Last updated a year ago
Only few JP and East Asia companies recognize Cardano as main BLOCKCHAIN! so, it is difficult to adopt CARDANO into the real business world.
We will exhibit at the B.C. EXPO, largest business events in JP, and introduce Cardano to Japanese Fortune 500 and public organizations.
This is the total amount allocated to Exhibit Largest BlockChainEXPO(JP).
We will exhibit at the B.C. EXPO, largest business events in JP, and introduce Cardano to Japanese Fortune 500 and public organizations.
Cardano Youtuber / SPO / DC Spark member / Official Ambassador / Lawyer / Certified Accountant / Atara Prism Pioneers Program member
Exhibiting a Cardano booth at the EXPO will help spread awareness of Cardano. Visitors are businesspersons who have already registered their company and individual names. Specifically, we will secure a booth approximately 6 x 6M in size and attract visitors with a large sign expressing the Cardano logo and a gift. A presentation space with a large monitor, a PC for explanation, pamphlets introducing Cardano, and a comic magazine for beginners will be prepared to help all visitors understand Cardano. We will have about 10 explainers on site at all times to help visitors get to know Cardano well on the spot. EXPOにカルダノブースを出展することでカルダノを広く認知してもらいます。来場者は所属企業と個人名を登録済みのビジネスパーソンです。具体的には約6×6Mのブースを確保し、大きなカルダノのロゴを表現した看板とプレゼントで入場者を惹きつけます。大型モニタを使ったプレゼンスペース、説明用PC、カルダノを紹介するパンフレット、初心者向けのコミック誌などを準備し、全ての訪問者にカルダノを理解してもらいます。常時10人ほどの説明員を配置し、その場で良く知ってもらうように努めます。
Knowledge of Cardano will encourage public companies to consider adopting blockchain, while blockchain companies will consider migrating to Cardano from other chains such as Ethereum. カルダノを知ることで、一般企業はブロックチェーンの採用を検討し、一方ブロックチェーン企業はイーサリアムなどの他のチェーンからカルダノへの移行を考慮するようになる。
(A) Exhibit 展示
Distribute 5,000 copies of a detailed brochure on Cardano technology and explain it at the same time, exchanging business cards as much as possible to obtain follow-up contacts. (Target: 5,000 copies) カルダノ技術に関する詳細なパンフレットを5,000部配布して同時に説明を行い、できるだけ名刺交換を行いフォローアップ連絡先を獲得する。(目標:5000部)
(B) Sales 営業
Follow up with all acquired contacts without delay. (Target: 1,000 contacts) 獲得した連絡先すべてに遅滞なくをフォローアップを行う。(目標:1000件)
(C) Follow-up フォローアップ
Provide detailed explanations and advice to prospective clients with the full force of the team. (Target: 100% implementation rate) 見込客に対しては後日チームメンバーが詳細説明やアドバイスを行う。(目標:実施率100%)
●Team formation and entry (securing a booth) 2022/ July
チーム設立と出展登録 2022/7
●Planning and ordering of handouts, etc. 2022/July-Sep
準備とパンフレットの素案作成 2022/7-9
●Selection of projects and companies to exhibit and establishment of collaboration 2022/Aug
ブース出展内容検討や連携企業との調整 2022/8
●Announcement of the event via SNS and meetups 2022/Sep~
集客活動(snsによるイベント告知など) 2022/9~
●Booth exhibition 2022/Oct 26-28
EXPOでの展示 2022/10/26-28
Application amount: $80,000 (20,000$ for exhibitor fee, 35,000$ for structures and decorations, 15,000$ for brochures, goods, uniforms, etc., 10,000$ for transportation, postage, etc.) 申請総額8万$(内訳概算・登録とブース面積確保$20,000・構造物と内装$35,000・パンフレットや販促グッズ$15,000・移動や輸送などの諸経費$10,000)
●Shusuke Wakuda [Leader, SPO, Youtuber].
●Chikara Yamada [General Incorporated Association MAPOFBlockChain].
●Yuta [Ambassador, proposer of CatalystFUND2 Japan Governance Association].
●Masami Ishikawa [Attorney at Ginza Ekichika Law Office, former prosecutor].
●Mariko Ono [participant in the bi-weekly Eastern Hemisphere Cardano Meetup]
●Hideki Takeshi [Cardano ambassador, meetup organizer].
●Daisuke Ito [ICT Support Staff, SPO].
●KUNI [Medical equipment vendor (product planning, DX planning), SPO (LEON POOL)].
●GOSHIKI [Graphic designer, SPO (HANABI stake pool)]]
●AKYO [System operation, SPO (WYAM stake pool)].
●DOW [JapanCommunity manager of dcSpark, in charge of homepage (EXPO stake pool)].
●ISSA [university student]
●ROSE [SPO (Rose stake pool)]
●TORA [SPO (4KOMA stake pool),manga artist]
●KURIS [SPO (Kuris stake pool), NFTexpertl]
●MUEN [SPO (Muen stake pool), NFTexpert, Pharmacist]
and more (For details, see EXPO運営メンバー紹介 | CARDANO EXPO POOL (
It can be tracked by the numbers listed in the KPI above. We also publish it on a dedicated line open chat. 上記KPIに記載の数値で追跡できます。また専用のラインオープンチャットでそれを公開します。
KPI figures will be achieved and "introduce Cardano to Japanese Fortune 500 and public organizations" will be realized. KPI の目標を達成することで "フォーチュン500企業をはじめとする日本ビジネス界へのカルダノが認知されること。
We have previous submissions, each of which is associated with a different exhibition. 以前に提出経験があり、それぞれ別の展示会に関連しています。
FUND8: Fall 2022 (this proposal)
FUND7: Spring 2022
FUND6: Fall 2021 https:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano Youtuber / SPO / DC Spark member / Official Ambassador / Lawyer / Certified Accountant / Atara Prism Pioneers Program member