Last updated 2 years ago
60% of millennial and Gen Z customers now want to change their buying habits to protect the planet [1], but 61% of brands do not use personal and collective wellbeing in their propositions. [2]
By remediating our front-end from Pages to Digital Conversations we create a new design paradigm that demonstrates and monetizes personal & collective development goals in a Social Appstore MVP.
This is the total amount allocated to Co-design Social Appstore MVP [SDA].
By remediating our front-end from Pages to Digital Conversations we create a new design paradigm that demonstrates and monetizes personal & collective development goals in a Social Appstore MVP.
Social Design Academy [website] coordinates collaboration between different communities using Live Classes [rsvp] focusing on a new front-end approach called Conversational Interaction Design. By changing the front-end UI for blockchain, we remove a lot of complexity.
[1] UNFCCC Report [2] Meaningful Brands 2021 - Havas Group.
Blockchain can truly become a force for good.
In this proposal, we ask for your investment in new social technology infrastructure development that will enable us to create true social impact through conversational interaction design, a new front-end approach to digital product design for web2 and web3.
A little background
I got funded for F6:In-wallet onboarding for Adaholders. This design research exposed so much more potential, but we have to remediate our front-end interfaces from pages to digital conversations to enable this potential. Using our page-based medium for the Internet was ok, but for blockchain, it becomes an innovation blocker.
Illustration of the digital conversations/chat-like approach.
A Social Appstore that deploys good around the world
Imagine an Appstore that does not focus on functional benefits, like our walled garden Appstores do, and extend this utility approach with a new type of social app tailored to personal and collective benefits. Recent research shows [2 - p20] that businesses struggle to look beyond their practical product and services. Mainly because of their focus on their products & services all day long and the emotional barrier we put in place between business and private. [see proposal image]
Social App Pilots (ideation, less is more)
Social apps use a chat-like interface to interact with an individual based on needs and personal or collective development goals. These Social Apps can be downloaded in a piece of client software in later iterations (decentralize the software agent), but we will use a front-end stack only for the MVP.
Two Social Apps
Personal - Ikigai - Your reason for being (work with Littlefish)
Personal - Personal Brand, 36 questions of self-understanding (Professors Gary & Brent, permission to use their names.)
The second is a reconfiguration of the first, showing the potential of Conversational UI Toolkit.
Measure and track Social Impact is a challenge in itself. Businesses use R & D all the time, but when it comes to Social Innovation, we seem to revert to experiments.
We chose this challenge because Monetizing Digital Storytelling is our core premise.
Once the first Social App emerges, we can ask people how they feel or trigger a sentiment side-story. By letting users consent and anonymize their data, we can get a tangible overview of inner and collective development goals. This sentiment data gives direction to develop new Social apps or improve existing ones.
Speed up Social Innovation through conversational software.
Conversational Interaction Design lives between chatbot and webdesign, and is a manual design approach at first. We remove interpretation of text input, and replace it with a visual interface. We bring in the eyecandy from webdesign, so a digital storytellng stream emerges.
Changing content in social apps is far easier than in our page-based counterparts, with often requires to redesign the whole page-based flow,. So speeding up Social Innovation through software is another reason we chose this challenge.
A Social Design Academy project.
SDA coordinates this project in live classes. We believe we can systemize social impact by Humanizing and Democratizing software design using a public interest technology mindset. Our core philosophy is that our software got us in the mess we are in today, and it can get us out.
Read more in our Gitbook or join our SDA Discord.
"The future is already here; it's just not evenly distributed." is one of my favorite quotes.
Conversational UI Toolkit turns parts into assets.
There are many moving parts, but we also have a lot of eyes and expertise in the ecosystem; using live classes is our magic bullet. By focusing on modules, and a chat-like approach for Social Apps, we also remove a lot of feature bloat you see in software today. Concentrating on one task completion at a time, we create a focus for design, development and the user.
Conversational Interaction Design reduces a lot of complexity, and using a Conversational UI Toolkit approach, we can leverage and focus our energy and effort.
Breaking the system down into product segments and modules
Using a First Principles method on Social Apps, we can extract Conversational Modules. (Check our Task Reward Budget for a specified / more visual overview)
E.g., an Ikigai consists of four questions. By breaking main questions down into sub-questions, we lower the barrier for people to think about their reason for being.
I have been using Ikigai in workshops since 2019, and some people are intimidated by these highly personal questions. Providing people with a Social app that keeps them on track, and holds their answers in a private data vault, can help many people overcome mental blocks. Compounding little insights, even answering questions differently over multiple days, is valuable. (Out of scope, but exciting: This just might create a whole new approach to mental health as well, as your data is not directly known to the service provider, you answer to yourself really.)
The power of conversational modules
Let's imagine we can break down an Ikigai into 12 questions, which still means 1 question module, and an 'Experience manager' component (simple schedular) that will manage a schedule to user choses. (E.g., Ask people 1 question a day just before bed time or in the morning.)
In short; A Conversational UI Toolkit that consists of product segments, components, and conversational modules, helps us leverage our potential. A 'Lego toolkit for Digital conversations,' or Flutter for Digital Storytelling as Devs might call it, sets up a good mental model.
Looking back on our web2 profiles doesn't make much sense; we all must unlearn and relearn together.
Another mitigation strategy is to value willingness to learn over ego and status. Learning while doing is part, and staying humble is the path to success. If we want to build real social software a lot of our page-based design approaches don't apply anymore. What stays is a clean approach to html/javascript/css but we repurpose these technologies for digital conversations.
Avoid / Control wrong us of this novel technology
Social Design Academy will provide partners with a SDA Social Technology Stack License that can be used by organizations using a Design for Good Intent. The SDA license has to be created by SDA Partners, and gives us control over technology stack usage. We envision a Social Brand definition in the future, so we can govern use Conversational UI Toolkit for public interest technology.
Other cooperatives
We will also start reaching out to Social technology cooperatives here in Amsterdam; although the missing web3 collaboration heart might be missing, we only know if we try.
A more visual Task-Reward spreadsheet here.
Social Design Academy will coordinate this work in Workshops & Social Technology Stack Live classes. We want to attract web2 UI developers that want to bridge the web2 and web3 world by mastering Conversational Interaction Design (Output of the F6: In-wallet Onboarding for ADAholders proposal.
Social Design Academy has three pillars;
Design thinking needs a paradigm shift (Pages → Conversations)
We believe that if we can redirect community energy;
By upgrading our thinking, we move from Design thinking for siloed solutions to System thinking for relational solutions.
Recent research by Fjord trends supports this;
"For years, the application of user-centered and human-centered design advocated by so many has often separated people from ecosystems. Now, designers must start to address people as part of an ecosystem rather than at the center of everything. This means designing for two sets of values: personal and collective." — Fjord Trends 2020 (Fjord, 2020) [1]
By building a Conversational UI Toolkit for Society, we multiply every dollar requested. Let's co-design a social technology stack together and become a force for good.
The Social Appstore for Society
Social Appstore MVP/POC is a community R&D project. To create a Social Appstore that delivers personal and collective development goals, we have to combine forces. Not only between people (personal) but also between communities (collective).
Our Collective Development Goals are;
(1-3) is an indication, we will have collective discussion about this before start.
Your investment funds help us validate the chat-like UI for Social Apps. By focusing on specific 'lego-bricks' (e.g., Speech bubble modules, In-line menu, Question modules, Side-story cards, Sentiment modules), we can converge energy into a solid production pipeline/workflow approach for individuals and communities.
Two Social apps that illustrate overlap in modules usage
We are in good contact with Littlefish (Ikigai) and the Professors behind the 36 Questions for self-understanding. [source]
These two Social apps give us focus.
We envisioned the following UX Storyline as MVP/POC scope:
Above is a method called UX Storylines, which sets the scope of our thinking. Less is more, but we want to create the start of a Conversational Assistants Network. A real social network that is exciting and surprising and revolves around the following five qualities of civilized Society by Alfred North:
Truth, Beaty, Art, Adventure, Peace.
Subscribe to meaning in a new Social Appstore outside of the walled gardens.
'Together we Stand, Divided we fall.'
We must not fall into the trap of thinking in absolutes. Once you identify yourself with one system, you are lost. Let us connect in freedom, as we are just nodes in the network called life.
We can bring our humanity into the network by designing Assistants into the network.
We can't expect to build the new with one investment; we must include the passion known in the web3 and Cardano community. Social Design Academy shall create a pitch deck for businesses that want to co-invest in Conversational Scripts & Module packs to round up additional funds and compound possibilities for a Conversational Brand Assistant Network.
We assign funds to tasks, and individuals or communities are made responsible for production in workgroups. We motivate each other by showing each other work/new possibilities in Design circles.
The objective is to create a tipping point in Cost vs. Value, using the leverage effect of compounding modules in a Conversational UI toolkit. Will this effort trigger a true Social Impact revolution?
Your investment will help us develop the first foundational 'Lego bricks'; see our Reward Schedule spreadsheet. [link]
Remember, Society is the sum of individuals; if we increase the self-connection of the individual (love for self), we become a better society (social cohesion).
Looking at the words that make up Civilized Society;
Truth, Beauty, Art, Adventure, Peace.
These topics might not so coincidentally be under attack today.
Let us deploy Hope narratives in a new by the people for the people Social Appstore and combine our Collective genius.
The Social Appstore - Subscribe to meaning.
Check the Task Reward Budget for a concise, more visual overview.
Deliverables: Workflow, Products segments, Conversational Modules, QA
Stakeholder: SDA-crew, Partner communities, Social Layer
Period: Sept-Febr'23
Budget: 788 x $50 = 39400
Key Milestone Sept '22-Febr'23
Delivery of the Social Appstore MVP, this is not a linear process, but to give an indication of focus:
Because of the product segment and module setup (see budget), we create the opportunity of creating a de-centralized workflows. By using design and progressions in live-classes we keep people updated and on track. We use our SDA Gitbook And Invision to create one source of truth.
Co-responsibility & Co-ownership is key in this project.
SDA uses a 50$/hour co-production rate.
Check our Social Appstore Task Reward Budget spreadsheet for a precise overview.
Workstream - Setup Workgroups
Budget: None, covered in the SDA Live Classes budget / Class preparation.
Workstream - Product Segments
Budget: 360 hours x 50$ = $18000
Workstream - Module Production
Budget: 396 hours = $19800
Workstream - Peer Review Group
Budget: 32 hours x 50$ = $1600
New thinking for New Possibilities
Workgroups, communities and members
The aim for this project is to let people work in workstreams that span communities. Using a UI Toolkit approach we can focus energy on specific element, enabling a decentralized workflow. We will use The Social Design Academy live classes (rsvp channel) to bring education and production together. Coordinating around product segments, components, and modules give us focus and spreads mutual understanding in communities.
Social Design Academy
This project is coordinated by Social Design Academy in live classes, so we don't create any double work of overlap. By bringing Product segments and modules to class we create focus and value for the communities in the Catalyst / Cardano ecosystem.
We also want the budget to go to participants to give gratitude to contributors. Reward is for motivation purpose, not full time / expense coverage. Getting the Social Appstore operational by buying Apps with ADA, is where the revenue for all contributors must be found.
Konma organization wants to provide resources and is willing to educate developers on missing skills. They are currently training eight Plutus developers. The permaculture principles of Konma, People care, Earth care, and Fair share, align directly with Social Design Academy.
"This is an amazing project and will definitely be a breakthrough in creating a great UX for web3 space. We are super excited to collaborate on this proposal. We will be more than glad to extend our support on the technical end with Konma Labz where we currently have students undergoing application level Haskell and Plutus training and our in-house blockchain, AI and ML expertise in developing these solutions.
-- Vinay Devabhaktuni, CEO
Littlefish Foundation is an experiment on a new business model without borders, degrees, bosses, and 9-5 working hours. Instead of a hierarchical command order, individuals (as we call them Littlefish) with the same goal in mind create colonies. Colonies, in practice, will be able to form a reward-sharing mechanism between the members.
Motion UI developer skills & Cardano development skills are needed!
Beck, Dagwell, and other already indicated they want to help as well. If you would like to contribute and have skills in the transitional UI / Motion UI department, or at Cardano CLI level, please reach out in our SDA Discord.
Conversational UI Toolkit enables decentralized work.
By combining real world use cases, live classes we are confident that we can get people excited about directions for web3. By keeping the product in this proposal small. By re-purposing modules from the Ikigai Social App, into the Personal Brand / 36 questions for self understand, we found a novel way to reduce overhead, churn and add focus that spans communities.
I think we have to, because remediating a medium is not done overnight, but the goal is to create a revenue stream that goes into side-treasuries.
When F9 tally results are in, F6: In-wallet onboarding for ADAholders is done. I have too, taken long enough, the dangers of design research, you can always do more.
We track metric totals weekly and monthly from project start:
This new way of working across communities is quite unique. If we can make this work using a Conversational UI Toolkit approach, we found a patch towards true social impact through conversational software design.
We can show that Digital storytelling, Digital Wayfinding and Conversational Interactive Content can deliver true social impact.
We found a way for people to buy value from chain, and use these firts personal development goal apps as content through their conversational url.
Related Proposals:
Social Appstore MVP [SDA] [You are here!]
Launch Social Design Academy [SDA]
Catalyst Proposal Assistant [SDA]
This is a continuation of the Social Design R&D in fund6: In-wallet onboarding for ADAholders.
I think a Social Design Session around these goals and which Social apps could be build to deliver measurable results would be a great idea, but that's a proposal in itself.
Setting up Personal & Collective development goals, which work from the bottom up, might be a good addition to power-up SDG's.
Social Design Academy [website] coordinates collaboration between different communities using Live Classes [rsvp] focusing on a new front-end approach called Conversational Interaction Design. By changing the front-end UI for blockchain, we remove a lot of complexity.