Last updated 2 years ago
Ethereum users may not understand they need to be rehabilitated. Eth Rehab will serve as a info hub for a smooth transition to Cardano.
Develop a 12 step program that will identify inefficient crypto practices of Ethereum and provide solutions using the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Eth Rehab - Recovery with Cardano.
Develop a 12 step program that will identify inefficient crypto practices of Ethereum and provide solutions using the Cardano blockchain.
I myself am a recovering Ethereum user and understand inside the mind of a ETH user. Ethereum users may not understand they have a problem. Ex. gas fee's wasted on centralized miners using antiquated tech. Eth and Cardano community member, NFT artist, SPO, Shill-a-mania Champion
Eth Rehab will be a resource destination for current and recovering Ethereum users. We will develop a 12 step program that will help eth users understand the inefficient crypto practices of Ethereum and provide solutions using the Cardano blockchain. This program will be aimed at onboarding and educating rehabilitated Ethereum users. The 12 step program will focus on finding active Ethereum community members in their respective online ecosystems.
ETH Rehab will make a very fun and engaging arguments why Ethereum users should migrate to Cardano. we will have a certificate of completion to show how many people have gone through the program. will develop fully functioning interactive 12 step program with website, faucets, entertaining content and delivery.
the 12 step program will include comprehensive Videos, logos, banners, 3d, AR, CNFT content. We will also set up interviews, discussions, appearances, on as many platforms and community groups as possible.
This is a great way to onboard new users to Cardano from Ethereum in a fun, educational way. This will increase the amount of education about Cardano to Ethereum users.
This is really needed to spread awareness about the Cardano blockchain worldwide. This proposal bridges chains, cultures and countries together in common spirit.
The main Challenges to this initiative would be to not create interesting High Quality content. I think that is one of the most important aspects of this campaign. It cannot be boring, has to be really fun and engaging.
The time line of the Eth Rehab - Recovery with Cardano will be conducted over 3 phases.
The 1rst phase will Last approx. 1 month and will set up the infrastructure of the campaign. first thing will to be securing artist talents to contribution to the project. Organizing the storyboard and outline of the 12 step program. We will design all of the marketing materials including comprehensive Videos, logos, banners, 3d, AR, CNFT content. During this period we will also set up interviews, discussions, appearances, on as many platforms and community groups and members as possible. approx.. 30 days
The 2nd Phase will be aimed at onboarding and educating rehabilitated Ethereum users. the 12 step program will focus on finding active Ethereum community members in their respective online ecosystems. The marketing will deploy all of the materials that were made in phase 1 and will execute the full schedule of appearances, discussions, and interviews. within 60 days
The 3rd Phase will include recording progress of the entire campaign. will document the highlights into a CNFT that will be distributed as a record of information about the campaign. Make available free of charge to everyone that completes the 12 steps program and to further push the information / educational reference materials into the community. This should achieve full completion within 90 days after funding.
Hire 2 prominent Cardano artists @ $30 per hour 200 hours = $6000
Marketing budget = $3500
marketing, paid promotion, distribution
Storyline - Witter's, editors, $2000
make video about project - $1500
Website - $1500
Giveaway + CNFT budget = $1000
programming budget = $1000
Final editing and execution budget - $3500
Jason aka "Fractal Fuzion" aka "Fractal" is the team leader for Eth Rehab. Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT artist and Cardano community member.
Fractal Fuzion is a CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion, Cardano Stonerz club OG, Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador, active Cardano community member, catalyst community advisor, 2500 club member
Also have many talented artist friends in the Cardano community who I would rely on for help and creative input.
The Eth Rehab 12 step recovery program for recovering Eth users will award a CNFT to participants that complete the program. The CNFT's will be minted under a dedicated policy ID that will allow the community to see how many completion certificate CNFT's have been minted under the policy at
The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency.
Fractal Fuzion is available to the community for any questions or concerns.
Success for this project would be having a complete 12 step program that will identify the inefficient crypto practices of Ethereum and provide solutions using the Cardano blockchain. A successful project would be easy to use, have profession design, include a cool NFT at completion, auditable, fun, and educational to the onboarded user.
This is a brand new proposal from an experienced Cardano user and community member.
I myself am a recovering Ethereum user and understand inside the mind of a ETH user. Ethereum users may not understand they have a problem. Ex. gas fee's wasted on centralized miners using antiquated tech. Eth and Cardano community member, NFT artist, SPO, Shill-a-mania Champion