Last updated 2 years ago
The large capital requirements for a brick-and-mortar community hub are prohibitive to wide scale adoption.
Create a stationary minimum-viable hub unit that can be set up at a relatively low cost. Flat-packed, portable and set up in under 24 hours.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Kiosk | Hub-in-a-box.
Create a stationary minimum-viable hub unit that can be set up at a relatively low cost. Flat-packed, portable and set up in under 24 hours.
Funded F7 'Scale-Up Hubs' proposer, Global Lead for Wada with a network of 5+ hubs based in Africa.
Main deliverable:
The design and development of a kiosk-sized hub that can be flat-packed, shipped, then set up without industrial equipment in less than 24 hours. This hub will cater to and be operated by 1 or 2 people at a time and act a first-point of contact for those in rural or low-income areas.
Project Brief:
The concept of Cardano Information Kiosks (CIKs) is a revival of the concept of Rural Internet Kiosks (RIKs) that was popularised once satellite internet came into mainstream understanding in the late 2000s. There was a sustained effort to connect rural communities to the global network, but at that time, neither satellite technology nor the renewable energy sources such as solar were at a point of being affordable for the retail consumer, especially those in low-income areas.
This has now changed, and we can point to numerous examples of new solar companies, telecoms and construction companies that are building business around provisioning for rural, low-income areas. There is an opportunity for us to leverage this move towards penetrating low-internet access areas, by providing our own services, mainly for identity and finance to scale adoption of Cardano.
Types of services rendered through the CIK:
By scaling down the initial capital requirements and reducing ongoing maintenance costs, this proposal satisfies the challenge's goal of providing a minimum-viable hub (MVH) solution.
Working from the principles outline in the challenge setting:
Challenge KPIs (Impact):
The outcomes of the project will be communicated through the Wada website and the Cardano Hubs Directory (CHD).
Risk Management:
Security - CIKs will have high-end IoT security systems as well as remote locking and SMS alerts to tampering. As a source of connectivity, the hub's 'always-on' nature deters any tampering or damage.
Local demand - Given the portability of the CIK by its flat-pack design, it benefits from both the flexibility of the mobile hub, and the community presence of a traditional hub. By hiring a moving truck for a day, with readily-available power tools, a CIK should be able to be moved and re-located in a matter of days.
Eco-sustainability - All CIKs will be rated according to a sustainability audit, in terms of manufacture, recyclable-materials usage and transport to location. CIKs will use renewable sources of energy in order to power their operations.
Project sustainability:
The financial model of the CIK project is based around two areas:
The financial model of CIK itself is based around:
Roadmap: (After successful funding)
First 30 Days:
3 months:
6 months:
Main deliverable and outcome:
The design and delivery of a prototype, based on a kiosk-sized hub that can be replicated globally for maximum utility and minimum cost.
Total: $35000
Core Team & Roles:
Josh F - Global Lead @ Wada
Funded proposer and challenge setter, active Catalyst member since Fund 2, stakepool operator, Catalyst conference host and Cardano hub builder.
+ Wada team support
Main Stakeholder: Wada ( )
Relevant Partners:
ADA Sustainability ( )
Potential Partners:
Key Metrics:
What success looks like:
After its first year of installation, the CIK will have serviced at least 500 people through wallet creation, device-charging, data provisions, internet connectivity and more.
*3 months*: Design, specification and fabrication stages all completed. 25 service events (post-launch).
*6 months*: CIK launched and open to the public. 100 service events (post-launch).
Affiliated Proposals:
Past Proposals (Funded):
Extra Resources:
Interested in contributing or partnering? Get in touch today by contacting
Funded F7 'Scale-Up Hubs' proposer, Global Lead for Wada with a network of 5+ hubs based in Africa.