Last updated 2 years ago
Senior Citizens learn differently than other age groups and have been slow to adopt Defi. How do we engage a Worldwide population to ADA?
An education and community outreach program tailored to how the Senior Population learns, comprehends and motivates. Develop the ELI65 style
This is the total amount allocated to C4S - Cardano for Seniors Hubs.
An education and community outreach program tailored to how the Senior Population learns, comprehends and motivates. Develop the ELI65 style
I founded and was CEO of a brokerage that handled Insurance, Nursing Home Coverage, and Taxes for Seniors. I taught at College Level and I hosted a weekly radio program. Currently, I farm and I am a Senior! I have placed a F9 Challenge Setting also to develop Senior Marketing.
The solution will be staged in a multi-phase funding and development process. The end solution is a series of C4S - Cardano for Seniors (PSA like) animated messages to allow for worldwide language translations. These C4S messages will be tailored to Seniors and how they learn and will include a developed ELI65 (Explain like I'am 65) style. They will be designed and produced to educate seniors to DeFi and specifically the advantages of Cardano, so they develop a level of confidence and comfortability in investing in ADA.
The first step was developed and refined during a Mini Catalyst School session with Tevo Saks. He used the Miro whiteboard with several of the attendees to Ideate on the question and during the session the first stage developed.
From the Whiteboard we determined we would need to research the paths and nuances of Seniors learning. Then we will create the written content, based on the research of Senior learning styles, to create a library for DeFi education. The ELI65 will differ from ELI5 by having the library developed on Senior learning habits A study compared Senior brains to a full Hard drive that has issues processing data. Seniors learn differently
The second step will be to record the content and put out links on certain social media frequented by Seniors, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc
The third step will be to approach Senior Organizations to offer our C4S educational programs for their constituents in their brick and mortar settings This initially, will be limited to the US, until we move into Phase two with the animations that will be translated to different languages.
The project will:
1. research how seniors learn,
2. Develop content specifically for seniors including a ELI65 style,
3. Record the content and set up a social media distribution path,
4. Market to Senior Organizations e.g Senior Planet via sales processes to provide content for their brick & mortar settings,
5. In Phase two the educational content messages will be via animated characters and translated to various languages for Worldwide distribution.
The KPIs will be:
1. A developed & published DeFi library targeted at Senior education delivered during the beginning of month two.
2. A ELI 65 FAQ. Distributed via Social Media. End of month two.
3. YouTube channel broadcast and Social media marketing of the researched content in promoting the Cardano ecosystem. This will also work towards making the project self-sustaining. Delivered at the end of Month four - beginning of Month Five.
4. Sales contacts with two major Senior, not for profits towards getting them to utilize the C4S education program in their brick and motor hubs. End of Month five.
The challenges we foresee are: 1. Lack of initial funding, 2. Getting the content and message correct for the niche Senior market, 3. Poor traction on marketing via Social Media, 4. Satisfactory method of measuring or tracking the Senior buy-in into the Cardano ecosystem. KYC does not quantify age group.
Post funding in R8
Month 1: a) Recording equipment and social media addresses acquired
b) 100 hours / Initial Research into senior learning Best Practices
Month 2: a)5 hours/ Planning of learning segments and ELI65
b)115 hours / Writing the content of the segments for recording and ELI65 library
Month 3: a) 120 hours/ Recording the segments
b) 120 hours / Editing and re-recording
c) Web & social sites will be developed
Month 5: a) Recordings are released via social media
b) Sales efforts to Senior Organizations begins
1. Acquisition of Recording equipment and social media $1,500
2.Research into senior learning processes. 100 hours ( 3 weeks) $4,000
3. Content writing for recording segments. 120 hours ( 4 weeks) $4,800
4. Recording and Editing of segments. 240 hours ( 6 weeks) $9,500
5. Web development - outsourced $2,500
6. Sales expenses and Travel $2,700
Total $25,000
All time is expensed at $35.00 / hour + 14% for payroll tax and expense.
Tom Frey the organizer has experience in the senior market, is a senior and also has sales, marketing, writing and recording experience.
Theresa K. has education and experience is programming/coding. She has extensive experience in researching, and specifically research for special needs and learning optimization.
Kevin Burke is a marketing and sales pro with Account Management experience at Xerox, Pitney Bowes and Credit Risk Monitor.
We plan on developing a calendar and flow chart via Miro for each step stated. The tasks will be referenced to each team member or outsourced entity with deadlines. The progress of each step will be tracked weekly via the whiteboard.
The team has already set up a private Telegram room which will be used for the project. Eventually we will set up a public room, along with other suitable social channels for our Senior constituency.
Success for Phase one will be the launch of the C4S Cardano Hub for Seniors platform, ELI65 faq and library and it's use (until translated) by english speaking Seniors or other NEWBS who like the ELI65 system. Also the content is feeding through a YouTube channel with cross references to other Social Media properties
Phase two will be successful when we animate and translate into major languages and begin worldwide distribution of C4S.
This is new
SDG goals:
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals:
4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.3.1 Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
I founded and was CEO of a brokerage that handled Insurance, Nursing Home Coverage, and Taxes for Seniors. I taught at College Level and I hosted a weekly radio program. Currently, I farm and I am a Senior! I have placed a F9 Challenge Setting also to develop Senior Marketing.