Last updated 2 years ago
Indonesians prefer simple visual infographics through videos to learn about Cardano in local language - Bahasa Indonesia
Provide 6 high quality educational videos and post in Cardano Indonesia's Official YouTube Channel in Indonesian Language
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series.
Provide 6 high quality educational videos and post in Cardano Indonesia's Official YouTube Channel in Indonesian Language
Business Development & Marketing, Project Management
Cardano Community : part of Eastern Town Hall Indonesia team, Cardano Community Indonesia team, Cardano Ambassador for Indonesia
We want to motivate Indonesian people to engage more in Cardano Ecosystem. After some research, the best way is using YouTube as the platform to reach Indonesian (see statistics below)
If funded, existing Cardano communities will see a rise in interest in learning Cardano itself and on building on top of Cardano from the Indonesian community. This interest will act as an indicator to the team and the larger community to continue to build upon this proposal by participating in requesting further funding.
Main Challenges:
Production and creative process to deliver the videos that fit our audiences, and the Youtube channel are still new. Video production also need many man hours, from pre-production up to final post production
Mitigation strategy:
Pre-Production / Content
We will use and adopt the Cardano Indonesia Community Syllabus as posted on to create the content and script with advisory from the Cardano Indonesia Ambassador and the Cardano Indonesia team members
Production & Post Production
We will work with experienced local production house to produce the videos, including the digital marketing portion to promote the videos
This proposal is part of Cardano Community Indonesia long term plan, which will use Cardano Indonesia Community social & media channel (twitter, telegram, instagram) to promote the YouTube Channel to reach the audiences
Why Is It Important?
Indonesia with a growing middle class population -which is 52 million strong- prior to covid and based on a report by the World Bank entered the upper-middle-income brackets, is a huge potential for Cardano to tap into.
Add to that the populations high-internet connectivity which as of July 2021 is at 70% of the population or around 171 million users, where 94% of that connected population uses YouTube. With an average of 8 hours of internet use per day, 3 hours of that is used on their social media of choice, using YouTube and Instagram to promote Cardano content is numerically logical and effective.
Plan In Detail
To provide 6 high quality educational videos and post in Cardano Indonesia's Official YouTube Channel in Indonesian Language we will use the Cardano Indonesia Syllabus, and select the basic knowledge topics (non technical) so it can be use as basic resources for education purpose
0-3 months
3-6 months
Total : $ 18,120
Dion Setyotomo, Project Manager, Business Development
Cardano Indonesia Community Manager, Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall member, Discord admin for Cardano Indonesia Community
Andreas Sosilo Software Developer, Cardano Foundation Ambassador for Indonesia, Cardano Indonesia Community Manager, Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Team
Relevant connections and links
-. This proposal is in direct partnership with the Instagram influencer Cardano Indonesia, a Instagram influencer that focuses on discussing anything and everything Cardano who has amassed a 1,000+ following. Their channel can be found in the following link :
-. This proposal is supported by the two largest Indonesian SPO's ; SPO Kawanua (with 2,908 Tele members) and SPO Cardanesia (with 923 members) who will act as a source of content output reference and content distribution channel. Their channel can be found in the following links : &
-. This proposal is also supported by the Eastern Town Hall Indonesia community (with 299 Tele members and 160+ Discord members) who will act as a source of content output reference and content distribution channel. Their channel can be found in the following links : Metrics To Measure
To further validate this proposal we provide these following metrics as key guides to be expected by the community on the effect of the proposal during it's duration :
How Does Success Look Like
If funded, existing Cardano communities will see a rise in interest in learning Cardano itself and on building on top of Cardano from the Indonesian community. This interest will act as an indicator to the team and the larger community to continue to build upon this proposal by participating in requesting further funding.
Yes, this is part of Cardano Community Indonesia proposal that got funded in Fund7. The video content will be linked to the community web portal video section, and also as a reference for regular workshops.
Business Development & Marketing, Project Management
Cardano Community : part of Eastern Town Hall Indonesia team, Cardano Community Indonesia team, Cardano Ambassador for Indonesia