The Eastern Town Hall offers a safe place for Eastern Hemisphere communities to learn, collaborate and build on Cardano.
Cardano Foundation Ambassadors, Catalyst School & Eastern Town Hall Members, Community Advisors (CAs) & Veteran CAs, Challenge Team members, Cardano Stake Pool Operators (SPO), IT & Software Engineering, Blockchain devs, Plutus/Atala Prism Pioneers, Educators and Accountants
The Eastern Town Hall as the name incurs is identical to the Town Hall. It is a community-driven initiative introducing Eastern Hemisphere to Cardano. Our focus is on creating a place, a time, and a space where:
- We can build knowledge, share information, connect and support each other
- Language and culture are not a barrier to participation
- We learn how to apply the technology to address local needs
- We show how to use Cardano to increase our economic well being
- We enrich Cardano's ecosystem with our stories, our energy, and our perspectives
The Eastern Hemisphere unites culturally and linguistically numerous countries. With a population of over 1.6 billion, where 60% of the total global population are situated [ 9 ], our goal is to educate, guide and nurture community initiatives that build on Cardano.
This is a recurring proposal that is submitted to continue the growth of the Eastern Town Hall (ETH). Eastern Town Hall as a platform for supporting Eastern Hemisphere community initiatives has seen substantial growth in various metrics in each of their respective communities. These metrics are as following and can be found on our GitHub also : (in alphabetic order)
In Indonesia, these are the following metrics [ 1 ] ;
- The growth of various communication channels of the Eastern Town Hall Indonesia that act as daily discussion gathering and a test bed for DAO programs. These are the metrics of Eastern Town Hall Indonesia’s growth :
- Telegram Channel growth: 0 to 295 members
- Discord Channel growth (together with Cardano Indonesia): 0 to 379 members
- Bi-weekly sessions growth: 15 to 25 regular participants
- Instagram growth: 0 to 55 followers
- Twitter growth (collective): 0 to 34 followers
- YouTube growth (collective): 0 to 104 followers
- Proposal from Indonesia: 0 to 4 proposals (3 successfully funded)
- pre-DAO programs launched: 2 programs, which are the following :
- Community translations (translate to earn)
- Community management (distributing the KPIs of a community manager into a bounty to be done by the community)
- pre-DAO programs participants: 19 unique individuals
- The further growth of Cardano Indonesia which is a discussion group for everything Cardano, from the dApps to the Project Catalyst and everything in between in the form of bi-weekly workshops over Zoom. Partial metrics of Cardano Indonesia’s growth is as following :
- Telegram Channel growth: 457 to 651 members
- Discord Channel growth (together with ETH Indonesia): 0 to 379 members
- Bi-weekly sessions growth: 65 to 101 regular participants
- Instagram growth: 1097 to 2068 followers
- YouTube growth: 0 to 17 followers
- Twitter growth: 0 to 316 followers
- Proposal from Cardano Indonesia: 4 proposals (3 successfully funded)
In Viet Nam, these are the following metrics ;
- The growth of various communication channels of the Eastern Town Hall Viet Nam that acts as daily discussion gathering and a test bed for DAO programs. These are the metrics of Eastern Town Hall Viet Nam’s growth :
- Telegram Channel growth: 0 to 180 members
- Bi-weekly sessions growth: 11 to 22 regular participants
- YouTube growth (collective): 0 to 104 followers
- Proposal from Vietnam: 3 to 19 proposals
- pre-DAO program launched: 1 program, which are the following :
- Community translations (translate to earn)
- pre-DAO program participant: 24 unique individuals
There are also various other metrics by various countries that are compiled in one database which you can find in our Eastern Town Hall GitHub [ 2 ].
By creating Eastern Town Hall we are taking the Cardano initiative to meet the Eastern Hemisphere community where they are, in their country, their language and their culture.
We are an active part of various other Cardano ecosystems. This wealth of knowledge and experience we will bring to our cornerstone event which is the weekly Eastern Town Hall. Though we are doing more than that, for:
- We make knowledge and content accessible to as many cultures as possible
- We host different events where community members come together
- We build bridges to underrepresented groups
- We integrate local perspectives to enrich the Catalyst Community; and
- We listen! Gathering opinions and data to help us all understand
We are doing translations, building community, sharing knowledge, enabling entrepreneurs and growing Cardano which are divided into various proposals. All these efforts have one goal in mind, which is to grow Eastern Hemisphere Cardano community.
Main challenges are coordination between different cultures, time zones and languages. It takes considerable consideration to create a working environment that both emphasizes high collaboration yet achieves maximum results in the form of benefit given to the Cardano Community in general and most importantly to each community we represent. We mediate this challenge through the use of tools (GitHub, GitLocalize, Orbit etc.) and the open discussion we have in our weekly meetings.
