Last updated 2 years ago
For projects that want to migrate, they need to have information, support and direction by the community for a more efficient onboarding
Use an active catalyst community to welcome, connect, and support projects that wish to migrate or expend on Cardano
This is the total amount allocated to The Impact Migration.
Use an active catalyst community to welcome, connect, and support projects that wish to migrate or expend on Cardano
Cardano4Climate is a community driven project which emerged itself through engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem and provide constant services to our Community
Cardano and Impact
Impact is a key element of the Cardano philosophy. The first sentence at is “making the world work better for all” and you can see this line in practically every video of Mr. Charles Hoskinson as well as many of the Cardano ecosystem activities.
Following fund 6 we have conducted the research matching Catalyst proposals with SDGs and the results were very promising. This research showed that 27.5% of the funded proposals directly connect to impact the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and 68.5% indirectly connect to impact the SDGs. This is not a surprise as blockchain technology has the potential to have an impact on financial inclusion, governance, education, and other areas which comply with SDGs objectives.
This is a huge opportunity for Cardano to continue to be the leader in philosophy, technology, and initiatives that support the growing number of government initiatives, investors sentiment, and company projects aiming to “make this world better for all”.
Many purpose driven newcomers are therefore having an interest in Catalyst and Cardano. This proposal will focus on how we can support easy onboarding for those people and build a framework around it that could be shared with other communities as well.
Proposal for this challenge:
Use the Cardano4Climate community, network to the catalyst & Cardano ecosystem, and projects in order to build a model for onboarding new members through a catalyst active community.
The solution will includes:
Cardano4Climate is already welcoming newcomers and contributing to the onboarding process through our media channel, info sharing and meetups.:
Build the model for newcomers (main work for this proposal):
A 3 month process to collect information
Model development
How might we make it easy and fast for dApps and other projects to expand or completely move from Ethereum to Cardano?
By providing moderation, facilitation, coordination, knowledge sharing and guidelines through an active community will facilitate the interest and onboarding of new projects.
Why is it important? Many projects are stuck on EVM-based blockchains like Ethereum and are looking for an escape. Cardano can be faster and cheaper to use.
Knowledge sharing and guidance is important to achieve it.
Risk: The external community may not see how Cardano can help impact initiatives better than other block chains
Mitigation: We will undertake extensive educational opportunities to gather the evidence of Cardano’s energy efficiency, strengths in traceability and transparency, and use this material to educate the external community.
Risk: The growth of the community can outstrip our ability to successfully facilitate
Mitigation: We will train and on-board more people that are able to do community management and meeting facilitation. We will seek to train within our existing community first, and hope to draw more qualified people from other blockchain communities as well to fill these roles.
Risk: There are many industry sectors that are related to climate change, and we risk being ineffective by being spread too thin.
Mitigation: we will develop educational materials and focus on key areas of expertise
Risk: ineffective onboarding and connection to the right community channels
Mitigation: continue to promote coordination and sync within the community, Cardano projects IOG and CF
Risk: some of the Cardano tech tool are less mature than Etherium
Mitigation: we will guide newcomers through available solutions and coordinate with IOG tech teams
We are a global community of over 200 members, grown in 6 months around communication channels, meetings & a shared vision. 8 active core team members.
Since mid October, we have hosted weekly 90 minute zoom calls. We moderate a Telegram channel & Discord server with more than 200 members as well as maintain a YouTube channel & website. In the past 3 months we have hosted several Project Catalyst after town hall breakout rooms.
We have partnered with other Catalyst communities to collaborate such as Climate Neutral Cradano SPO group, DLT360, WADA, SWARM, Catalyst school, SustainableADA and more.
We have become a point of reference to connect community activities with ecosystem players such as Cardano Foundation, IOG, Cardashift, and Empowa all becomes activate members in the community
We have co-created a safe environment conducive to engagement
We organized, hosted, & recorded three "Catalyst Sustainability Goals" events in the last 4 months:
Clearly have demonstrated the ability to grow the number of members and create a platform for collaboration and interaction.
The work will be on going as we have in the last 6 months but will also include:
Deliverables and KPIs
Total budget USD 19780
USD 19780 for estimated over 20 potential projects represent less than USD1000 per project
The core team members is very active with the community and in addition to their rules being active as challenge setting members, impact activities, other communities and in the overall spread of the Catalyst and the Cardano community
We will coordinate the activities and work In collaboration with Catalyst and Cardano communities such as WADA (, SustainableADA (, and Climate Neutral Cardano (, Cardano Foundation and IOG impact teams.
We are committed to improving the transparency of our process & decisions with increased accessibility of this information to all of our stakeholders.
Deliverable will be presented at the Cardano4Cliame media channel
Join us Cardano4Climate:
On Telegram:
On Discord:
On Twitter:
On YouTube:
Related to our core work at
Cardano4Climate Community Events (
The work we are doing basically covers all the SDGs, depending on the specific project. Here are few key SDGs
SDG goals:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Cardano4Climate is a community driven project which emerged itself through engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem and provide constant services to our Community