Last updated 2 years ago
How can Cardano empower Miami locals to save their community from Climate Gentrification?
Help Captain Haiti empower his community with the Cardano technology; to help increase ownership of their own neighborhood.
This is the total amount allocated to #CardanoBeach; ADA's city in Miami.
Help Captain Haiti empower his community with the Cardano technology; to help increase ownership of their own neighborhood.
Let's make Little Haiti, Miami, a destination for Crypto Innovation in Miami!
#CardanoBeach is an ecosystem that is making you a stake holder of Little Haiti through a:
What Are Their Utilities?
Each token increases the Community's Equity in Little Haiti;
Our solution is staged in a 4 phases of funding and development process.
Phase 1: The #CardanoBeach HUB (
Captain Haiti is teaming up with Haitians in Tech and Code for South Florida to launch a 5,000 square feet HUB dedicated to Little Haiti's economic development.
Located across the street from the Little Haiti Cultural Center, the #CardanoBeach HUB is Miami’s 1st decentralized co-working space. Making Little Haiti THE destination for Cardano innovation in Florida.
This incubator is where residents will find resources to help them qualify for contracts or career opportunities throughout the $5 Billion in projects coming to Little Haiti.
Types of services rendered at the #CardanoBeach HUB:
Every NFT holder enjoys many of the same amenities.
Phase 2: LittleHaitiNFTs (
LittleHaitiNFT is a crowdfunding effort to raise the $20M needed by the community to buy a portfolio of 23 properties located in Little Haiti.
Community Equity
Our goal is to put ownership of these properties in the hands of the community by either;
LittleHaitiNFT incentivize the crypto sphere to adopt CNFTs if they want to take advantage the increasing value of Little Haiti's real estate. Therefore showcasing CNFTs use case to the world.
Phase 3: LittleHaitiDAO (
If we are successful in purchasing real estate in Little Haiti, the NFT holders would manage the properties through a DAO, which would take the legal form of a Trust.
The treasury of the LittleHaitiDAO is dedicated to preserve the Haitian culture in Little Haiti:
Votes Administration
The votes are administrate by which ensure every single member is subject to the same rules. You receive 1 vote per dollar contributed to the treasury of the LittleHaitiDAO and, thus, you are able to participate in the allocation of the funds.
Phase 4: $LittleHaitiCoin (
We use Little Haiti, Miami, as an incubator to develop the #CardanoBeach concept and prepare its implementation in Haiti. #CardanoBeach will pave the way for other Haitian communities around the world.
Save from $50 to $1000 at over 40 businesses by sponsoring the cleanup of Little Haiti.
How it Works?
The challenges we foresee are: 1. Lack of initial funding, 2. Translate the benefits of Cardano in creole 3. Poor traction on marketing via Social Media.
0-3 months
Ongoing renovation:
Partnership agreement:
3-6 months
Equip and furnish the co-working space
6-9 months
Develop partnership with Midgard Group, Magic City Innovation District and Sabal Pam.
Launch of the LittleHaitiNFT crowdfunding campaign
9-12 months
1st vote of the LittleHaitiDAO
We have already invested over $60k to secure a 10 year lease of a building located at 5930 NE 2nd Avenue Miami Florida. The overall cost of opening the #CardanoBeach Hub is $300,000.
We are requesting a sponsorship of the remaining working desk/station to make them available to the residents and local businesses:
Crowdfunding Campaign
This sponsorship will help jumpstart our crowdfunding effort with the marketing budget needed to raise the remaining funds.
5% of all tokens are donated to all 32,000 Little Haiti Residents. The the percentage of Yoroi Wallet installed in the population will mark our progress.
The progression of the amount of money in the treasury will also mark our success.
$30,000,000 Have been raised and invested to preserve the Haitian culture in Little Haiti.
This is our first proposal.