Last updated 2 years ago
Quality data for studying health for People with Period (PWP) are missing and are much needed to support medical research, policy changes and while factoring in gender equality and specificity.
A privacy first app for :
•Data capture over longitudinal surveys over multiple years allowing to build a comprehensive profile for users
•Analytics of trends and personalized recommendation systems
This is the total amount allocated to Period Health app.
A privacy first app for :
•Data capture over longitudinal surveys over multiple years allowing to build a comprehensive profile for users
•Analytics of trends and personalized recommendation systems
This is a first venture in the blockchain entrepreneurship space. Margarita is a qualified survey methodologist and myself a seasoned IT professional with recent qualifications in blockchain at the University of Zurich.
See attached document - PeriodHealth.
This submission is foremost about generating impact or PWP at a global scale. However such impact needs to be measured as well as monetized through an incentivized token-economics for it to be sustainable
This is an early stage idea being submitted for seed investment. As such it is at risk of being copied.
The current crypto-winter season with loss of valuation of crypto valuations is also an issue that may affect productivity.
Yes we will return
Currently this submission is for the discovery phase and also to explore the Cardano impact finance ecosystem and see how this could take off from there.
Key deliverables are :
1 : UX mockups for the user experience ( mobile app, data exchange, )
2 : Initial survey design for PWP health tracking focussing on period pain and impact on personal, couples, social and professional life
3 : Initial response from impact finance ecosystem to plan funding principle and product roadmap for test launch in dec 2023
All 3 categories of deliverables above should be completed by Dec 2022.
This is a new proposal
Goals impacted are 3, 5, 8, 10
This is a first venture in the blockchain entrepreneurship space. Margarita is a qualified survey methodologist and myself a seasoned IT professional with recent qualifications in blockchain at the University of Zurich.