Last updated a year ago
The Cardano community in Taiwan is limited, and most people, especially university students, have little knowledge about crypto or Cardano.
Host a Cardano Hub in National Chengchi University in Taipei providing educational workshops to students.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Hub TAIWAN.
Host a Cardano Hub in National Chengchi University in Taipei providing educational workshops to students.
Student at National Chengchi University
Miss Asia 2020 of Intelligence
Volunteering in 2019 Overseas Youth English Service Camp Zhongshan Elementary School
Participate in AFS exchanging program in Ounsdale High school in 2018
Finalist at SM Entertainment audition 2017
Host a Cardano Hub in National Chengchi University in Taipei providing educational workshops to students.
Will anounce in Cardano Taiwan Facebook, Twitter, Telegram for events information and content.
If the covid situation worsens, the project will no longer be a face-to-face event and will be moved online.
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
We aim to host 12 face-to-face events during 1 year.
$2000 - Meetup Logistics, Venue costs, etc.
$2500- Co-working space fee, food, drinks during 12 events
$2400 – Part-time community manager: $50/hr x 4hrs/month x 12 months
$1680 – Salary for workshop givers and materials preparation $70/hr x 2hrs/month X12 months
$1200 – ADA giveaway
Total: 9780
Student at National Chengchi University
Miss Asia 2020 of Intelligence
Volunteering in 2019 Overseas Youth English Service Camp Zhongshan Elementary School
Participate in AFS exchanging program in Ounsdale High school in 2018
Finalist at SM Entertainment audition 2017
i will create a group chat about cardano hub, where i will share pictures of the event.
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
We aim to host 12 face-to-face events during 1 year.
This project is an entirely new one.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Student at National Chengchi University
Miss Asia 2020 of Intelligence
Volunteering in 2019 Overseas Youth English Service Camp Zhongshan Elementary School
Participate in AFS exchanging program in Ounsdale High school in 2018
Finalist at SM Entertainment audition 2017