Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano Community in Argentina is growing potentially everyday, presential events will stronger the multi-interaction in our Community
Host presential events once a month providing interactions, business opportunities, workshops in Cardano community and attract newcomers.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires Hub.
Host presential events once a month providing interactions, business opportunities, workshops in Cardano community and attract newcomers.
Co-organizer of Cardano Summit 2020 in Buenos Aires
Co-host of Meetup Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires with 649 members
Cooperation with LATAM Cardano Community
Community Manager of stake pool
According to iProUP, Argentina is the fourth country with the highest volume of transactions worldwide and the most climbed in 2021 in the ranking on the use of digital assets.
The cryptocurrency market, is growing driven by economic difficulties, the shortage of dollars and high inflation, whose average exceeded 45% the last three years, which led many investors and small savers to invest in Cardano and other cryptocurrencies.
Since the economic crisis in Argentina has created a lot of new investment opportunities, but due to the Covid Pandemic situation, mostly of the events are held online without personal interactions. Consequently organizing on-site events will be really a positive impact that may allow Cardano´s experts, developers, investors and enthusiasts from different fields to interact among them in person and learn about CARDANO's current catalyst projects that could partner up themselves, so as to attract more people to get to know CARDANO, invest in CARDANO and even become the partner of some interesting projects.
We will communicate via Meetup, discord LATAM CARDANO TOWNHALL and twitter to allow more people participate in the events
Covid restrictions that limit the numbers of participants
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
We aim to host 12 presential events in Buenos Aires during 1 year.
Budget for 12 months
$4800 - Meetup Logistics, Venue costs, Co-working space x 12 events.
$2500 - Snacks and drinks x 12 events
$2400 â Part-time community manager: $25 /hr x 8 hrs/month x 12 months
$1800 â Part-time workshop givers and materials preparation $25/hr x 3 hrs/month x 2 persons X12 months
Total budget 11,500 USD
Jose Iadicicoo, Co-organizer of Cardano Summit 2020 in Buenos Aires, Co-host of Meetup Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires with 649 members, members of LATAM Cardano Community and SPO of Aldea Dao, Cardano SPO.
Ke Hua Yang, co-organizer of Cardano Summit 2020 in Buenos Aires, Co-host of Meetup Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires with 649 members, members of LATAM Cardano Community and Community manager of Stake pool.
Videos and photos of every events
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
We aim to host 12 presential events in Buenos Aires during 1 year.
It is an entirely new one
Co-organizer of Cardano Summit 2020 in Buenos Aires
Co-host of Meetup Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires with 649 members
Cooperation with LATAM Cardano Community
Community Manager of stake pool