Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano communities are not well structured. And till now no local communties organize themselves regularly.
We aim to establish a vibrant local Cardano Community Berlin. Thereby we will pave the way for other cities.
This is the total amount allocated to Community Berlin as a franchise.
We aim to establish a vibrant local Cardano Community Berlin. Thereby we will pave the way for other cities.
We've found together at the Cardano Summit 2021 in Berlin and aim to organize more Cardano based events and grow the local community. We are group of SPOs, developers, artists and entrepreneurs who have one goal, to strengthen the local community.
By building the Berlin community we will also develop the concept and how it could be spread to other cities around europe and the whole world. We will pave the way for other cities bring Cardano into the peoples lives through local actions and meetups on a regular basis.
As we will grow a local community, we will build a concept on how other cities can start to grow their own community / adopt regular events.
The major challenges are to constantly reach and grow the community. Here most of the funds will be used to grow, advertise, organize meetups, events and find collaborational partners / galleries, event organizers.
After the first funding we will immediately organize a meetup to onboard potential members and grow the visibility. This will take place in a street-art / NFT gallery in Berlin.
6000 will be for the artists, speakers, beverages and the first locations that host the cardano community meetups,. 4000 will be used to grow the social media and local berlin marketing (street-advertisements / articles in local newspapers)
I am a cardano pioneer and in contact with a streetart NFT gallery that is able to host events, furthermore in the Cardano Community Berlin team is robin from LACE-pool and multiple cardano enthusiasts.
It will be easily measurable by the number of events that we organized, the people we attracted, the local Cardano Projects we helped to built.
Finally we aim to establish a big local community, with regular meetups (every month), potentially somewhen with a permanent space in a cafe / gallery to allow people to come and get informed.
It is an entirely new proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
16.b Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
16.10.2 Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information
We've found together at the Cardano Summit 2021 in Berlin and aim to organize more Cardano based events and grow the local community. We are group of SPOs, developers, artists and entrepreneurs who have one goal, to strengthen the local community.