Last updated 2 years ago
There is no hub in Kandy
I want to setup a hub in Colombo. Both physical location and online meetings
This is the total amount allocated to Kandy Community Hub.
I want to setup a hub in Colombo. Both physical location and online meetings
I have been involved in onboarding projects for over 36 years, Also active in Catalyst, General ADA holder in Circle V3, VCA and CA work in F 6 and 7
Will use the funds to establish a community hub. This will contain resources to help people learn about Cardano and Catalyst. Depending on Covid, this maybe physical location or online meetings. Either way people will be encouraged to meet frequently in order to learn about Catalyst.
The proposal will enable many people to join in and interact with each other, forming networks and emergent energy between all participants
Some KPIs would be
No of people attending meetup
No of people joining Catalyst
No of people opening an ADA wallet
No of people joining Catalyst school
No of people joining other groups
No of proposals from members
No of funded proposals
Covid related lockdowns which would restrict food distributions
How to show the Catalyst community that they should support all efforts to provide for this great project so that Colombo can have its first hub
Month 1
Identify location
Meet groups such as universities, schools, colleges, IT institutes to encourage people to join
Start Social media campaign to promote the hub
Month 2
Identify first joiners and encourage them to join core group and come up with ideas. Incentivize them for participation
Month 3
Carry on with activities and increase scope of activities. Bring in new members as well as subcommittees carrying out various activities at multiple locations
Getting a location 3 months 1000 USD
Costs of organizing meetups for 3 months 10000
Incentivizing new joiners 3000 USD
Social Media Campaign 3000
Total 17000 USD
Contingency 3000
Total 20000
DImitri Fernando
Active member of Catalyst Community - General ADA Holder in Catalyst Circle V3, Community Advisor in Fund 6 and 7, Veteran Community Advisor in Fund 7, VCA in Flash Assessment in Fund 7, Cardano4Climate, Cardano Creatives, Founder of South Asian Town Hall, Active in Eastern Town Hall, Pacific Town Hall, European Town hall, Catalyst Swarm, Gimbalabs Playground.
Serial Entrepreneur, INFJ, Marketer by profession, Creative by passion, Strategist, Writer, Poet, Storyteller Has background in multiple sectors and has run several companies with groundbreaking technologies in Sri Lanka. Having his first job as a department store Santa at age 12, he learnt how bringing joy to kids and the less fortunate would bring unspeakable joy to life. He worked at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on various radio channels under the English Service, and learnt the art of communication, presentation, audio and radio production, and program compilation. Working often in highly tense security situations due to the ever present threat of terror attack on the SLBC by the LTTE he learnt to be cool under immense pressure and not let any crisis affect him. He is a Chartered Management Accountant, and Chartered Marketer. He has also completed MBTI and FIRO-B certifications and is currently becoming an ICF accredited Coach and DISC certified trainer and consultant. He has experience in multiple sectors, including Business Development on a national scale for global brands. He has been involved in social service projects for 35 years. He has been distributing food to the hungry several times a week since July 2018. Even during lockdown he was able to get a special pass as he was engaging in essential food distribution services.
Ryan Vukich Tech Lead
Rishantha Welikadage
RIshantha has been involved in multiple business sectors including State Government in Minnesota USA as a Hardware Technician and Entrepreneur. He has also worked in software development in the logistics industry. Being involved from the inception of a freight logistics company he grew it from 2 employees to over 30 and developed a proprietary system which was better than ready built systems available for a UK logistics and courier company.
He has obtained his MBA in Business Management from Australia and has also been involved in many Social Service organizations such as the Lions Club as well as food distribution on his own.
Uditha Bandara :
Uditha Bandara (MVP) is an expert in specializes in Microsoft , AI and Blockchain Technologies . He is an author in AI technologies, an international speaker and the founder/CEO of Blue Chip Asia and South East Asia`s First XNA/DirectX MVP (Most Valuable Professional)
Chamarie Ranasinghe
Chamari Ranasinghe has been involved in multiple entrepreneurial businesses for the last 25 years. She is highly experienced in managing complex projects and has a skill of connecting with all strata of society and can motivate any group of people. She has a down to earth quality about her that serves her well in her social service work which also brings her closer to her passion of helping people. She is also a qualified Ayurvedic Physician.
D M Saman Chandana
Saman has been working in the areas of technical maintenance and management for over 20 years. His skillsets bring needed planning and operations management to the entire operations of food pickup and distribution. His involvement with various low income and marginalized communities around Colombo help him regularly bring food and other needed resources to these underserved communities
Month 1
Identify location
Meet groups such as universities, schools, colleges, IT institutes to encourage people to join
Start Social media campaign to promote the hub
Month 2
Identify first joiners and encourage them to join core group and come up with ideas. Incentivize them for participation
Month 3
Carry on with activities and increase scope of activities. Bring in new members as well as subcommittees carrying out various activities at multiple locations
Having vibrant growing meetups over 3 months
Having core team of dedicated members
Having sub teams of active members
I have been involved in onboarding projects for over 36 years, Also active in Catalyst, General ADA holder in Circle V3, VCA and CA work in F 6 and 7