Though the biggest hurdle is still the use of English as the primary communication protocol of all Cardano. The need to grow a strong local language and local culture minded ecosystem is essential. Which again, through our weekly meetings we are steadily creating a system that encompasses; onboarding, educating and growing Cardano through Project Catalyst and all available community driven initiatives. All of these findings are provided in our GitHub where we share openings back to the Cardano community members.
To further grow the Eastern Town Hall, these are our action plans to be executed by appointed members of their respective communities :
- Attendance at 2 (two) hour planning meetings for 4 (four) sessions duration of 3 (three) months
- Attendance at a 2 (two) hour ETH bi-weekly sessions with duration of 3 (three) months
- Moderating 2 (two) hour ETH bi-weekly sessions with duration of 3 (three) months
- Managing and maintaining day-to-day discussion in various social medias such as ; Discord, Telegram
- Managing communication and uploading periodic content in various social medias such as ; Instagram, Twitter and YouTube
- Maintaining and updating ETH website and ETH Cardano Foundation Forum
- GitHub managing and maintenance across all countries in ETH
- Paid marketing the ETH to a wider community, in and outside of Cardano
- Influencer marketing the ETH inviting specific guests form the Project Catalyst communities or alumni that have been funded or are currently active
- Expanding the ETH by collaborating to build the ETH Singaporean/Korean community (tbd which country)
These actions will translate into the following timeline :
- Month one:
- Have 2 (two) Eastern Town Hall with 4 (four) breakout rooms for Indonesian, Singaporean/Korean, Japanese, Viet Nam and English
- Have 4 (four) Eastern Town Hall coordination meetings
- Managing and/or maintaining and/or updating all social medias, website, forums
- Execute marketing of the Eastern Town Hall to intended targets
- Start of building the ETH Singaporean/Korean community
- Month two:
- Have 2 (two) Eastern Town Hall with 4 (four) breakout rooms for Indonesian, Singaporean/Korean, Japanese, Viet Nam and English
- Have 4 (four) Eastern Town Hall coordination meetings
- Managing and/or maintaining and/or updating all social medias, website, forums
- Execute marketing of the Eastern Town Hall to intended targets
- Continue building the ETH Singaporean/Korean community
- Month three:
- Have 2 (two) Eastern Town Hall with 4 (four) breakout rooms for Indonesian, Singaporean/Korean, Japanese, Viet Nam and English
- Have 4 (four) Eastern Town Hall coordination meetings
- Managing and/or maintaining and/or updating all social medias, website, forums
- Execute marketing of the Eastern Town Hall to intended targets
- Have built the foundations of the ETH Singaporean/Korean community
The following is our budget breakdown that of our action plans spanning 3 months :
- Hosting bi-weekly Town Hall Events : (2 hours @2 per month/$60 per hour) $9,360
- Caters to 4 (four) countries (in alphabetic order; Indonesian, New Zealand/East Africa/English, Singaporean/Korean (tbd), Japan and Vietnam) :
- Indonesian team members 4 (four) individuals
- New Zealand/East Africa/English 3 (three) individuals
- Singapore/Korean members 2 (two) individuals (tbd)
- Viet Nam team members 3 (three) individuals
- Japan team members 1 (one) individual
- Weekly coordination meetings : (2 hours @4 per month/$15 per hour) $4,680
- Financial management, progress management, SPO management, monitoring and reporting activities, developing new programs etc.
- Hosting workshops and Breakout Room Events : $720
- To teach and remind of the various tools used in the Eastern Town Hall such as; GitHub, GitLocalize, Orbit etc. (2 hours @2 per month/$60 per hour)
- Marketing and communication : $1,725
- Creating, managing and growing the Eastern Town Hall Instagram channel
- Managing and growing the community platforms (Discord, Telegram)
- Managing and growing the Eastern Town Hall Twitter channel
- Managing and growing the Eastern Town Hall YouTube channel
- Managing and growing the C3ETH Stake Pool
- Website maintenance : $1,725
- Maintaining and updating the website to accommodate the following communities; Indonesian, New Zealand/East Africa/English, Singapore/Korean and Japanese
- Project Management : $1,725
- Coordinating hosts, co-hosts (scheduling, backup plan)
- Coordinating with community events (Swarm Session, After Town Halls)
- Coordinating with partners (creating bridges, realizing synergies)
- Controlling timeline (meeting KPI’s, submitting proposals, etc.)
- Controlling the project costs
- Project documentation and housekeeping : $1,725
- GitHub admin across all communities and all events
- Contingency : $1,000
The team represents the initial Eastern Town Hall (ETH) Trusted Seed and incoming new members.
There are no roles, no leaders. Rather people establish themselves over time, through participation. We overlap and collaborate with Catalyst Swarm [ 3 ] and Catalyst School [ 4 ] and other community groups across Asia.
