Last updated 2 years ago
There is no online store where ADA can be used to purchase sustainable apparel and merchandise that depicts the native tokens, NFTs, Dapps and websites built on top of the Cardano blockchain.
Build an online Eco-friendly Cardano store that uses ADAPay and only sells items made from sustainable fabrics and recycled materials, and promotes Cardano tokens, NFTs, dapps and websites.
This is the total amount allocated to Eco Friendly Online Apparel Store.
Build an online Eco-friendly Cardano store that uses ADAPay and only sells items made from sustainable fabrics and recycled materials, and promotes Cardano tokens, NFTs, dapps and websites.
We are a team of talented developers that are passionate about bringing more utility to NFTs in the Cardano ecosystem. The team has experience building online stores ( and sourcing so we are up to the task of connecting IP holders with sustainable manufacturers.
We propose creating an unofficial Cardano apparel website. It will sell Cardano and ADA themed apparel, alongside apparel that will display NFTs and promote projects that are built on Cardano. NFT apparel will be designed with QR codes, so that the ownership of the NFT can be verified and inspected. Initially Tangent apparel will be sold, with the hope of slowly integrating other popular projects on Cardano for representation (subject to their permission and respect for IP). The website will also integrate with ADAPay in order for purchases of the products to be transacted in ADA. With Cardano’s low transaction fees and efficient transaction speeds, the website is sure to show off the qualities that makes Cardano one of the most superior blockchains to-date.
An important principle within the Cardano ecosystem is environmental sustainability. The use of the Proof of Stake (POS) structure, alongside initiatives to plant 1 million trees, are all examples of the dedication the Cardano ecosystem has to protecting the environment. In accordance with this ethos, products sold on the website will be sourced from suppliers who use fabrics made of recycled materials. Additionally, the background of suppliers will be researched to ensure that all products are produced under fair labor principles.
Dapps, products, and integrations are crucial in providing real use cases for Cardano and the ADA currency. Most uses for cryptocurrencies like Cardano are mainly localized to other digital applications. In other words, there are few opportunities to use ADA to purchase real world goods. A Cardano apparel store addresses this problem by creating an online website that allows customers to purchase Cardano related apparel with ADA. By reaching out to other Cardano based tokens/projects and seeking their permission, representation of the diversity that exists on Cardano could be showcased within the store and this would provide invaluable promotion to these smaller projects. Furthermore creating a store of this sort not only provides greater utility to use of ADA, but also can expand upon the utility and value to Cardano NFTs with the sale of special NFT themed apparel that provide NFT artists/owners with another form of passive income and monetization for their NFTs.
Creating an apparel product line is a significant endeavor. Using high quality fabric created from recycled materials while ensuring fair labor practices further increase the challenge. Manufacturers will need to be vetted and where possible traceable industry standard compliance certificates displayed to ensure that fabrics are indeed sourced from sustainable means (i.e. is this cotton 100% organic, where is the proof, etc). Creating a website is simple enough, and the payment system of ADAPay is already developed. Another issue is forming partnerships with NFT artists, native tokens, dapps and projects built on Cardano. It is very important to ensure that Intellectual Property is respected and that artists receive a fair share of any profits generated from the sale of apparel based on their designs. Also verifying that NFT holders do indeed have the rights to reproduce their NFT and sell them is another issue that will require investigation. Therefore taking an approach of gradually rolling out designs and merchandise for sale is the best approach. For example starting with Cardano (ADA) designs (that are subject to open source copyright) and then moving to the larger native token projects who would be happy to just have promotion for their project/dapp, before finally contacting NFT artists and holders.
2022 Q2:
2022 Q3:
2022 Q4:
2023 Q1:
Online store Design (internal & external) = $10,000
ADAPay Website Ongoing Integration Costs = $2,000
Product Sourcing Costs: $1000
Website Hosting & Maintenance: $800
Marketing = $2,000
Clint Alexander // Co-founder, Head of Development
Ben Gordon // Co-founder, Visionaire & Marketing Technologist
Benjamin Grabow // Senior Software Engineer
Sydney Bright // Plutus Pioneer / Cardano Coder
Shahabaj Dange // Front-End Developer
Roman Gor // UI / UX
Alexis Golding // Legal Compliance Advisor
Henry (Kwrtz Artist) // Digital Artist
+another 2 programmers for staking platform development
Further team information can be found here:
We have set our budget accordingly, meaning return requests for further funding for this specific proposal is unlikely. After the initial start up costs listed, the online store should be self-sustainable, generating enough revenue to cover website hosting and maintenance costs.
Our team was fortunate enough to learn about the Catalyst programme a number of weeks ago and have been immersing ourselves within the community since. Town Hall has been a highly beneficial, weekly addition to our team in regards to knowledge building and networking, most notably within the breakout rooms post meet. Furthermore we plan to host a number of breakout rooms ourselves in the near future, if possible to promote collaboration between the online store and other Cardano projects.
Progress in this project consists of two main phases:
Ultimately, success in the project will be determined if many different items can be sourced that promote Cardano projects and NFTs and the website is sustainable itself by generating enough profit to cover annual overheads (around $800 usd per year after initial setup costs). Before that happens though, success is the proper implementation of a clothing line that is generated with our ideals of sustainability in mind. Additionally, the hope would be that this store grows to support many projects on the Cardano ecosystems, while also providing support and utility to NFTs sold across the ecosystem. Success will be evident when many projects and popular NFT art are a part of the online store, all sharing in profits and outreach.
This is the first Catalyst Fund Tangent is participating in.
SDG goals:
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG subgoals:
12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
12.5.1 National recycling rate, tons of material recycled
We are a team of talented developers that are passionate about bringing more utility to NFTs in the Cardano ecosystem. The team has experience building online stores ( and sourcing so we are up to the task of connecting IP holders with sustainable manufacturers.