers - 1 station at $15K each = $15K
iPad Pro’s - $1350 * 10 = $13,500
Software (Plutus, Python, Haskell, Blender, Illustrator) - $
Educator salaries - 4 PT Educators to teach 4 to 5 students at a time $25/hr x 5 hours daily from 2pm to 7pm
Community Manager - $25/hr x 4 hours daily = $100 a day / $500 a week / $2000 a month
Training for educators (Plutus, Python, Haskell, Blender, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro)
Speakers fees - 1 industry speaker per month @ $250 each speaker fee
Materials (Office supplies and equipment) - $500 a month
Shirts - TBD
Marketing - $750 a month
Snacks and Refreshments - $500 a month
Security Equipment (Alarm/Cameras) - TBD
Maintenance (Pest Control, Cleaning Service) - $450 a month
Occupational Licenses - $100 a month
Utilities - $400 a month
Insurance - $600 a month
20 years of experience in IT, currently IT Director at a local school and was a BFA major at Florida International University.
Co-founder holds an AS degree in Video Production, a BA in Psychology, and a minor in Women's Studies with 15+ years of experience working in sales, media, writing, and design.
An advisor on our team with over 30 years as an educator is assisting on curriculum and budgets.
By month 3 we would like to have 15-20 students and 4 to 5 instructors We would also like to raise an additional $100K in funding to continue to support our expansion efforts and keep our doors open. Another measure of success will be to create a virtual learning space in the Metaverse that will act as a complement to the in person space. And lastly, to have multiple sources of funding in place.
Success for this project will be to create a comprehensive innovative space and have all students go on to create or be a part of other successful projects. We would assist with placement if needed. Also to have several funnels of funding in the form of proceeds from the sale of our NFTs, grants, sponsorhsips, merch, and donations. And to establish ourselves as a compeitive first of its kind program locally.
This is an entirely new project proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
#!: 20 years of experience in IT, currently IT Director and former BFA major at FIU.
#2: Co-founder holds an AS in Video Production, a BA in Psychology, with 15+ years of experience in sales, media, and writing.
#3: 30+ year educator advising on curriculum and budget.