Last updated 2 years ago
We are solving problems linked to pseudonymous identity, facilitating collaboration & improving accountability and trustworthiness in web3.
GoingUP is a collaboration tool and an on-chain reputation scoring system for professionals in the crypto space.
This is the total amount allocated to Project Monarch - GoingUP.
GoingUP is a collaboration tool and an on-chain reputation scoring system for professionals in the crypto space.
We have diverse skills in Business, Design, Development and web3. We have worked together on and off for about 1 year in the design and development of smart contracts for Crypto artists and launched several artists led NFT projects generating sales of about 50ETH in 3 months.
GoingUP is the platform to build your professional reputation and network.
We are solving the trust issue that is common in web3 by rewarding and enabling users to build their reputation based on achievements, interactions and contributions. We will use your on-chain track record of past interactions, formal and informal roles, connections and awards to create a reputation score and a clear and on-chain proved overview of your capabilities. Even informal work, which is common amongst contributors and new starters, can be accounted for as we will enable users to offer tokens of appreciation.
Our solution is typically intended to be used by independent NFT artists looking for trustworthy Web3 developers, by investors doing their due diligence, by web3 projects looking for marketers with experience in building communities and by Millennial and Genz users new to the crypto space looking to join our fantastic industry and in need to build their reputation.
GoingUP will help dApps to identify and attract new talents and collaborators.
We are also going to build our “tokens of appreciation” on Cardano to keep them as affordable and as easy to use as “thank you notes”.
We will engage with our early adopters, supporters and investors in order to get feedback on how we can improve and make being an active professional in web3 easier and more enjoyable.
-Some of our main risks are associated with the integration of sidechains and the allocation of tokens of appreciation in regards to the gas fees. We plan to mitigate this issue by researching different mechanisms to reduce the cost of transactions and gas fees and building on Cardano is an obvious solution for that challenge.
-Network effects and how to onboard and provide value to many various users as fast as possible is another challenge. This is why we want to focus on specific segments at first and build a strong community from whom we can engage and get feedback.
Mid March 2022 - Alpha product release
End of March 2022 - Raise a pre-seed round
April 2022 - Beta product launch & start integration with Milkomeda
May 2022 - Full integrations with sidechains Milkomeda & Cardano
July 2022 - Creation of a new professional identity and reputation standard.
September 2022 - Development of on-chain professional identity infrastructure and smart contracts.
Our main goals and efforts are on the product and community side. We want to make sure that our product satisfies and solves the needs of our customers and users. We plan to use the funds in the following efforts:
-Devs: to build a product that is engaging and fit for purpose while adding necessary features: $75.000
-User base building: to create a strong community and engage with them to improve their platform: $15.000
Mark Ibanez - Co-founder/ CTO: Has 20 years of experience in software development and is also experienced in Solidity, writing smart contracts for NFT projects and currently collaborating with NFT Academy ran by YouTubers Crypto Brando and BrettMalinowski. Mark has a Computer Science degree from Ateneo University in Manila. Linkedin profile
Stephania Silva - Co-founder / CEO: Design Engineer, Entrepreneur, Gitcoin’s Kernel KB4 fellow with experience in the NFT space, has worked closely with crypto artists, running interviews and writing articles. Stephania has a double Master’s degree from Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art. Linkedin Profile:
Benoit Surroca - Co-founder and Business strategy lead. Columbia Business School MBA 2023 candidate, Holds an MSc in Railway engineering and previously worked in the railway industry and public sector as a System engineer. Linkedin profile:
We will measure our progress based on user adoption and interactions between users.
We’ll keep track of the time and the number of features tested, released and used through user feedback and engagement, GitHub commits and reality check with our roadmap and goals set on a weekly and monthly basis.
Success is an increased number of web3, crypto and NFT professionals, projects and companies.
We want to make the entry and transition into this industry as easy and rewarding as possible. We want to make sure that everyone joining web3 will have an enjoyable experience where they can easily make meaningful connections, and contributions, regardless of their level of expertise. GoingUP is a platform for everyone to navigate, network and finds fantastic collaborators to create innovative web3 projects.
Success at GoingUP will be measured by the incremental number of wallets and users onboarded and more importantly, the incremental number of smart contract interactions.
SDG goals:
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women, girls and LGBT communities
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
8.3.1 Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and gender
We have diverse skills in Business, Design, Development and web3. We have worked together on and off for about 1 year in the design and development of smart contracts for Crypto artists and launched several artists led NFT projects generating sales of about 50ETH in 3 months.