Last updated 2 years ago
SSI initiatives can identify the trust triangle but often lack the governance authority or trust registry to complete the trust diamond
Generate an initially "informal" space for increasing awareness of SSI/DID technologies through didactical and applied sharing of knowledge
This is the total amount allocated to DID Community Trust Registry.
Generate an initially "informal" space for increasing awareness of SSI/DID technologies through didactical and applied sharing of knowledge
@danbonfil: Msc Economics focused on Quantitative Finance, Incentives and Blockchain
PhD in Management: Institutions, Government and Policy
@andreassosilo: Cardano Ambassador, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Software Developer
Generate a space for any interested individual or community where SSI/ DDI content and applications with the minimum technological tools to generate VCs for didactical or internal usage and applied sharing of knowledge are available at their disposal.
Provided that SSI initiatives can readily identify the trust triangle but often lack the governance authority or trust registry to complete the trust diamond, we would basically want to create an initial "informal space" to do so.
This first step would include the database with console management basics for issuing and verifying VCs. Hopefully as people within the Cardano environment start using the technology, communities and countries will do so too.
Our proposal aligns with:
Assuring trust and giving individuals control of their digital identities
Partnering with ecosystem, governance and working groups
Community interest and engagement
Awareness of Cardano inside the SSI community
Some directions that projects can take are: Trust registries
Partnership and collaboration with Andreas Sosilo from "DID for Cardano Indonesia Community" @andreassosilo
Partnership and collaboration with Lance from "Open Source Credential Wallet" @LanceB
The project implementation will be realized at publicly available Gitbooks and embebed within the hosting site. Any user can follow up and audit ability. Additionally, a bi-weekly report will be published with project progress, major milestones and risk assessment.
If funded, we would work with our partners to create an accessible and standardized approach for any community to learn about and use the SSI/DID technologies.
Increasing awareness of the benefits and capabilities both in terms of identity and community with a large-scale distribution strategy would help accelerate inclusion and adoption of decentralized identity technology.
After not being funded in our first proposal, we present this revised version that incorporates comments, feedback, more succinct and oriented objectives.
SDG rating
SDG Goal
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SGD Subgoals
16.9 by 2030 provide legal identity for all including free birth registrations
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
16.a.1 Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles
@danbonfil: Msc Economics focused on Quantitative Finance, Incentives and Blockchain
PhD in Management: Institutions, Government and Policy
@andreassosilo: Cardano Ambassador, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Software Developer