Last updated 2 years ago
There is no proper fundraising mechanism for impact Initiatives in Cardano Community. Cardanians want to give but have no fun options to do so by buying tickets to fun events
Create fun events like eating challenges and sponsored walks where I will carry out challenges in order to raise funds, This will be livestreamed for ticket holders to watch. Tickets sold only in ADA
This is the total amount allocated to Fundraising for Impact Initiatives..
Create fun events like eating challenges and sponsored walks where I will carry out challenges in order to raise funds, This will be livestreamed for ticket holders to watch. Tickets sold only in ADA
I have been taking part in Eating challenges and sponsored walks and cycle rides all through my life. I have raised funds in various capacities. I want to bring both together for Cardanians to enjoy and raise funds at same time.
I plan on organizing eating challenges, sponsored walks and other fun events which people are willing to a. buy tickets for and b sponsor and thereby show that the cardano commmunity is socially conscious. TIcket holders will have live streamed entertainment whereby they will see me taking part in eating challenges and sponsorted walks etc .. and simnilar challenges..
and also part of the funds going towards my charity Five Loaves Two Fish
which distributes excess food to poor and needy
This would be done ( if using catalyst funding) as a community awareness building project
So eating challenges, people would buy a ticket to see me eat 10 bags of 200g each potato chips. or an entire roast chicken or two, whateer constritutes a challenge.. Ive already done hot food eating challenges, a dinner plate 6 inch tall burger with fries and pickles, 30 6 inch ice cream sundaes each having 3 scoops vanilla ice cream, fruit salad, sprinkles, and the wafer pipe, then one time 20 slices of pizza which was a large size pizza
Such challenges would be of interest to people who want to see unusual entertainment.
At the same time I would organize a sponsored long distance walk where Cardanians will pay for a given number of kilometers. For example 1kn = 10 ADA.
This will be a concurrent walk. So multiple people will buy tickets to get me to walk..
Sponsors can provide larger amounts, in which case I would wear their T shirt or cap or other visual branding.
A loyalty programme would be created for loyal supporters. As they buy tickets ( NFTs) their purchases would be tracked and points allocated. As they get more and more, the points will enable them to get discounts on tickets and after a certain level when they buy one, they will get one ticket free. This will motivate them to support the fundraising efforts on a regular basis, to buy tickets for others and generally increase their participation.
The challenge will show how to monetize impact projects. THis will enable a mechanism whereby a fundraising tool will be created where events will be listed. People can then buy tickets in the form of NFTs. They will get access to a site which can only be viewed if they have an NFT in their wallet. That NFT is their ticket.
People can sell their NFTs to others or else they can view the event.
The loyalty programme would monetize the impact and create a measurable way of seeing how many people are involved, in whcih programmes they purchase tickets, what level of loyalty they display and so on.
Bad Weather on the day of the project.
Not enough people buying tickets
Not enough sponsors
Another Covid outbreak
Value of ADA falls significantly making it impossible to cover the cost of eating challenge or other challenge eg sponsored walk etc.
Month 1
Creating the fundraising tool with NFT ticket allocator
Creating the loyalty programme with ability to increase ones points, the more one participates
Brainstorming as to what would be a suitable eating challenge.
Creating at least 5 separate eating challenges to be done over space of 3 months
At least one sponsored walk
Tickets for these would be bought by Cardanians
Sponsors will be sought
Month 2
Eating challenges begin. Tickets are sold and event is livestreamed. One sponsored walk takes place
Month 3
More eating challenges . TIckets are sold and event livestreamed. Second sponsored walk takes place. If not sponsored walk another challenge ( e.g Skydiving).
Cost for creating the tool 10,000
Creating loyalty programme 5000
Organizing of events 16,000
Administration of events 4000
Video coverage and production of documentary of this 5000
Social media to promote events 2000
Marketing and promotional materials creation - videos, animations, twitter space coverage - 3000
NFT Minting related costs 2000
DImitri Fernando
Active member of Catalyst Community - Community Advisor in Fund 6 and 7 and 8, Veteran Community Advisor in Fund 7 and 8 , VCA in Flash Assessment in Fund 7, Cardano4Climate, Cardano Creatives, Founder of South Asian Town Hall, Active in Eastern Town Hall, Pacific Town Hall, European Town hall, Gimbalabs Playground
Serial Entrepreneur, INFJ, Marketer by profession, Creative by passion, Strategist, Writer, Poet, Storyteller Has background in multiple sectors and has run several companies with groundbreaking technologies in Sri Lanka. Having his first job as a department store Santa at age 12, he learnt how bringing joy to kids and the less fortunate would bring unspeakable joy to life. He worked at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on various radio channels under the English Service, and learnt the art of communication, presentation, audio and radio production, and program compilation. Working often in highly tense security situations due to the ever present threat of terror attack on the SLBC by the LTTE he learnt to be cool under immense pressure and not let any crisis affect him. He is a Chartered Management Accountant, and Chartered Marketer. He has also completed MBTI and FIRO-B certifications and is currently becoming an ICF accredited Coach and DISC certified trainer and consultant. He has experience in multiple sectors, including Business Development on a national scale for global brands. He has been involved in social service projects for 35 years. He has been distributing food to the hungry several times a week since July 2018. Even during lockdown he was able to get a special pass as he was engaging in essential food distribution services.
Rishantha Welikadage
RIshantha has been involved in multiple business sectors including State Government in Minnesota USA as a Hardware Technician and Entrepreneur. He has also worked in software development in the logistics industry. Being involved from the inception of a freight logistics company he grew it from 2 employees to over 30 and developed a proprietary system which was better than ready built systems available for a UK logistics and courier company.
He has obtained his MBA in Business Management from Australia and has also been involved in many Social Service organizations such as the Lions Club as well as food distribution on his own.
We may need more functionality on the tool
We may want to do larger events.
Number of tickets sold
Number of views
Number of shares
Number of likes
Number of retweets and likes on Twitter
Number of likes and shares on Instagram and Facebook
Funds raised for charity
Creating awareness in the local community that Cardano community cares for their needs
Creating awareness that Cardanians know how to raise funds by fun and entertaining events
INcreased interest in continuing this with more events each month
I have been taking part in Eating challenges and sponsored walks and cycle rides all through my life. I have raised funds in various capacities. I want to bring both together for Cardanians to enjoy and raise funds at same time.