Last updated 2 years ago
Despite all the great things the Cardano blockchain, there are few solutions to the acquisition, retention and servicing of audiences
To utilise and educate non-blockchain natives through the lens of videogames by releasing specialist content across relevant channels
This is the total amount allocated to Checkpoint Content Hub.
To utilise and educate non-blockchain natives through the lens of videogames by releasing specialist content across relevant channels
I've been a journalist for over 20 years and have come from a BBC and Guardian background - broadcast journalist (award winning) . My team are veterans in their relevant fields.
I have been in the games industry for over 15 years and have an already established audience.
We try to give back where we can, and we think education is key. By using the cultural capital of videogames, we're able to use children, teenagers and adults' experiences and knowledge to place bigger ideas within context. Whether that's through our learning materials, our videos, audio documentaries or our long form features, we hope they give a perspective otherwise missed.
With this in mind, Checkpoint proposes a new way of educating and on-boarding through the development of new media outlets specifically aimed at videogamers who are interested in blockchain and its adoption.
Checkpoint is positioning all its content online and in a metaverse space (which already exists and is free to access through the Oculus platform). Here the blockchain will work as an engine in a car should - seamlessly with no need for the driver to know what's actually going on. This safe and already existing space will engender trust and relationships to build in the social VR space. This will make it more likely for the multiverse travellers (we are working on making the multiverse accessible through any device and browser) to engage in other content in the brand and we can highlight and celebrate other blockchain projects (especially games) which help set an understanding for the wider ecosystem.
Checkpoint already has over 350,000 highly engaged users across its platforms motivated by free access to high quality and interactive content across the brand.
The main challenges with this, as with any new media outlet or product, is to build an organic and highly engaged community which matches the quality of the audience that already exists on Checkpoint. By this, we mean people with a real interest to invest time learning about subjects in detail, inquisitive and like to be challenged. There are many places for throw-away commentary and transient audiences, but Checkpoint prides itself on the high engagement across the whole brand from its users.
We would be able to launch a Checkpoint Hub/Blockchain focused gaming magazine by Q4 of 2022.
The product and infrastructure already exists, so it's a matter of creating content and opening up accessibility to all users, regardless of device or browser.
We would produce 1 magazine a quarter, four magazines a year initially, with a review at the end of the year to see if there is an appetite to increase output.
$5,000 - annual licensing fee for digital magazine creation and distribution (can be free or paid) on Apple and Google Play stores through an app.
$10,000 - content creation for three issues (including animated front covers, design, article commissioning, audio editing and more (examples can be found through the existing magazines
$5,000 - marketing and PR
$5,000 - special NFT card collection to celebrate launch and to enhance the engage to earn model.
In addition, as this is a magazine, it is able to generate its own revenue from advertising within the magazine. This can be opened to other projects, as well as more mainstream advertising partners to generate revenue. Advertising could be sold as packages either across the brand (where relevant) or for single publications or outlets.
The first year will see growth and we expect to achieve $20,000 from magazine advertising only (based on 1 page per issue).
Year two we can expect to see around $150,000 in advertising revenue (increasing the number of adverts in the magazine and implementing advertising across the multiverse which is currently possible).
Year three it's likely we can see up to $500,000 in advertising revenue that tie into partnerships like NFT exclusive cards and merch.
All these figures are based on current market prices.
Tamer Asfahani: Award-winning journalist and producer for over 15 years, trained in the arts of broadcasting at the BBC. An all-round, multi-skilled broadcast journalist specialising in audience identification and a pioneer in technology to find new ways to engage with an ever-growing global audience. The founder of the Checkpoint brand and a champion of education through games.
Paul Elmes: 30 years experience working as a top designer in magazine publishing. As a freelance Art Director, he has designed and art-directed for a Who’s Who of national magazines and newspaper supplements. Paul’s specialism is in contract magazines, advertorials and promotional supplements with his work appearing for consumer and B2B titles.
The project is successful if we have people downloading the magazine! Of course, we'll be able to measure the success through analytics and engagement of the brand.
The success is the ongoing engagement and creation of high quality content to serve our audience, no matter how they want to engage with us.
This is entirely new
I've been a journalist for over 20 years and have come from a BBC and Guardian background - broadcast journalist (award winning) . My team are veterans in their relevant fields.
I have been in the games industry for over 15 years and have an already established audience.