Last updated 2 years ago
Current impact value and monetization can be measured with the Edify full value impact tool but it is xlsx based and does not bring any advantage to Cardano or Cardashift. Yet.
Convert our existing Full Value Dashboard tool and methodology into an online tool that is used in both on-chain and off-chain use cases, and used at mass scale to measure current and future Impact.
This is the total amount allocated to Measuring business impact w Cardano.
Convert our existing Full Value Dashboard tool and methodology into an online tool that is used in both on-chain and off-chain use cases, and used at mass scale to measure current and future Impact.
Edify CoLabs has a long track record of working with impact led technology based businesses using a methodology and tool for measuring the full impact value of their operations. Additionally, we have experience of codifying business processes into technology solutions.
Our problem is quite simple, we have an existing tool for measuring the full value of current and future worth and impact created by private and public organisations. However, this tool is currently based in MS Excel spreadsheets and therefore relies on a very manual and labour intensive process to complete.
Your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have;
Our tools, programs and methodologies:
We want to scale the impact assessment phase of the work we do, but this is not possible with a manual assessment method. We want to create a new ‘container’ and delivery capability for our IP – one that is scalable and so can be used as a standalone product by our clients.
Following this, our roadmap includes building out a web3 version of out tool which can be expanded out to deliver a fully interactive community with big data, governance DAO and tokenisation elements for our product set.
Performance coaching and consultancy:
Scalable product set that also allows us over time to build a community of users for our current organisational performance coaching products and following that, a similar community built around impact focussed coaches and consultants
Full Value, Commercial Impact Valuation product and community:
Scalable product set that also allows us over time to build an online community of users for our current Full Value, Commercial Impact Valuation programme. The end game for this product can be seen as a Full Value Impact version of the commercially focused business only valuation products such as ValueBuilder:
Describe the value that the solution will add
It is now reported that up to 80% of the value of an organisation does not show up on its balance sheet when it is sold*. This ‘intangible value’ is based upon the people in an organisation, the capabilities they bring to it and the people based (i.e. performance and relationship assets) they create. If this value remains intangible – then it is not measurable, meaning that most of the value of an organisation remains hidden.
This causes problems both in getting a fair valuation for a business (especially a purpose driven, impact focussed one) and also in leading and managing a business effectively. This is based on the proviso that if you don’t really know or have full understanding of what the assets of your business are, then how can you manage and grow them effectively?
We have coached and mentored leaders from start-ups to large private and public organisations for over twenty years, and have developed a method of understanding how to measure and value the full commercial wealth, cultural wellbeing, purpose, worth and impact, delivered by the companies and organisations that we’ve worked with.
Our approach allows them to measure and value both the current tangible – physical based, commercial funds and assets as well as the intangible – people based, capabilities and assets: that they have created, and now hold.
By creating an online tool we will be able to attract many more businesses and other organisations to our services, and to the Cardano blockchain.
This allows us to work with them to create a full value audit of their current operations, and it allows them to create a purpose-based business upon both a commercial vision and a cultural intent.
We provide this information as a dashboard that allows them to understand where they are today, in terms of their purpose and alignment and their full value, and also where they would like these to be in the future.
From here they can codify a current combined ‘worth’ of their organisation which can then be future paced to provide an attainable purpose led full value impact future.
Our dashboard can then be used as a measurement tool to be repeated regularly in order for them to stay on track to achieving their purpose.
By automating our tool, value will be created for Edify CoLabs as more companies will purchase the tool online.
There is consequential value created for the companies that use the tool as their effectiveness is improved and greater profitability is achieved.
Describe the scalability of the solution
Our solution is scalable because it will be coded into an online tool and made available as a self-assessment platform, therefore providing the ability to scale at mass.
Describe the sustainability of the solution
Business sustainability
Our product is centred around helping organisations and their leadership teams build in long-term business sustainability by accounting for and leveraging both their tangible and intangible assets (whilst being aware of both the positive and negative impacts that their purpose and strategy will have). Our product supports organisations in delivering long term business sustainability by having the right resources in the right place at the right time to be able to make long-term sustainable profits. Since 2012 our overall product set has been built to work in conjunction with the VRF’s Integrated reporting framework
Environmental sustainability and impact
We adopt a 5 P model with the clients we work with, covering: people, planet, purpose, performance and profit. Our full value impact dashboard supports leadership teams in gaining a clear understanding of purpose and focus on their external Impact on their workers, team’s organisation, community, society and planet. This is done both internally by considering both commercial and cultural impact within their operations and leadership teams, and externally by identifying and running to delivering on the appropriate environmental sustainability goals. Our purpose is to support our clients in becoming Impact focussed organisations – that consider and include the UN’s sustainability goals in their own purpose, vision and intent and are aware of the concepts of impact monetisation.
Our solution is sustainable because it is a virtual tool that needs no consumption of resources other than the already committed energy resources of the blockchain.
Who your project will engage, or who its stakeholders are
Our project will have multiple stakeholders:
How your project will be implemented
The project will be implemented in phases:
What you will produce
This proposal will result in an online tool that enables clients of Edify CoLabs to self-audit their impact, that in turn will enable coaching and mentoring towards impact growth outcomes.
What will happen as a result of your work
As a result of this project, Edify CoLabs will be able to market an online Web2.0 tool to our existing client base and attract new clients at mass scale. As a SaaS platform, this in turn will pull businesses into Cardano. This will support our blockchain based management consulting business.
Explain what's unique about your solution, and what value it brings to the Cardano ecosystem.
The Edify team has 50+ years of experience coaching and mentoring companies, and there is little evidence of other organisations taking this integrated full value approach to business growth – particularly for small to medium sized businesses. From this experience we have developed the full value audit tool that will be automated into the online tool described in this proposal.
Explain who will benefit. Does your proposal primarily benefit
The beneficiaries of the project will be:
How could the Cardano technology be leveraged to build new solutions for positive impact valuation and monetization?
The challenge description calls for solutions to how Cardano technology be leveraged to build new solutions for positive impact valuation and monetization.
We already have a product set that allows both current and future positive impact valuation and its monetisation.
Our proposal is to develop our existing spreadsheet based tool into an online product.
This will be used to help businesses understand and measure both their commercial income and assets, and their cultural performance capabilities and assets. These include leadership and organisational culture.
This solution will be used as the basis of an online community on a web3 platform with associated dApps. This will show the suitability of the Cardano blockchain as a platform for delivering business solutions, thereby driving adoption of the blockchain in the business community.
We envisage the following risks:
Risk – identify key technical partners to assist in describing the gap between capability and delivery of the smart contracts. We will work with technical developers within the Cardano ecosystem.
Risk – Describing the solution that delivers the outcomes required by the business use case in terms that will lead to a coherent scope of work for the development phase of the project in the future
Project roadmap
After voting takes place and funding is successfully secured the following programme of work will be undertaken. A project plan is provided on the Miro board project roadmap:
The milestones that we will use are:
The total cost of this proposal is US$14,550
The objective of this proposal is to create a technical scope of work against which the development of Phase 1, the App development to automate the existing spreadsheet model, and Phase 2, the development of a Web2 and Web3 website, can be costed.
The participants in this proposal, with their hourly cost estimates, are as follows:
Harry Hellyer
Harry will ensure that the requirements of the companies providing the use case/s will be met and will liaise with the executive leadership of each company to ensure that they have a clear expectation of the capability of the Cardano ecosystem.
NED, and chairman, executive and business coach specialising in full value-based impact innovation programmes for enterprises and organisations.
Founding partner of 50th Generation – one of the UK's first Social Business Generational Accelerators – 2014-2018
Credited for supporting the development of the NHS's first Sustainable Development Vision and Strategy programme.
Coached Fellows on the Cambridge University, Programme for Sustainable Development,
Coached Fellows and Lectured for the Cambridge University, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning - Social Enterprise
VP and director of strategy, marketing strategy and business development for several global IT, media and telecoms companies.
Alan Casey
Alan is a specialist in technology – business process integration. He will lead the investigation into the needs of the use cases, their interpretation in technical scopes of work and the drafting of the resultant whitepaper.
Manager of a sovereign national grid control centre during a period of technological and cultural change.
Founder and consultant in an organisational effectiveness measurement system deployed into a global advertising and marketing communications network.
Founder of a conversational AI company creating systems that evaluate and improve competence in key organisational skills.
Member of the Edify Community.
Fellow of the RSA.
Jude Ugwuegbulam
Project manager
Developer team
We will be partnering with experienced developers with whom we have existing relationships.
We are presenting multiple proposals in this fund as well as in previous funds here is an explanation of the workload management.
we are part of a catalyst entity called EdifyColabs. This is formed of other catalyst members where appropriate. And it. is backed by our off-chain business Edify Business Ltd - website link enclosed. As such we have a direct team of 5 staff - all of which are working to deliver our Catalyst proposals as appropriate. we currently have 5 funded proposals running across F7 and F8 all of which are weekly programmes in our core delivery space of consultancy coaching and use case design and delivery.
Yes, in Fund 10 we will submit a proposal for the funding of the development of the application and integrated website.
The metrics we will use for the measurement of progress of our project once implemented will be:
We will have a dedicated project manager. The project will have key milestones.
Public Update Channel: we will use our Twitter channel: @edifycolabs for updates on project progress
Success for this project is a functioning automated online tool that provides feedback to users as described in the scope of work.
No, this is a new proposal.
SDG goals:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Edify CoLabs has a long track record of working with impact led technology based businesses using a methodology and tool for measuring the full impact value of their operations. Additionally, we have experience of codifying business processes into technology solutions.