This collaborative effort brings a wealth of cultural and technical experience to Cardano. We are all very active in Catalyst, and community groups across our ecosystem. We are a diverse bunch united by the promise of Cardano : (in alphabetic order)
- Core Team
- Andreas Sosilo @andreassosilo - Indonesia: Software Developer, Cardano Foundation Ambassador for Indonesia, Cardano Indonesia Community Manager, Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Team
- Angela @AWG - Haskell Plutus Lecturer, Eastern Town Hall Team Member, Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member, CA,VCA, Plutus Pioneer, Atala Prism Pioneer, Challenge Team Member, Boostcamp Alumn.
- Jack @PardusEidolon - Financial markets software engineering, Haskell Developer, Music & Video Production, Eastern Townhall Co-Organiser
- Linh @elpidanang - Australia: Digital Forensic and Cyber Security academic staff since 2004. Fund 7 and 8 Challenge Team member, Co-host for ETH
- Mie Tran @mie.tran.0407 - Vietnam: English and International Business major by trained, experienced in working cross-continent corporations. Funded proposer, a Challenge Team member, Co-host for ETH
- Robert O'Brien @wolstaeb - New Zealand: Financial systems Software Engineer, Community Co-Organizer and Entrepreneur
- Tien @tienna - Vietnam: Computer programmer, Cardano SPO (VILAI), Cardano community activist since 2018, funded proposer, a Challenge Team member and Co-host for ETH
- Yuta Yuta @yutazz - Japan: Cardano Ambassador, Community Co-Organizer, Catalyst Fund 2 & 7 Recipient, Certified Public Accountant
- Yan Tirta @yantirta - Indonesia: Cardano Indonesia Organizer, Community Advisor, Veteran Community Advisor, Eastern Catalyst School member, Catalyst Challenge Team member, Entrepreneur
- Consultant Team
- Andy Sibuea @zicozibu - Indonesia: IT & Blockchain Educator, Eastern Catalyst School member
- Felix Weber @felixweber - France: Cardano Ambassador, Founder of Catalyst Swarm/School, Co-Founder of numerous other Cardano Communities
- Stephen Whitenstall @swhitenstall - England: QA DAO Founder, Challenge Team member
We will report back financial statements on our activities and expenses. Translated into as many languages as we can find collaborators for.
Our intent is to pioneer and prototype DAO treasury management [ 5 ] reporting. That is not a small matter and managing a shared pool of funds has plenty of compliance complications. The reporting effort is Similar in principle to the work being done by [ 6 ] and FWB [ 7 ]. Most DAOs are still figuring this out and the best practices are not even drafts, so help us work this out.
Learning how the Eastern Town Hall is spending and allocating funds will help us attract future funding. Help collaborators identify opportunities to work with us.
The goal is to grow participation by 25% in Eastern Town Halls and proposal submissions for each Fund Series in the next 3 months.
We will measure this through a questionnaire on the number of proposers/voters/Community Advisors/Veteran Community Advisors which is conducted for each Fund Series in the community of the target country. See our work on Catalyst Fund6 submission phase analysis [ 8 ] as a base line example.
Activities to reach the proposed goal :
- Daily : Inquiries from the community about Catalyst are answered by our members in their respective languages. We will translate Catalyst content and publish it via our website
- Weekly : We hold weekly planning events and meet-ups, sharing information about our activities with each community
- Monthly : Our spending is reported. We will manage your finances in a decentralized manner using a multi-sig wallet
- By Fund : Surveys will be conducted in each eastern community to count the number of voters, proposers and experts in each region
This indeed is a proposal continuation of the continuously funded Eastern Town Hall proposal spanning from Fund 6, 7 and now 8.
Intellectual Property
Participation in our community is covered by a Contributor Covenant. A Contributor License accompanies contributions to our project. The copyright of anyone's contribution is retained; the agreement simply gives us permission to use and redistribute contributions as part of the project.
All our source code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0
Our published content is licensed under the Creative Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) License v4.0.
Additional information
By close communication, coordination and collaboration with the Catalyst Swarm, The Catalyst School, the Ambassadors Guild and the Bridge Builders, we build a Network of Community initiatives able to provide an A to Z onboarding process which allows newcomers to appreciate a fast and safe onboarding process.
We have also set up an Eastern Town Hall Stake Pool (C3ETH) and are part of the Ryuuki Fund and Network.
[1] GitHub Cardano Indonesia:
[2] GitHub Eastern Town Hall:
[3] Catalyst Swarm:
[4] Catalyst School:
[5] How DAOs should approach treasury management:
[6] Index Coop Q3 Financial Report:
[7] FWB DAO Financial Report (PDF): July Financial report published.pdf?dl=0
[8] Catalyst Fund6 submission phase analysis:
[9] Distribution of the global population 2021, by continent: