Last updated 2 years ago
There is not a dashboard of tools that exist in the Cardano ecosystem that impact driven projects can use to learn about their options.
Create an informative dashboard similar to for impact driven projects to be able to understand existing tools they can use for their projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Dashboard of Impact Tools.
Create an informative dashboard similar to for impact driven projects to be able to understand existing tools they can use for their projects.
Our team is a group of Haskell and Cardano veterans currently building no code DAO infrastructure on Cardano. We see the need to have an informative hub that showcases tools that high impact projects can leverage.
For this proposal we will synthesize available tools in the Cardano ecosystem that can be used by high impact projects in a dashboard. We will make it easy to learn and understand what the tool can be used for and how to start using it.
The tools we will showcase involve the following categories:
This proposal will help impact projects discover innovative ways for impact-oriented projects to create financial value out of their impact generation, notably by issuing impact tokens by educating and informing the ecosystem of tools they can use to increase transparency and traceability on the impact generated by a specific project.
We know that this proposal is feasible, but the main risk of making it worth while is finding enough tools that are verified to be useful and secure for impact projects to use.
Our team is working to build Clarity DAO infrastructure ( The majority of our team is focused on blockchain development for this infrastructure, but we have team members that see the value in this proposal and have time to dedicate to building it out. I have detailed these individuals in the team section.
Month 1:
Create wireframe in Figma
Research and sourcing of existing tools impact projects can leverage
Month 2:
Turn wireframe into interactive website
Research and sourcing of existing tools impact projects can leverage
Compile research and create informative/educational pages for each tool
Month 3:
Beta testing with users and iterations
Compile research and create informative/educational pages for each tool
Month 4: Full release of Website
$30,000 TOTAL
$60 /HR
500 Hours Total
Research and sourcing of existing tools impact projects can leverage
100 Hours
Create wireframe in Figma
100 Hours
Compile research and create informative/educational pages for each tool
100 Hours
Turn wireframe into interactive website
150 Hours
Beta testing with users and iterations
50 Hours
Ben Hart: Ben Hart has been working across the software industry for 10 years as a manager and developer, and is the Director of Cardano Operations at MLabs. His past work has included bringing many software projects to market. He has worked across multiple blockchains, as well as in traditional finance applications.
Logan Panchot: Logan is a recent graduate at Stanford University and has been part of the Catalyst community since fund4. Logan is a deep believer in the potential of decentralized organizations to create a better world. At Clarity, Logan is responsible for business operations, community growth, and client adoption. (
Justin Schreiner: Justin has a background in Computer Science and is a Plutus Pioneer. At Clarity, Justin is responsible for business operations, talking with users, and implementing improvements to the platform. (
Kevin Ma: is a designer and developer who’s inspired to make tech accessible to everyone. He is has experience with web development and has a passion for creating accessible and smooth UXs.
No, this project can be completed with the budget communicated.
We will measure:
The number of tools that we verify as useful for impact projects to use.
Goal at launch: 15 Cardano native tools documented and explained
Goal for growth: We are aiming to add 3 tools per month after launch
The number of projects that utilize the website to source tools useful to them.
Goal: 20 projects at launch
The number of interviews/beta tests we have with impact projects to understand the solutions they are looking for.
Goal: 30 interviews and beta testing
Our team is a group of Haskell and Cardano veterans currently building no code DAO infrastructure on Cardano. We see the need to have an informative hub that showcases tools that high impact projects can leverage.